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Secretary-M'anager, announce by mail to the membership such nominations. After the nominations have been announced, any member may at the annual meeting make additional nominations from the floor, prior to any balloting. Election of Directors shall be by ballot, a letter from absentee members shall be deemed a ballot, majority vote being sufficient to elect, each member to be entitled to one vote.
SECTION 6. A Board of Directors shall be elected at the first annual convention consisting of 21 members;7 for one year; 7 for two years; 7 for three years; and thereafter at each annual elclction there shall be 7 elected for a three-year term. In case of a vacancy the Board of Directors shall have power to filI same and their action shall hold good until the next Annual Convention.
The Directors shall elect the officers of the Association at their first meeting after the Annual Convention each year.
Article Vi Duties Of Officers
SECTION L It shall be the duty of the President, or in his absence, a Vice-President, to, preside at all meetings of this Association or its Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. The Directors shall examine the books of the Secretary-Manager and Treasurer as often as they deem necessary and if they shall find anything not satisfactory to themselves, they shall at once report the same to the President, who shall have the power to remove the Secretary-Manager.
SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Manager to keep the minutes of all meetirrgs of this organization and to keep a strict account of all moneys belonging to it and take vouchers for all moneys paid out. He shall make a report at each annual meeting of the work of the previous year. Bonds in amount decided necessary by the Board of Directors shall be furnished by the Treasurer and Secretary-\danager.
The Secretary shall notify each member of the annual and special meetings at least ten days previous to such meetings.
The Board o'f Directors shall prescribe and determine what other service l-re shall give to the organization during the term of his office.
SECTION 4 and care for all expenses of the
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to recerve rnoney paid into the Association and to pay all Association, takinq proper vouchers for same.
Article Vii Meetings
SECTION 1. The annual convention of this Association shall be held on the date and at the place selected by the Directors.