2 minute read
Canfield Hailed as Real Hoo-Hoo Poet
California Hoo-Hoo are proclaiming a poet within the ranks of the order who soon may gain recognition outside the borders of the state. He is John Peter eanfieldi of ,the Woodhead Lumber Company of Los Angeles, and'was a kitten at the con,cat at Arch Beach early in September.
On the occasion of the recent love feast in honor of Qavid Woodhead, retiring snark of the Los Angeles district, Y-oqlg Canfield contributed a poem, which, sung to the tune of Al Jolson's popular "Yoo Hoo" created quite, a hit with the boys. Here it is:
You'll hear us calling Hoo-Hoo
__On your back yard fence some night, You'll hehr us calling Hoo.Hoo And you have to join or fight.
When the Cats and Kittens gather F-or concatenations new.
You bet your hat their Hoo-Hoo Means "We Want You."
Oh Kitten nrew to Hoo-Hoo
Close approach and doff your hat, Your hand upon your Hoo-Hoo Bow before the great Black Cat. By the nine long lives undying, Swear the oath of constancy, And pledge your faith to Hoo-Hoo Eternally.
Our hearts are finn ra/ith Hoo-Hoo And our mottos "Do it right,"
Our pledge and word to Hoo-Hoo Is to keep its honor bright.
Pep and progress is our mottoMirth and fun, with Service too.
We'll tell the world that Hoo-Hoo Ever means true blue.
One hundred and sixty-seven million feet of timber has recently been sold on the Plumas Nationa! Forest of Cali- fornia,6y the .Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. The timber covers abou,t 14,000 acres in what is known as the sugar pine-yellow pine belt in the heart of the Sierra Mountains of California.
It is estimated that this amount of timber, together with the inter-mixed privately owned timber, will rEquire eight years to cut and convert into lumber.' Twentvlone ,miles of railroad will be built to connect with an existine logging railroad 40 miles in length. As usual in this type oT forest, the logging will be done by donkey enginesj but Forest Service men will carefully supervise-the iutting so that all young and thrifty trees- wilf be left for fuiure growth. Only marked trees will be cut and brush and debris resulting from logging will be piled and burned.
This large body of timber was sold to the Swayne Lumber Company, an established concern in the locality, which is now logging on private lands in the same witershed. The United States Treasury will be enriched approximately $360,000, at the rate of abourt $45,0CO r y""t.' prices received w-ere $3"50 per thousand feet for sugar pine, $3 for yellow pine, and $1 for other s,pecies.
Old Dr. Roof.
An indignation meeting of all malignant germs has been held to protest against our crusade for better health and longer life of all WEAVER customers. A most eloquent germ stated it was enough for the WEAVER ROOF COMPANY to make roofing last longer and better than other roofings without turning the same methods against the destructive bacteria and lengthening human life.
Notwithstanding the outcry of these pernicious animals who infest joints of all kinds, we are more determined than ever to be of equal help to life as to waterproofing, and so we recomrnend a fearless, worqrless attitude of defiance to all illness-germless or germful.
Worry multiples troubles without solving any problems. It fatigues the mind, impedes the circulation, ties up the nerve centers and turns poise to poison. Our prescription No. 4 then is to take worry by the long hair, use your No. | | boot properly applied and kick it so far it will cost $8.00 to send it a post card.
The first essential to cease worrying is to sell WEAVER Roofing. You can't worry about that-it is too clean, too strong, too durable to cause any but a pleasant feeling of satisfaction.
Try it and waste 1ef-rrr6nt not-worry not.
WEAVER Rtl(lF C(l.
Sylveder Weaver, Precident 339-341 Eut Second Street
M anufac turers of Satisfaction