2 minute read
Random ltems-Mill Run
R. MacArthur, fonnerly of the firnr of MacArthur & Kauffman, San Francisco, has retired from the lumber business and sold his interest in the firm to C. L. Kauffman, son of F. A. Ka,uffman.
The firm of MacArthur & Kauffman, now conducted by F. A. Kauffman amd C. I-. Kauff'n.ran, will contintte in the wholesale lumber business along the same conservative lines that it has for the past fonrteen years.
Hammatt Takes First Vacation In Years
R. F. Hammatt, secretary of the California Redwood Association, 'accompanied by merlbers of his family, had the first real vacation late ir.r October, that he had had in three or four years. They went down near Santa Cruz and enjoyed the great out-doors.
W. R. McMilland, general superintendent of the Hammond Lumber Company, has gone East on a business trip. He will ,/i sit New York, Washington and other cities in that pa1ft of the country.
'fhe Smith-Lindsey Lumber Company is the newest retail enterprise at Pasadena. The principals are R. E. Lindsey, well known Pasadena lumberman, and James C. Smith, former mayor of Clinton, Iowa. A substantial stock of lumber has been installed on the company's property at 1464 Lincoln avenue in Pasadena
Imperial Valley Rate Case Up Again
An examiner for the Interstate Commerce Commission will be in Los Angeles on November 15 to condutt a rehearing on the new famous Imperial Va,lley rate case, which the Southern Pacific has had reopqned. Several months ago the Commission granted a reduction of two to three cents per hundred on lumber moving from, Los Angeles harbor comrnon points to various destinations in the valley. The railroacl says the redu'ctions were not jus,tified. Iumberman will defend the reduction.
Show Back From Eastern Trip
A. T. Show, well known Los Angeles wholesale lurnber dealer, returned recently from Hastings, Neb., where he visited his bovhood home and his mother, who is past 90 years of age. Mr. Show r€ports the Middle West in good condition. He traveled east via Portland and the Northwegt and callecl on some of his mill connections in that territory.
Fuller Has Good Display At Exposition
W. P. Fuller & Co., paint manufacturers, l.rad an inter'esting and unique display at the California Industries Exposition in San Fran.cisco. 'fheir exhibit was a sn.rall house with two entrances, one entrance Colonial and the other English. B,oth the interior and exterior of the house were fittingly painted with appropria-te colors. One feature oi tlreir display was giving away a Polychrome mirror everl' other dav to the person holding the lucky numbers.
Heinecke To Operate At Ontario
J. W. Heinecke, well known Southern Cali{ornia lumtr€rmafl, has bought property adjacent ,to the Southern Pacific tracks at Ontario and soon will erect the necessary equipment there for the opera-tion of a modern lumber business. Mr. Heinecke formerly was ma.nager of the Hanrmond yard at Ontario, but for the last few years has been operating a yarcl at Upland.
Warren -f. Hull. formerly connected with the Hayward Lumber & Investrrent Company at their Fillmore yarcl has resigned and acceptecl a position with \\'oo<lsBeekman Lumber Company,.at Beverly Hills.
We have ready for prompt rhipment from our Bay Point, Cal., plant, a considerable quantity of Ix4 to