1 minute read
That State eonventfion
'fhe hercl w'as milling aimlessly For pretty nigh a year, liach bunch content to lrasture in 'fhe spot it held most dear.
But like a far-nily that has grown And separated wide, llach little crowcl just had to knorv \\'hat others had to hide.
So one r,r'ould drift out {ron.r his garg And r.ningle witl.r another's And 'stead of finding things weren't right. Discoverecl lots of brothers.
Ancl after nrixing back ancl forth For rlatrv a weary moon, 'lhe thought came that the whole big l>unch Shoukl get together soon.
So cvery fellow closed his desk And purchased gasolineCliml>ed in the family chariot And beat it for the scene.
'fhey snapped it rrp-they put it through \\'ithout much "recitation" \\,thich means they have the CALIFORNIA RETAILERS' ASSOCIATION.