3 minute read
Some Home Building Propaganda That Isn't Entirely Correct
All the propaganda we read concerning home building and home needing in this country isn't entirely truthful, Dy any means.
There came out of the city of Washington the oiher 4^y ^ press story that was printed the country over, evidently inspired by a very excellent organization, The Ameri.can Institute of Architects.
The statment that there is too much shack-building being done in place of home-building in this country, wJwill agree with. But the insinuation that "in but a {ew isolated districts of the country are builders pdying adequate attention to the construction of small houses," we disagree with, and the facts will strongly disprove, any such assertion.
The fact is that there are verv. verv few soots in, the United States today where the piospective small home builder cannot go to a retail lumbi:rman and find pictures and plans of small homes, modern to the last minute, scientific in arrangement and attractive in appearance. They can get plans that are drawn by as fine architects as there are in the country, and they can get them-in connection with a house bill of lumber-for little or nothing.
So, this article we refer to tells us, the American Institute of Architects has arr.anged to furnish practical plans for small homes for a slight cost of around $30 each.
The Institute probably means well, but the plan book folks who serve the lumber industry have them clear up a tree.
Mr. Prospective Small Home Owner can go to the nearest live lumber dealer and look through a big selection of attractive, correct, and scientific small homes of great at- tractiveness. And when he finds the one that suitJ him he can get the plans, practical and thoroughly guaranteed,drawn by splendid architects-for onlv a small percentage of what the Institute is going to ask. Most live deale'rs throw in the plans with the house bill.
The Southern Pine Association has in less than a year distributed to retail lumber dealers in the United States
200,000 copies of their 'plan book, "Modern Homes," prepared by R. M. Williamson. of Dallas, Texas, and one of the most beautiful and practical plan books of homes ever made. There are few consuming districts in America where these books are not in use. And the person, who wants the blue prints can g'et them for a dollar and a half a set.
This is only one of the plan book services that the public has fallen heir to in the last year. Every town in the country today has retail yards that furnish plan book service, we hope. If there are any where such service is not to be had, the local dealers ought to be thrown out, and room made for those who will give the public what they are entitled to.
And they are entitled to ideal, modern, practical, and scientific home plans for less than $30, and don't you ever doubt it.
Here in California the lum'ber dealers in general give their trade ,a rvonderful service of a plan character, and many thousands of homeg are being built this year from retail lumber dealer plan service.
We have no quarrel with the American Institute of Architects, or with anyone else who is trying to help the people of this country secure the homes their hearts desire. Neither do we want to see the public get off on the wrong foot on this subject.
A few years ago the people of this country WERE building unscientific SHELTERS rather than HOMES. Where were the architects then? They rdere too all-fired ethical to get out and create a great campaign to help the small fellow get a HOME. The only man who got an architecturally correct home was the man who built an expensive house, and could afford the architect's fee. And we would be doing the same thing today, if it had been left to the architectural profession.
It was the plan book folks who conceived the idea of affording the small home owner the opportunity and privilege of securing attractive, practical, modern HOMES rvithout architectural expense; who made it possible for the
What practical suggestions are you making to your customer regarding his winter needs? Furnish him some good building ideas.