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San Francisco Buitd in g Permits Show Big Increase
San Francisco's October permits totaled $5,692,3!b, which was more than double the value of September per- mits.
Ot ..the,764 permits issued every class of building except "harbor" and "State",was represented. Followin! are !h."Jg_g{"_gated amounts: Class A, 1, $2,050,000; ClaJs B, 3, $849,054; Class C, 2I, $270,4{U0.^; frames, 225, $I,4I3,539'; altsrations, 513, $359,505; public, l, $744,898; total, g5,687.396.
$300,000 Fire at Hoquiam
Fire of unknown o{i_gjl -destroyed equipment, buildings and stock valued at 9300,000 at the plani of the Harb6r Plywood Co., Hoquiam, Wash., October 22. The power house, peeler and steam boxes escaped damage. Aicording_ t-o E._W, Daniels, secretary of tire compaiy, the plant will be rebuilt immediatelv.
/ crranr-Es c. BrRD HoNoRED By NATToNAL / gssoclATroN
Charles G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Company, Stockton, was elected regional vice-president for the Pacific Coast, at the recent convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, held at Chicago, October 24 to 26.
Oscar Chase On Vacation Trip
O. F. (Oscar) Chase, Chase Lumber Co., Pacific Grove; recently took a short vacation, when he visited his sister, Mrs. F. H. Topham at Lirrdsajr, and spent about a week visiting various parts of the Valley, iniluding Bakersfield where he made a tour of the oil fields, which h1 found very interesting.
Eastern Lumbermen Visit Pine Plants
C. McCoy and T. Nixon, of the New York office of Wistar, Underhill & Nixon, wholesale lumbermen, recently visited the San Francisco offices of the Pickering Lumber Co.,_ and the companyt mills in Tuolumne County. They made the trip across the country by automobile. - qUCCESS in building motor tJ trucks particularly adapted to western'work prompted More. land to go a step further in specialization. The Moreland line of l1 basic chassis, ranging in capacities from one-ton.to 34,OOO pounds, includes rnodels especially designed for industries where low cost_ hauling means everything.
In timberland or city street 66 lumber typ" " Morelands haul greater loads in less time with more profit. For logging, Moreland six.wheelers eliminate weave; no