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When deemed advisable ty the Board of Directors a semi-annual may be called at time and place designated by them.
SECTION 2. Special meetings of this Association may be called by the Board of Directors when in the opinion of the Board such meetings are necessary.
SECTION 3. A quorum of this organization Ior the transaction of business shall be thirty; a quorum of its Board oi Directors shall be seven.
Article Viii Compensation Of Officers
A1l officers and directors of the Association, except the Secretary-Manager, shall receive actual travelingi expenses to andl from all meetings, and five dollars per diem while such meetings are in.
Amendments to these By-Laws nray be made at any annual meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present. In case of necessity, of which the Board of Directors shall be sole judges, such Board may amend these articles, by q two-thirds vote of the Board president, and such amendments shall hold good until the next following annual meeting of the members. The above By-Laws are hereby approved and adopted by the Directors oi this Association.
The compulsory arbitration plan and method of The Ameri'can Wholesale Lumber Association is winning the approval of business men generally, even outside of the ranks of the industry. The Chicago Journal of Commerce. a very powerful business and financial journal of the middle west, on October 31. carried a full column story of the arbitration rule and activities of the Association, commending them very highly indeed.
White Pine Sugar Pine Douglas Fir
When the retail lumber dealers of the state selected C. W. Pinkerton of Whittier as president of their newly formecl association at the San Francisco convention late last montl-r. their ch'oice fell on one of the most poptrlar lumberman in the state.
As an execntive of the state and the Southern California associat'ions, Mr. Pinkerton has come in contact with most of the active dealers of the state. and everywhere he is recognized as a live, progressive, straight-shooting, hard-hitting chap. It is nniversally agreed that the state association didn't go wrong when it selected him and that it can't so far wrong so long as he is at the head of it.
'fhe old adage abouL a prophet being u'ithout honor in his own countrv doesn't h,old good so lar as Pinkerton is cengslngd-not that he, is a prophet exactly, but he is wise enough to be one all the same-for he has been head of the \\rhittier Chamber of Commerce for two or three rterms and preside.nt of the Orange County Lum,bermen's Club at varlous tilxes.
As head of the Whittier Lumber Contpany he has done his share. along rvith the other yards at Whittier, 'to educate the people of the communitv to buy their lum'ber at home. Those slicksters r.vho go around trying to induce the consumer to buy in car lo,ts "direct from the mill' or rvherever it is they profess to get their luruber from, have been starvecl out of Whittier, for the people of Wh,ittier are loval to their local yards.
\\'e expect to hear sonre grea't thirrgs of the state association with Piukerton at the hel.n.
O. S. King, San Diego
Building permits issued for,lhe n.ronth of October inr.olve the large-st expenditdre in the history of the city of Odliland. The number of permits issued totaled 9O4, and invoh'e the sum oi $2,053,602.
"Never before in the historv of Oakland l.ras there been such a program of building as- is --oing on at the present time," says Frank Colburn, Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. "The an.r,ount of construction work is greater than in any otl-rer city on the Pacific Coaslt. The amount of building indicates the general prosperity of Oakland and its rapid progress."