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Ethical Relations

Ethical Relations

The California Lumber Merchant. November, gth, 1927. Los Angeles, California. My Dere Sers: f am comin down tu de lumberyaks convenshun in yur town an by hooky dat vill be onlyafew days now so I spose I'll see qvite a lot of svedes in a place like dat an it hadn ought tu be very hard tu get a little snus from som of dose guys.

I am sending yuin dis letter a chak for tu bux to pay for dis corking gud lumber paper yu are sanding t_u T. a.cupla times every mont an by yimminy its de dam best paper dat comes tu dis offis an dats no yoke. Its got tu be apurty dam gud paper tu be interestin tu a svede lumberyak caus f rede evryting in it and som times I laflak hal at de vokes in it. yu must be som purty funny guys down -der tu tink op all dem funny yokes.

Vel ennyhow.here's yur chak andontforget tu sned me de paper yust as regular as evef.

Yurs trule, S. J. MAAKESTAD, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Galt. Calif.

The spirit of co-operation is good-will, courtesy, consideration and the square deal generally. Up to the present time we have not given much thought on the subject of co-operation. We have discussed costs, we have discussed tariffs, and we have suggested measures without end but 1et me say to .each one of you, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Co-operation and all these other things shall be added unto you."

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