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Modernization nization Complete Shingles,
Gritzmacher & Gunton, well known San Francisco wholesalers, have been appointed Northern California representatives for Starks Stained Shingles, Inc., of Seattle.
"We are now in position to supply to the trade stained shingles in'all regular colors, and also any combination of colors which may be specified by an architect or builder," said Howard M. Gunton recentlly to a representative of this paper.
"Starks Stains are nationally known. They use only the highest quality of materials, and by the use of their new double staining process are getting the best results it is possible to obtain.
"We can supply shipments of straight carloads of stained shingles, or we can mix stained and natural shingles in any proportion desired, and we can also ship parcel lots by water direct from the staining plant at Seattle, giving good service on these by reason of weekly sailings.
San Diego County Lumbermen Hold Frolic
The San Diego County lumbermen held a frolic at Del Mar on Monday, November 12. A golf tournament was staged in the afternoon. In the evening, the lumbermen together with their wives and invited guests, had dinner which was followed with dancing. The party was largely attended.
Ray Cox, head of the Built-In-Fixture Co., Berkeley, w?S elected chairman of the board of govti:rnors, and J. E. Neighbor, well-known Oakland lumberman, was elected managing director of the newly-formed East Bay Home Modernizing Bureau, at the final organization meeting held at Oakland November 1.
Other prominent lumbermen on the board of governors are B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co.; Clyde I. Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., and A. M. S. Pearce, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.
Ray Cox told the gathering how his work as a built-in fixture manufacturer had brought him directly into the home modernizing movement.
P. M. Sanford, president of the California State Builders' Exchange, spoke on the economic aspects of home modernizing.
W. Herbert Graham, principal organizer of the East Bay Bureau, spoke on the aims and objects of the bureau. Other speakers included, Louis Breuner, furniture manufacturer, Horace D. Jones of the Builders' Palace Exhibit, and Al Griewe.
A.D. White, manager of Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.'s yard at Riverside, and a director of the California Retail Lumbermens'Association, regrets that he will not be able to attend the convention this year. Mr.White has recently had a double bereavement in the death of both his mother, who passed away in September, and his father who died in October.
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