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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf
Seventy-two lumbermen participated in the Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament at the Riviera Golf and Country Club on Friday afternoon, November 9. Following the tournament, a banquet was held at the Club House at 6:30 P. M. Harry Hanson, president of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, presided. Herman Rosenberg acted as master of ceremonies. Roy Stanton, chairman of the Prize Committee, presented the prizes. The low gross prize, the Frank Curran Trophy, was won by Frank Harrie. Walter Riley won the Roy Stanton Trophy, for having the best low net score. The following'were the winners of the Flight Events : First Flight; first prize, H. O. Ward, a driver; second prize, George Lockwood, sweater coat. Second Flight: first prize, A. Ingvoldstad, box of golf balls; second prize, Max Landram, golf belt and garters. Third Flight: first prize, Gene DeArmond, golf pants; second prize, E. Steffensen, golf bag. FourthFlight: first prize, M.R.Gill, golf bag; second prize, E. T. Nelson, pair of golf stockings.
The tournament was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club. The committee in charge of the tournament included: Max Landram, Chairman; Prizes, Roy
Stanton; Publicity, Ed.Martin; Secretary-Treasurer, Mel Coe.
The following took part in the tournament: John Rodahoffer, George McCausland, C. C. Bohlhoff, A. Ingvoldstad, Walter Riley, "Pick" Maule, Geirgi Nicholson,"C. A. Suiter, T. B. Hatton, Mal-Landram, W.-Rl Vanderwood, Etl. Sgl'ard, Ef. A. Graham,'W. F. Marmion, IllO. Ward, Bert -Wilberg, Geo@Melville, PailIftasteri, S. Cl-Smitfr, Ed. Houghton, Geft-5e_Armond, Fied -Golding, Ct'rtis IVlep,ryman, Paul_Penh,erthy, Art Pgnberthy, Geoige L-en- rey)l.. M. CastiiiT. MiCallum,-Roy Sianton."G"ors" Lockwood, Paul Hill, Fr B. iTarris,-Go R6senbe&, Herman Rosenberg, Frank Connelly, Clint Laughlin, Harvey B-i-.les, H. E-Jries, Roy_ilI6y"rr, FoffMegithew, H irrllil i' t5-ap[1" $.!gd", -G u'ilEffiolr. t, Frank Burnaby, M. R Gill, E. T. Nelson, A. K. Condee, A. L.-Hiilphieys, #. gona, A. L. Sailor, C. A-Bergstrom. f-. e.3=elkstromJlrt Maule, A. J. TodhunE;,-Ti. Cool-p?nder, FP. Dixon, r]T. rawr"""e,-fot " -olil: W. n.-$lckersha d.gCulnarifWalter'Kelly-pon It'jlics. Blt -Ygg!gn. E.L. Reitz. c. o. Ffflqan, E. L. Th5ts, G. VlGiied, E. @grrion, R. A. lrmison.