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787 P. E. Building - Los Angeles Telephones-lltain 1326 and 12338
H. W. McLEOD RETURNS FROM NORTH FI. W. Mcleod. r'ice Dresident and rranager of the Hantmonrl Ltrnrlrer ('t,rr11.y;111'n at l-os Arrgeles, h;s rettlrlled fronr a three weeks'r'acation tritr to the Northwest, arrd to Caharla. NIr. \IcLeorl iorrnerly livecl irr Canacla ancl reuewed acquair.rtance with nrany of his old friends. He als,o callecl at some o[ the rirills in Oregon and \\tashingtolt otl the wav.
Dealensu Nurseryr Rhyme
Sing a sorrg of six pense, A dealer full of "pep,"
Built a first class lrrmber store
And g<-,t hirnself a "reP."
Built it rvith a Service Roorn.
The first the town e'er had, Installerl a set of plan books, 'fhen r'vrote him out an ad.
\\'hen the store was opened.
'l'he [,,,lks all called on hirrr.
Ar.rd gave hinr lots of business-
It started r,r'ith a r im, [hey looked into his plan books
\\Iith nifty 1>ictures fi1led, Now wasn't that a dancly stnnt l{e showed thcm how to fix their
To nrake the people build?
(Which he rvas expert at)- 'fhey follou'ed closely his advice, On this plan or on that.
And so the town kept growing- It was a happy place.
And as it grew from day to day
The business grelv apace.
Now here's the moral of it, \,Vhich we have often said:
"You've got to give folks service
If you want to get ahead."
Redwood Association's Annual in S. F. Nov. 21
The Annual Meeting of the California Redwoocl Association rvill be held on Tuesday, November 21, with an unusually full attendance already promised, according to Donald Macdonald, its President.
This date, which is three months earlier than in pre- vious years. was decided upon at thei last meeting of the Board of Directors.
"The change in the clate of our Annual Meeting is rleemed essential righ,t now because there are many piob- lcms r.itally affecting our industry and upon which early and unanimous action is highly desirable,'r says Mr. Macdonald.
Among the numerous important questions that probabl_y wiil engage the attention of the meeting is that of refuresta,tion, which several of the individual redwood operators already have given nruch ea,rnest attention.
Further development of the association's trade extension program, r.row being so energetically prosecuted by Secretary Llammatt also u'ill receive deserving cousideratlon.