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uefvrce to Pioneer tiales forPioneeT
Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shin, gles in any quantity
Dealers . . . in every popular .- neans
sizeandstyle,..are ready for instant de, livery. Check your stockstoday...then phone DE.ZLLI.
Get the jump on that "fussy,' customer of yours withPioneer Y o s emite Ro ck Surfaced Shingles ... they'll roof or re,roof his job perfectly and confirm his opin, ion of your judgment.
Pioneer Yosemitc Rock Sur, faced Shingles are absolutely non,fading in color . . . . they never need paint or stain alterations or additions can always be perfectly matched.
They go right over the old wood shingles ... they serve for years without expense... and the Class C label on every bundle lowers insurance rates.
You have the cooperation and selling help of ourEngin. eering Department atall times ... useit . . let us help you with your customer's problems. ProNrnnPaprnCo.,INc.