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The Process of Writing an Ad
DON"| try to lvrite an ad unless yott have sornething definite 'to 'I'ELL. any mLrre than you would write a business letter to a firm you know verl' little. without having something specifi'c to sav to them.
The first step in ad rvriting is to have a RIIASON, further than simplv the necessity or desire for filling some space. Don't E,VE,R write or rtln an ad just to filI s1>ace. Save yottr money.
Before beginning the actttal writing o{ an ad, discol'er two things for certain: \\'hat you have 'fO SELL, and how the purchase of same rvould BtrNEFIT THII READER.
And if your acl cloesu't contain those ttvo propositions, your money ar-rcl effort are \'vorse than rvasted.
Go over what you have to se1l. Ilven thottgh you don't eventually write the acl, that investigation of the specific things yott have to offer the public just at this time will be of clistinct value to you, for it rvill shorv yott a lot oi things vou har,en't et.en beett thinking of.
Ifow about STOCK? Plenty? What kinds and amounts? What will it MAKE that your trade NEEDS at this 'tin.re of the year? How about prices? Anything INTERESTING to tell your trade about that? How about specials? Haven't you something you could offer specially at a special price, that your stock would be well enough witl.rout, and the sale of which mieht bring people to your place of business and perhaps interest them in other things ?
How about SERVICE? Deliveries? Accounting? Credits? Plans? Ideas? Information? Suggestions ? Constructive aid ?
How about your OFFICE? tractive ? Thought provoking ?
Pleasant? Clean? At-
Tl-rese are a few of the FIRST and MAIN things to be considered.
List tl.rem. ANSWER THEM. And the first thing you know you'll be lvriting the best acl you ever wrote in your life.
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