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Lumber By-Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
Cornell Wood Board Representative Has Big Trip On His Travel Schedule
J. J. ("Jack") Lahiff, Pacific Coast representative for the Cornell Wood Products Co. of Chicago, has just started on a trip to call on 'the trade in Arizonar and New Mexico. He will be gone until about the last of rthis month and then will start on a swing through the Northwest, visiting his principal connections in Oregon, Washington and Ida.ho. He wlon't get back to his home in Los Angeles from lthat trip much before Christmas.
The demand for Cornell Wood Board never was better, says Mr. Lahiff and the lumber dealers are joining readily in the campaign to edu,cate the consuming public on the numerous effective uses for this handy and serviceable building material.
L. C. Stewart, sales manager Sudden & Christensen, has returned from a two-weeks' business trip to the Northwest. Mr. Stewart visited Portland, Raymond, South Bend, and Aberdeen. He reports that the mills are working to full capacity, and although the car situation is bad, thatthe cargo business is excellent.
B. W. Cadwallader. of the Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co., has returned from a three-weeks' business trip in the east. Mr. Cadwallader visited Chicago, Jamestown, N. Y., and New York,City. He will leave on December 1 for Manila, where he will inspect the company's logging and milling operations'on'the islands.
San Pedro Has Good Building Year
Building permits in San Pedro for the first ten months of the year approximated $5,775,000 and at this, rate the total for the year will approach, if n'ot exceed, $7,000,000. Permits for October were $760.0@.
Comings Is Hammond Manager At Ontario
W. G. Comings has been appointed ma,nager of the Hammond Lumber Company's yard at Pomona, succeeding E. A. Sliker, who left the service a few weeks ago.
C. L. Hill, in charge of the of;fice of Products, at the U. S. Forest Service office at San Francisco rep'orts that the air drying experiments rn the Redwood region are progressing rapidly. The experiment at the Union Lumber Co. at Fort Bragg has been .completed; the men are now at the Albion Lumber Co. mill and as soon as the work is completed there they will go to the Little River Redwood mill.
The work this year is confined tol sticker heights and the spacing of boards. Six piles of lumber have been erected, and periodical examinations of sample boards in the different piles will be made to determine the mois'ture contents and to find out under wlhich c'onditions theldrying is most favorable. Owing to the various, factors that will have to be considered, it will probably take five years to ,complete this experiment.
J. B. Studley of the Forest Products laboratory at Madison, Wis., is, supervising the field work. Next spring the same experiment will be started with Pine at the Fruit Gr'owers' Supply and Lassen Lumber & Box Companies at Susanville, Pelican Bay Lumber Co. at Klamath Falls, Madera Sugar Pine Co. at Madera, and tl,e Standarcl Lumber Co. at Standard Citr'.