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assessments as may be levied as provided in the preceding section, when paid, shall entitle the party to membership and to ill rights and privileges of this Association, to the end of the year for which such dues are paid and no longer; but membership may f,re renewed for each successive year by the prepayment of the annual dues for any such year as provided, unless the Board of Directors shall for any reason determi.ne that the party is undesirable or ineligible for membership.
SFCTION 4. Any member may withdraw from membership in this Association at any time by giving written notice to thi Secretary of such withdrawal and by surrendering his certificate of membership.
Any member selling his business, without changing the yard location, can have the membership of the yard or yards transferred to the purchaser upon approval of the Board of Directors and by paying any dues that may be delinquent.
If a member transfers his business outside of the territorv embraced roy this Association, he shall be deemed to have withdrawn from membership.
SECTION 5. Any member withdrawing from membership or ceasing to be a member for any reason, shall not be entitled to refund of membership fee or of any annual dues, or refund for any property rights, or any part thereof, but the same, and the rvhole thereof, shall belong to the Association absolutely.
SECTION 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, 3 Vice-Presidents and a Treasurer, who shall be elected from the Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a board of Directors, of which the President and Vice-Presidents shall be members.
SECTION 3. The Secretary-Manager shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 4. The President and four members of the Board appointed by the Directors shall constitute the Executive Comrnittee of this Association. They shall have charge of this organ- ization betrveen meetings of the Board of Directors, but shall be subject at all times to the control of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 5. Thirty days before the annual meeting each year the President shall appoint a .nominating committee of five members, who shall nominate at least twice as many as are to be elected Directors, and the committee shall submit such nominations in n'riting to the President, at least two weeks before the annual rneeting, and the President shall immediately, through the