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Joe Tardy

Joe Tardy

Wc* Coa* Rcprootedvcr


627 Petrolcrm Sccuritice Bldg. l"o.Ansdcf


Ancr. NetL BeoL BIdg. Sen Frrncirco


Hary Brdtdhs



North B€nd, (Coor Bay) Oregon


We Specialize on Quick Delivericr

California Rcprcrcntrtivcr :


. No. I Druam Str.cot, sAN FRANCTSCO, CALIF.


112 Mar&et St


Tdcphonc Suttcr 7000

Deu3bt Fir Spnrcr - Rodwood

Rcdwood end Gcdrr Shin3lcr

Fir Pilir3 - C.du Portr

Split Rcdwood Prodsctr


(Continued from Page 37)

B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lbr. Co. -Oakland

Syivester L. \jVeaver, 'Weaver Henry Mfg. Co. ' .I-o" Angeles li. tt. IvtcCatt, Uniori Lumber Co. ...Lo_s Angeles

E. B. Harris, b. B. Harris Lbr. Co. .Ingtewo-od

M. R. Gill, Union Lumber Co. .......:......,.Los Angelec

Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Whiteside, Hobbs Wall & Co.....San Francisco

Bert Wilberg, Wilberg Swartz Lbr. Co. ..... ..Santa Monica

Ed B. Culnaii, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. .......!o" ngeles

J. A. Thomas, Coos Bay Lumber Co. .. . .Los tngeles

Andrew W. Donovan, Hobbs Wall & Co. ...Los Angeles

Mr. and Mrs. Ben J.Levy, Bank Line Lbr. Co. .Los Ang-eles

Earl E. white, Ea;t Bat Lbr. & Mill co. ' oakland

Mi. and Mrs. Chas. C. Adams, Adams Lbr. Co. ..'.San Bernardino

Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Reynard,'Ambrose Lbr. Co. ...'Santa Barbara

Jerry Sullivan, Westerrrl.br.'Co. .Qan piego

-ff. i. Sulivan" Western Lumber Co. ... ..San D-iego lV. Goddard, East Bay Lumbermen's Assn. ' ......Oakland

Fred E. Baily, Baily Lbr. & Mill.. .qe"-k9t"Z

Ernest A. BLakma;, Blackman Anderson Mill Lbr. .Oakland

Raloh W. McCune,-Hammond Lumber Co- .Brawley i. A. Ciottrier, Harirmond Lbr. Co. ..San Francisco

Mr. and Mrs.'E. R. Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co. ........Palo Alto

H. A. Lake, Garden Grove Lbr. Co. . .......Garden Grovc

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, Wilberg Swartz Lbr. Co. ...

P. f.' ii;;;,' i"i;;il ii;:'i;.'. .' .'. .'. :. :.

Mr. and Mri. Raymond Grey, Taft Lumber Co. ... ...Taft

C. S. Curtatt, Balersfield Sand, Stone Co. ..-.Bakersfiel'd Itliss Cene Swartz ... ' -.Long Beach

Mrs. E. L. Unroe Long Beach

C. A. Suiter, Fox Woodsum Lurnber Co. .. . ..Glendde franf t. F6x, Fox Woodsum Lumber Co. .-...Glendale

F. ff. Ifomei, fox Woodsum Lumber Co. ... ....Glendde

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wagner, Peoples Lumber Co. .....,..Fillmore ttlr. anA Mrs. Vanderwood, Fox Woodsum Lbr. Co. ......Glendale

Francis Boyd, Boyd Lumber & Mi[ Co,., Santa Barbara.

Mrs. C. W. Rnt<eiton and Mrs. M. P. Cookinhan\ Whittier-

A. E. Rogers, Hyde Park Lumber Co, Ilos Ang-eles. .-

A. C. Boweri, Adams-Bowers Lurnber Co., and President of the Orance Countv Lumbermen's Club, Anaheim.

E. L.-Bauer, Bauer-Gieb Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

M. C. Phillips, C. H. Chapman Lbr. Co., Santa Ana. l ttlt. atta Mls. J. M. Dougherg, Cra#ord Lumber Co., Inc., Vista ii-"s U. Tvrrell. MacDonald & Harringtorg Los Angeles. n. n. pitctr6r, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

G. F. Hoff, Lumber Assn., San Diego.

T. E. Crawford. Crawford Lumber Co., Pasadena.

-S. S. SUa-ore, Skidmore & Bowers, Downey.

S. A. Hortort Cd. Portland Cement C9r., Fresno.

W. F. Steveni, Cal. Portland Cement Co., Loe-Angelee.

C. A. Pontius,-Hammond Lumber Co., Riverside.

E. fameson, Sun'Lunber Co., Beverly Hills.

Mr.-and Mrs. F. L. Morgan, Whittier.

W. E. Pratt, Sierra Madie Lumber C-o., Sierra-Ma&e.

F;ed W. Schier, \ilfeaver-I{enry Mfs. Co., Los Angeles.

Fred A. Chapin, Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cavin, Solano Beadt.

Ross M. Mack, Weaver-Henry Mfg. Co., Los Angeles. - i. S. Ca"-att, West Coast Bldg. & Loan Assn., Los Angeles- iii a"a Mrs. W. A. Sampsonl Hipolito Comlnny, Los Angeles. n"itttt f. Fell, Frid A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino. i. ii. tftcCattirrn, J. H. Mcealum Lbr. -Co.,San Francisco. i. p. Uatti", 'Thi Cdifornia Lumber Merchant " Los Angeles.

A. A. Frost, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego.

A. M. Mavo, A. M. MaYo & Co., San Diego.

Rov L. Sindefer, Dill Lumber Co., Arlington.


Announcement has been made from the omces of the Coos Bay Lumber Company of California, San Francisco, that at i recent meeting of the board of directors of the above named company and its parent company, the Pacific States Lumber Co., the following were elected as officers and directors,

Pacific States Lumber Co.; President' Mr' Homer W. Bunker; vice-president and general manager, Mr. F..4. 'Warner; secretary and treasurer, Mr. A. H. Paulsen; Directors: M.J. Scanlon, D. M.Winter, W. A. P4lering' Harry Fair, H. W. Bunker, B.S.Arnold and F' A. Warner. Cobs Bav Lumber Co. of California; President, Mr. Homer W. Bunker; vice-president and general manag'er, Mr. F. A. Warner; secretary and treasurer, Mr. A. H. Paulsen;Directors: H. W. Bunker, C. R. Johnson, F. A. Warner, G. S. Arnold and A. H. Paulsen.

Peninsular Hoo Hoo Club ,/

The Peninsula Hoo-Hoo Club met at the St. Claire Hotel on October 24, at 6:45 p.m. with the following present : Rod Hendrickson, 20744; Fred Roth, 32843; Elmer Ellis, 19733; R. O. Wilson, 152to9_; Ed Wild, 39770; W. H. Guernsey; J.C.Ellis, 14418; J.H.McElroy,35663; F. W. Ellis,40449; P. K. Ellis,41075; F. F.Boes,38232; O. E. Schnabel, 41089; A. C. Ellis,39764; L. M. Swift, 34O2t; I. M. Crabb, 374M; W. B. Gettys, 754 W. San Carlos, Southern Lumber Co.; E. H. Galpin, 4LO77; A. C. Hansen, 37aO7; A. S. McKinney, 33699; Henry Wills, 32422;R. T. Richmond, Gilroy; Al Hubbard, 38333; Paul M. P. Merner, 34834.

President Al Hubbard took charge of the meeting and Board of Directors was elected consisting of E. H. Galpin, O. E. Schnabel, Henry Wills,A. C. Hansen and E. Ellis. It was decided to have our regular meeting on the fourth Monday of each month.

With the approval of the members, Fred Roth appointed Paul M. P. Merner Vicegerent Snark.

The Chair appointed J. C. Ellisto take charge and arrange program for the November meeting.

Mr. A. Hilton, attorney and manager of the Southern Lumber Companv. San Jose, gave an int-eresting talk on Cre{its and advised that arrangements are being made in San Jose to require of purchasers of material to fill out a card giving complete information concerning locatrion, firrancing, etc., on each job.

Fred Roth was called upon to give a talk. He advised that he would furnish a cup to the Northern Clubs and also to the Hoo-Hoo Clubs in the Southern part of the state, same to be presented to the club having the best record in attendance from November 9, 1927, to September 9, t928.

Rod Hendrickson gave an interesting account of the shingle fight at Berkeley and advised that he believed that the verdict would be given, putting the wooden shingles on an even basis with the prepared roofing. The verdict would render it unlawful to lay composition shingles over old shingles, as far the city of Berkeley is concerned.

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