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By the Way, Flave You Heard That-----? A. L. Sailor to Represent Redwood Sales Co. Publish E. K. Wood House Organ
A.L. Sailor has been appointed traveling representative for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., and efieitive November 15, will cover the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley territory. Mr. Sailor is well known to the lumber trade oi California, and for the last eight years has been connected with Coos Bay Lumber Co., having been connected with their San Francisco, Bay Point and Los Angeles offices. For the past four years, he has been connected with their Los Angeles office and has called on the trade in the Los Angeles district. He will make his headquarters at San Francisco.
_ Major A, W, Bird, D. S. C., M. C., Assistant Managing Director ofMillar's Timber and Trading Company, Ltai and Walter G. Scrim, Los Angeles, U.-S. represintatirre !o1.the_c9rypany, are in the Northwest on a bisiness trip. Yqjof Bird is on a tour around the world inspecting MiiIirr's Trading and Timber Company holdings in the TJnited States, China, Japan, the Philippine Islinds, Australia, India and South America. At the ind of the month, Major Bird will sail for the Philippine Islands from Vancorr.,rir, B. C., after which Mr. Scrim will return to Los Angeles.
Change Of Office Address
The C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. have moved their Los Ange-les office to 601 Petroleum Securities Building. Their telephon,e number remains the same, WEstmoie ' 98ffi. Their office was formerly located at 403 Petroleum Secur- ities Building.
Hawk Huey Reports Successful Hunting Trip
Hawk Huey of Phoenix, the well known Arjzona lumberman, reports that he. bro_ught in his annual deer this fall, an Arizona white tail. He reports that the .,white tails,i all weigh the same and are hard to find, as well as kill. He lays that the deer was for Bill Sampson of the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, but through iome misunderstand- ing th.e party ate it in camp. Hawk is an expert shot and says "f always bring in the meat.,,
Thereis A Reason
Why the largeet millr are inrtaUing our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your require. ments for air cooled and brick lined refuse burnerrnew and uced boilerr of all sizes and types.
WORI(s Scattlc, Werh.
_ "Sequoia Tips," the initial copy of the Redwood Sales Company House Organ, made iii appearance on November 1. The publication will be issued irery sixty days, the p{rpose being to bring the members of the organizalion in closer touch with each other. The publication is very attractively made up and contains valuable information on redwood and market conditions, togther with many interesting items regarding the personnel of the organization.
Mark Campbell Visits California
.N{urt^P. C1mplel_I, sales manager of the rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., portland, visited the Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of the company recently on his way back to Portland from a seven wegk_s' business trip to the Atlantic Coast, Middle West and Southwest territories, leaving San Francisco for portland November 10.
Mr. Campbell reports that stocks are light in the retail yards throughout th_e country, and that ai a consequence of the good crops all over the Middle West he looi<s for good buying after inventory.
Lee Doud A Los Angeles Visitor
_ L"9 Doud, Defiance Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; is a Los-Angeles visitor where he is conferring wiihA. C.'pen- berthy, their Southern California represelntative. He will spend about ten days in Los Angeles. Mrs. Doud is ac_. companying him on the trip.
_ Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lum_ bermen's Association, returned to San Francisco, October 31, from Chicago, where she attended the conflrence of State secretaries on October 23, and the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers'Association, Octo_ ber 24 to 26.
Mrs. Fraser reports that the secretaries of 20 state or- ganizations attended the conference, and that instead of the one- me-eting -planned, five sessions .were held, start- ing with a breakfast meeting at 8 a. m., in order io give ample time for discussion of the various subjects.
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