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Consolidated Lumber Company
San Francisco To Draft Ordinance Segregating Mill Work On Public Work
The building committee of the Board of Supervisors has instructed the city attorney to draft an ordinance providing for segregation of mill rvork in letting contracts by the board of public works in connection with municipal improvements for the city and county of San Francisco. The supervisors hope to favor home industry in the draft.
(Continued from Page 46) that time the company was in a totally different kind of business. It had six strong competitors, besides several weaker ones. Suddenly a style change so aftected the demand for the product of the industry that there was enough business left to support only one good-sized house. So our parent company invited all its competitors to join it in a merger. Most of them accepted. Thus the company not only saved itself but it also saved the industrv.
"Another Benefit Derived -from Mergers"
But the consolidation was still in a weak position, as its product was dependent on the whims of fashion. Instead of tringing out new products, it decided it would be better to buy out a business that had an established trade-marked article. In this manner it acquired three products that have been the mainstay of the business ever since; the style product was dropped long ago as not worth bothering with.
It is claimed that we are suffering from an excess of plant capacity in this country. If that is true, and there seems to be no doubl that it is, is it not better for a company that wants to expand to merge with a plant that has an established product than it is to bring a new plant or a new product into an already crowded field? There are hundreds of fine products in the hands of weak manufacturers. Would it not be to the advantage of the public if several of these weak_ enterprises were consolidated and the marketing of the products involved were put on a more efficient basis?
Another benefit derived from mergers, as I see it, is that they establish a better equilibrium between manufacturing and distribu!ign. In the old.days, the manufacturer was many times larger than his average retail customer. The retailer was small. Mosi manufacturers were large. Today, in many lines, the reverse of that situation holds Chain stores; mail-order houses, department stores, and buying_ syndicates have risen until they have attained great po\iler. Before we joined the merger, many of our retail customers represented a larger aggregate of capital than we did, In dealing with them we were ptaced in comparatively a weak positign, Undei the new arrangement, we are just as strong as any retail organiza- tion to. which we may be trying to sell.
In stilr another respect has the merger helped our company. Our o_rincipal raw material is relatively scirce. It is important, and for that reason is subject to the contract of foreign monopolies In the old days, we were often pinched by these monopoli-s. The new combine has so much more buying power than we had when we were working independently that it is in a much better position to deal with these foreign monopolies.
One other point and I will be finished. The consolidation has toned up the energy and enthusiasm of the entire personnet of the organization, including myself. 'We were a family organization and usually took things pretty easy-in fact, I think we were going to seed without realizing it. But all this has been changed now. W-hile I am just as much the manager of the business as I ever was, still there is something about the new set-up that has made me a more efficient manager. I am on my toes again, and so is everybody else.
(Thc Claring Houcc) This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratet t2.50 per colutnn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Five years' selling in California. Well acquainted in the San Fernando Valleyand Southern California. Would like work in retail yard as estimator and salesman. Would consider selling for wholesale lumber or building material company. Belt of references. Address Box e-157, clo California Lumber Merchant.
SALESMAN-To sell mission basis as side line delivery. Ship anywhere. & Lumber Co., May6eld, special sash and doors on comto mills and yards only. PromPt Open or glazed. Mayfield Mill California.
RETAIL LUMBERMAN WANTS POSITION with retail lumber company. 15 years' experience and competent to handle any branch of the retail lumber business. 6 years' retail lumber experience in Southern California. Can furnish excellent references. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-158. care California Lumber Merchant.
Friday, October 22nd, the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club held their regular monthly luncheon at the Leamington Ilotel, Oakland. About forty-five were present and enjoyed a very interesting program.Among the visitors present were; Mr. A. R. Israel, of the West Coast Trade Extension Bureau, Seattle, Wash., and Mr. Earl E. Bowe of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, San Francisco.Ford E. Samuels, wellknown Rotarian addressed the club on "Business Ethics." Mr. Israel spoke very briefly on the work of the Trade Extension Bureau. President Clem Fraser presided over the meeting.
Vicegerent R. L. Ustick of the Central Valley Hoo-Hoo District staged a concatenation attheclub house of the Calaveras Cement Company, Saturday night, November 5th, which closed the program of the Central Valley Lumbermen's Clubmeeting. The following candidates were initiated :
D. J. Rust, Calif. Cedar Products Co., Stockton; W. J. Neider, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton; J. G. Sasselii, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Stockton; C. {. Berry, C. A. Berrl' & Son, Valley Springs. Reinstatement: F. G. Smith, Lodi.

San Fernando Club Meet At North Hollywood
The San Fernando Lumbermen's Club had an enjoyable meeting at the 'Women's Club, North Hollywood, on 'Wednesday evening, November 9. About 15O attended which included the members, their wives and invited guests. A motion picture of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. operations was exhibited by Kenneth Smith, W. B. Packman, president of the club presided at the meeting.
MANAGER OPEN FOR POSITION. Successfully managed large California yard fo_r last five years. Seve-n years previous experience. Excellent record, best of references. Want executive responsibility with opportunity of advancement. Age 35, married. Will arrange interview. Box C-l54, clo Calif. Lumber Merchant.
WANTED-A live wholesale lumber salesman. Will provide auto to call on trade. Must know Los Angeles and vicinity retail lumber dealers. Apply in your own handn'ritinq, giving age and experience. Address Box C-l56, care California Lumber Merchant.
/ sAN FRANcrsco Hoo Hoo cLUB No. e
San Franeisco Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 met Thursday, November l0th, in the Blue Room of the Palace Hotel. Pres. Bert Johnson presided and Walter Kelly acted as chairman of the day. f'he meeting occurring the day preceding Armistice Day. Commander John Blackburn was secured as speaker. Commander Blaikburn tolcl of some of his experiences as executive officer on the S. S. Leviathan after it had been taken over by the U. S. Government and gave a very instructive talk on the part this vessel played in transporting troops to E,urope.
The Club is now formulating plans for its Christmas party to be held at noon Thursday, December 22nd.
William H. Hewston, yard superintendent at the People's Lumber Co., Ventura, has been awarded a bronze hero medal by the Carnegie hero fund commission. Mr. Hewston is one of five Southern California residents to receive recognition by the commission, and one of 46 in all the United States and Canada. He was awarded the medal for his efforts to save Mrs. Nellie VanDerMeide, who committed suicide on February 3, 7925, by plunging from the Ventura .wharf.
Lumberman Acts As Convention Chairman At Kiwanis Convention
J.Don Mahaffey was the convention chairman of the committee in charge of the arrangements for the Kiwanis Convention of the California-Nevada District held at Hollywood on November 3, 4 and 5. Mr. Mahaffey is a prominent retail lumberman in the Southern California territory and is general manager of the Hollywood Pioneer Lumber Co.
P. C. McNevin, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, is in the east on a three weeks' business trip. Mr. McNevin will be back at his desk about the middle of ,the rnonth.