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JackDionne ,fublisher
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How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir Cargo. Conditions look better at the millr. Recent reports from the Northwest indicate ttrat there are large inquiries for railroad material and yard stock. It is generally rmderstood that about 1O millioh feet of car material will be placed in the next few daye. The mills are putting_into effect the new curtailment progra-, which cdls-for 1 4O p__er cent curtailment during Noverrrber and December f"f-iltq working two shifts, while the mills working one rhift will make a 2O per cent 'curtailment. The contiiuance of tls curtailment program is bound to have a rtrength€ning effect on pricer. The foreign demand has been good for the part two weelc.
The California market is rhowing eignr of improvement and a better feeling prevaila with tf,e trade. Pri-ces remain about the rarne es trro weeks ago and vertical grain clears continue very firm.
Douglar Fir cargo receiptr .t San Pedro for the montt of October totaled 961426 M feet. The fir cargo arrivals at San Francisco for the rarae period amounted [o 391559 M feet
31 venelr are leid up, while 6 are operating off rhore.
Douglas Fir RaiL The California marf*-lar shown praCically no change in the past two weeks. Prices remain about the rame. Vertical grain flooring continues very scarce item.
The rhingle mills are cwtailing production about SO per cent A shortage of cedar logr ir reported. These two factors should have a favorable effect on pricer. Lath prices bave been very rteady t'he part trco wetks.
Redwood. The California businees ir holding up well 11th pti"qq aborrt the same. The manufacturerr ari optimis- tic regarding future business. Cargo arrivalr at San Fran-
Doty Mill Twill Cease Operation
The sawmill of the Doty Lumber & Shingle Co., Doty, Wash., will beshutdown indefinitely on February i, 1929, and may be dismantled, as the company has sold all its timber to Schafer Bros., Grays Haiboi logging operators.
cisco for the month of October totaled 27,931 M feet. Cargo receipts at San Pedro amormted to 8,556 M feet. California White and Sugar Pine. The California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Arsociation statistics show an increase of 8.2 per cent in production for the period January 1 to November 3, and an incteare of 4.8 per cent in orders received in the sarne period. An increase of 6.9 per cent is also shown for the stockr on hand November 3, but early shut downr of e number of mills owing to rnow in the high Sierras will probably rerult in holding production to about the same figure ar last
The total softwood lumber movement for the frtst 44 weeks of 1928, according to the report of the Nationd Lrmber Manufactureru Association of November 9, ehorw: Production, 12,551,665 M feet; Shipments, 131151;563 M feet; Orderc, 13,193,628 M f€€t
For the mills of the West Coast Lumbermentr Associetion, the report rhorvr for this same period': Production, 5,717,396 M feet; Shipments, 51919,576 M feet; Orden, 6,011,391 M feet.
The report rhows for the mills of the Califomia White ll4 S,rg"t _Pine Aseociation for this period: Producton, 1r175,019 M feet; Shipments, l,20l,9l7 M feet; Ordere, 1,167,179 M feet.
The Southern Pine Association mills report for tAe firet 44 weeks of the year: Production, 310441918 M feet; Shipments 3,325,365 M feet; Orderr, 3,333,078 M feet.
In the hardwood branch of the indurtry, the total hardwood movement for the fint 44 weekr of tte year, the report rhol's: Production, 212161036 M feet; Shipmentr, 2r341,842 M feet; Orderr, 2,388,699 M feet.
The l?th Annual Shingle Congress will be held at Vancouver, B. C., on Friday, December 7. It r'/ill be the first time the congress has assembled at any place outside of Seattle.
The Doors You Sell

Here is t'inside informationtt on PAUL BUNYAN'S DOOR
.A-Edge Suip.
B-Tongue and groove.
C-Double dowelled every 12 inchec.
EJlue covert IOOVo of everY ioint.
G-Press€d ttir direction to in' sure bond.
Notice short bloclc ioined like a brick wdl to distribute stresses and break up any tendencies to warp.