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Grays Harbor Shingle Company of Aberdeen Start New Mill
. The Grays Harbor Shingle Company of Aberdeen, Washlnglon, completed the building of a modern Cedar sawmill in September. The machineiy is of the very latest type and is entirely electrically driven.
To give a general destription of the plant one would naturally {ollow_ the course of manuflcturing the log through the mill. The log, after being hauled "from thE water to -lgS deck, is grasped by large s:teel jaws and held firmly. wlile the log ;s being -dragiawed for lengths re- quired. The log is then, lifted by-air cylinder,s a-nd conveyed by deck chains to the head tarrias6 without disturb- ing. the position of the logs on the deck. This iis 4n entirely new feature and oplrates very smoothly. These deck chains have a capacity-to handle slveral thousand feet of logs 'at one operation.
^.Thg head carriage.is equipped with the Johnson Taper Attachments for setting the log out in order to saw with the -gra_in the 'entire length oi the log.
The head saw is a ten-foot Sumnei Band which is of new design, being the second such band mill installed. It weighs 54,000- lbs. and operates perfectll,, sawing lumber very accurately.
The lumher cants from the head rig are conveyed ,bv rolls to a Prescott Pony Band and Shot Gun Feed. Cai_ riage. Tls is the first Shot Gun Feed Carriage installed on Gravs Harbor and runs like clock work, beirig verv fasi and very accurate. The lumber from the poriv g;na is conveyed by rolls to an edger and to the trimmers and sorting table.
.The company has a well equipped planing m,ill c-onsisting ot- planers, resaws, rip saws, trim saws, moulding machine, which permits the manufacture and finishing of any size lumber or mouldings.
The sawmill building is three stories high, being of heavy mill construction; the first floor containing the motor drives and conveyors; the second floor the sawing machinery; and the third floor a large well equipped band saw filing room.
The interior of the entire building is painted white. Each story is light and roomy and is kept im,maculately clean.
The principal products from the lumtber mill aie all sizes of 'bevel and bungalow siding, clapboards, moulding, lattice. pickets, cedar finish and lath.
The Grays Harbor Shingle Company has for many years operated and is still continuing to operate their l&machine shingle mill.
The plant is located in Aberdeen on Grays Harbor, har'ing their own dock for vessel shipment, as well as being connected with three transcontinental railroads, namell:. Northern Pacific, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, anrl Union Pacific System.
The sawmill capacity will range from one hundred thousand to one hundred twenty-five thousand feet of cedar logs per day.
Whitney Company Opens Office In Salt Lake
The Whitney Company, of Garibaldi, has open,ed offices in Salt Lake City.
This company is represented in California by the McCuliough Fagan Lumber Company, of San Francisco and I-os Angeles.