1 minute read
Tells You That The Best Frame For Window Or Door Opening Is An
Exterior walls are built to laet-ttreir constrrrction and rnaterials selected are all specified r^'ith dtrrability in rnind.
The door and ruindow frarnes are the exterior parts rnost gubiected to conditiong leading to de' L.y. They strorrld equal if not exceed the reet of the building in resigtallce.
It costs real rrroney to replace a frarne or a frarne part later.
The Alt- Redwood Frame will outlast the house unless it is a Redwood house; the fbst cosf is no mote; the final cosf is lessr' there is no upheep.
When better frames are maile, Pacific uill mahe them. Buy Palco frames in mixeil cars roitft lumber. Siding, porchcolumns,sftingles, boat lumbet, etc-