1 minute read
This Man is Helping the United States Take Wings
TS" iq. C._O. Johnson, of Portland, Oregon, president of the Pacific Spruce Corporation.
- He used to live in Aikansas, and later in St. Louis. He was in the sawmill business in the South alll his life until a few years ago, when he migrated to Portland.
There-he bought a great-mill, built by the government durrhg the war to cut fpruce, and he bought the great for- est-rnostly Spruce-that stood behind t-he big inill, and he started making lumber.
.Things went al6ng just so-so until recehtly, and then the big- thing happened. Lindbergh hopped the Lig pond, and suddenly America took wingi. Flying is noiv -the rage. Something unprecedented in humari tristory is happeniig right now. Man is taking winss.
A_nd- the wings are buililargel-y of Spruce, don't you see. And the Pacific Sprtlce Corporation, which Mr. iohnson heads, owns one of the bigglst and highest grade stands of Spruce in the whole world, and rianufa-ctures more Spruce than any other existing mill.
So, don't you see, business at present with Mr. Tohnson and -his Spruce Corporation is mighty, mighty good.
When you figure that there ari iir Sou-thern'California alone, some thirty {actories making nothing but aeroplanes. and that some of them buy their Spruce fifty cars at a clat- ter, and that other faetories are springing up all over the la'nd-then you will understand trow UuiinEss is with .C.D.';
Bill Glenn Now At Baypoint
_ W, A. _Gleqn, assistant sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber- Co., has been transferred to -Baypoint, where hi's work will be exactly the same as heretofore, the only difference being in loeation.