2 minute read
New State Association Has Plans for Much Active Work
Pending the election of a permanent secretary-manager, the ofhces of the newly-formed California Retail Lumber,men's Association in the Lumbermen's building, San Francisco, will be in charge of Miss Jessie Eggleston, the assistant secretary, who has been connected with the organization for the last six months.
Larger quarters have been secured in the Santa Marina building and the offices will be moved to that location within the next few days.
Meanwhile much interest in the new association has been developed throughout the state. A great many new m,embers have been reportedto headquarters. By the first of the year, it is expected, a big proportion of the retailers of California will have affiliated.
C. W. Pinkerton, who was elected president at the San Francisco convention two weeks ago, plans to devote considerable 'of his own time to associa'tion affairs in the next six months. He hopes to secure a solid membership among the dealers of Southern California. Mr. Pinkerton long has been active among the retailers in the South. He is highly popular rvith tthem a,nd they are elated to see him head the state association.
Other parts of the state are reporting a lively interest in the affairs of the new organization. They feel that there is a big need for it and that much important work is ready tci be done.
Under terms of the constitution adopted at the San Francisco meeting, membership is limited'to retail dealers, but the w,holesalers and manufacturers are giving the organization their earnest support and good will.
The constitution in full follows:
NAME AND +EHl?rBJr "orrc*"o
The name of this organization shall be the CALIFORNIA RETAIL LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION. and the territorv shall be the State of California.
Article Ii
The object of this .,I*B"Pt:"J?rc[ oro.,,ia. for its members such industrial services as will enable them to secure for their busjness its full productiveness, and to assist them in obtaining and maintaining public recognition and appreciation of their poiition as community builders and loyal citizens.
SECTION l. No rules, regulations or by-laws shall be adopt- ed in any manner stifling competition, limiting production, iestraining trade, regulating prices or pooling profits.
SECTION 2. No coercive measures ef any kind shall be prac- ticed.or adopted toward any retailer, either to induice him to join the Association, or to buy or refrain from buying, from any par- ticular manufacturer or wholesaler. Nor shall any discriminaling practices on the part of this Association be used or allowed against any retailer for the reason that he may not be a member of the Association, or to induce or persuade him to become such member.
SECTION 3. No promises or agreements of any kind shall be requisite to membership in this Association, nor shall any penalties be imposed upon its members for any cause whatsoever.
SECTION 1. Any person, firm or corporation within the State of California, regularly engaged in the retail lumber trade, carrying an assorted stock of lumber, sash, doors and other building materials, reasonably commensurate with the demands of his community, shall be eligible to membership in this Association.
SECTION 2. A membership fee of $10.00 shall be paid by each member, check for which should accompany application for membership. Dues to be $50 00 per year, per yard, for each yard of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) or over Investment, or $25.00 per year, per yard, for each yard of Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars ($24,0C0.00) or under Investment. Dues to be payable semi-annually in advance. For the purpose of raising necessary funds the Board of Directors shall be empowered to levy an assessment upon each of the members of the Association, providing that such assessment.shall not exceed 2 cents per thousand feet in any one year, covering the sales of each member for the 12 month's period prior to the date of levying such assessment. Retail dealers having more than one yard shall be considered as members only at points for which they have takcn membership.
SECTION 3. The membership fee and annual duei and such