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Joe Tardy

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J. \l[/. "Joe" Tardy of Douglas, Arizona, is probably thc bcrt known lumberman in that itate, from a standpoint.of horae booeting and town boorting publicity. Tbat'r his hobby. He believcs implicitly that it is the sworn duty of tbe tunber merchant to t&e an activc part in dl matters of civic interest, civic pride, and civic advancemcng and that as he builds his town and community hc builds his own burinesa on a firm foundation

It is said that Joe Tardy has done more to put Douglas on the map than any other one man. For the last year they have been nationally advertising Douglas as a. place of national interesg a resort city, a place where tourists should come, and a splendid place for people seeking future homes and future prosperity, to come and live. He has been the pioneer in this work, and it has already done wonders for Douglas and for that entire territory.

Mr. Tardy came to Arizona from Teras. I{e started working in a lumber yard when he was nineteen years old. At the age of seventeen he was left the job of making a livins for himself and four younger children" and he got into the habit of working that has never left him. He learned the lumber business in a good school with the Alamo Lumber Company of San Antonio.

In 1916 he came to Arizona, fell in love with the state, and has been there ever since, establishing a reputation second to none as a good lumberman, a good citizen" and a useful Arizonian. He is secretary and manager of tlre [euglas Lumbl',CgDln.Ib..d he has made that conoern a power for good in Douglas, anil iI has profitdfE-f his civic and business activities both. They enjoy a splendid business.

A few of his business policier wiU give an ercellent idea of how. llr. Tardy looks at his own business:

\l[/e nevcr tell a customer we havin't anything he wants in thG building line.If we havcn't got it, we get it.

One of our dogans is: "ff you don't know where to get what you want, call the Douglas Lumbe; Company." Another: "Phone 62 and have all your building wants filled at one place."

Wc work WITH our contractors; not against them, and not for them.

We do not sit in the office and wait for business to drop in; we go out and get it.

We make friends of all our customers.

Those are a few of the fundamentals that make the success of that very highly respected and excellent lumbermar\ Joe Tardy.

For 2i2 Yeare (CHICI(AIIAW BRAND" OAK FLOORING her beco a rtandard of G

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