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Distinctive Homes
Floytl Dernier
The twenty second edition of Distinctive Homes has just been published by the Lumbermen's Service Association of Los Angeles. The book contains a great variety of inexpensive home building suggestions, ideas and building plans. Each plan is a distinctive creation in itself, no two are alike, and they represent all sizes, styles and kinds of architecture.
This edition carries the photographs of around 150 attractive homes together with the floor plans for each structure. It has a very attractive front cover with space available for the dealer's name, while the back cover can be utilized for dealer advertising. 50,000 copies have been printed for distribution.
The book has been compiled and copyrighted by Floyd Dernier, who is well known to the lumber dealers of California. This book will be a valuable asset to the lumber dealers, which they will find of great assistance to prospective home builders.
Building and Loan Companies Continue to Forge Ahead
Los Angeles building and loan associations continued to forge ahead in the quarter and year ended September 30, according to figures made public by the California Building-Loan League yesterday.
Total resources of associations with headquarters in Los Angeles on September 30, 1928, was P4,697,217. This compared with $89,064W,342 on June 3O of this year and $71,135,956 on September 30,1927. In other words, the combined assets of building-loan associations in this city increased 33.1 per cent during the last year and 6.3 per cerrt in the third quarter.
These figures do not include outside associations with branches in Los Angeles. With the inclu,sion of these associations, the figures would be much larger.
Every Los Angeles associationr. as well as every outside association with a branch here, reported greater resources on September 30 than on either June 30 or September 30, t927.
While the smaller institutions generally showed the largest percentage gains for the past year, many substantial increases were revealed.
Thirteen of the purely Los Angeles associations reported increases of $50o,ffi0 or more during the year.
Jimmy Atkinson, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., was recently forced to spend four days in bed on account of an attack of flu, but is now back to work feeling 100 per cent again.