1 minute read
IHlonesty and Dependabrlnty
we have often said that the fundamenrtats of human success are ATTAINABLE to the nlan with a mind to think and a will to DO.
But it must be remem'bered that in this case, as in the Scriptural injunrction-"The first sh,all be last, and the last shall be firsg"-fo,r beyond any question of dou,bt tfie one primal asset that a rnan MusT possess in tlre race for human success, and upon which, as a foundation, he must build ALL of his superstructure with the other characteristics mentioned,-is HONESTY.
Lacking that first fundamental, the brighter, the smarter, the more anrrbitioug the more energetig the rnore enthusiastic, the more "punchftrl,', the more courageous, the more "staying" quality he hasr-the nrrore dangerous a menber o{ society,he shall bq There is no constructive place in the eternal scherne of things for the man who is not mo,rally, rnerrtally, phpically, and etornally HONEST. The btrsiness world has learned that HONESTY is EVERYTHING. Ttre most ca.pable and vigorous and powerful perso,nality on earth sinks below the level of mediocrity in the eye o{ thinking naer4 when we learn that his honesty is questionable.
To REALLY succeed, you've GOT to be straight.'
And closely aldn to DISHONESTY cornes UNRELIABILITY. A man may not be downright D,ISHONEST; perhaps wouldn't take anything that bclonged to the other fellovrr under any circumstances; but if he is un" reliable, undependable, ttren, in a business way, he is cf little more lyalue than the man who is light-fingered.
There is rnighty liittle ,roorn in the eternal scheme of 'things for the manr whom you Ean't put your "finger or1" all the time.
When you say sf a s14n-"HE IS SQUAR'E and RELIABLE,"-you have said the two greatest things possible in his behalf.