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Annual Convention California Retail Lumbermen, Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco
November 15, L6 and L7, 1928.
The Program Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association are responsible for what will probably be the most important program ever presented at any of their Annual Conventions. The subiects for discussion get down to questions which face the retail lumbermen every day, and you cannot possibly afford to miss any of the sessions. The Association urges all California lumbermen, whether members or non-members, to attend.
Methods of Local Co-operation
What is the best plan of co-operation among local groups of retail lumbermen ?
Is is legal for the dealers in a community to fix a price that will returh a reasonable profit? (There will not be any long theoretical speeches made on this subject, just open discussions from the floor, led by men of vast experience, not only in the working out of plans of local co-operation, but also thoroughly familiar withall legal angles).
Methods of building up retail price lists.
What perce'ntage should be added to your cost f.o.b. cars your yard to arrive at a retail price list? Should there be a discount on face of list on counter trade?
Dealer Distribution
How does the attitude of the lumber manufacturers on dealer distribution compare with the manufacturers of roofing, cement and other lines ?
Has a wholesaler or manufacturer who is selling lumber strictlyto retail yards, any right to refuse to quote a retailer who wants to ship into another's territory, etc. ?
Are Grades and Practices of Saw Mills Obsolete?
Is it fair to the customer to sell him common, which is a mixed grade of No. 1 and No. 2 when he expects to get No. 1?
W.A. Dunning, sales manager of The Little River Redwood Co., returned to his San Francisco headquarters November 9, from a business trip to Los Angeles.
Carl Kupfer Visits California
Carl A. Kupfer, manager of the Portland office of the North Coast Dry Kiln Co., recently retqrned to Portland from a two weeks' business trip to California.
Should the cargo mills separate their common grades strictly into No. 1 and No.2 as done by the rail milts?
Wggtd it improve the retail selling price by eliminating variable grades, etc. ?
-Colonel ,Greeley, Secretary-Manager of the great saw mill organization of the Northwest, witt be present at this session with a large representative group of lumber manutacturers.
Remodeling of Old Houses into New ffomes
Can a lumber dealer build up his sales and profits by this method, etc. ?
How to Get Your Money's WorthOut of a Trade Association
There are many retail lumber dealers in the State who know that they get many times the value oftheir annual dues by belonging to a trade association.
f.'here are others who do not, nor do they realize the weapon which is at their hand if they will but irse it. Learn what your Association can do for you.
White Ants (Termites)
How can damage by termites be prevented ?
A very important question before the lumbermen of the United States today, and especially in some parts of Calitornla.
For the Ladies
A bridge luncheon will be held at the Olympic Club, Lakeside; sightseeing trips ; theatre party for the best legitimate show in San Francisco at that time; shopping tours and last but byno means the least the Annual Banqu,et and Dancein the Colonial Ball Room, Hotel St. Francis.
W.H. Nigh, who for the last three years has been associated with the McCloud River Lumber Company at McCloud, has been transferred to the San Francisco office.
Henry Wills Visits Los Angeles
Henry L. Wills, Central Lumber Co., Gilroy, was a recent visitor to Los Angeles. He attended the football game between U. S. C. and Stanford on November 3.