2 minute read
In The Good Old Lumber Game
Often times I've sat and pondered As the office clock sings quit Where have business hours wandered ? What has caused the day to flit ?
Seems like weelss just go a tearing Into months and even years. Just get used to January Then December reappears.
There is something fascinating In this lumber game of Ours59"p" you guessing, gripping, fighting, While the clock grinds out the hours.-
Here's a husky bill to figure Fair in profit if we win Wonder how the rest will read it ? Will they add his weights and trim ?
Hasn't put a grade on Rustic Flooring only marked V. G. Will the yard around the eorner Figure two or figure three?
Then we finally land the business "Yes, on extras we'll be fair. lend a load out yetthis evening" Then the clock begins to rare.
Life is crammed with human nature When you fight the retail game. Qrins are seen from many angles Then there's one or two who blame.
Most would like to pay as promised Then there's some who never will. Some have luck that jerks your heart strings, Even hate to send a bill.
"Peaches hever brought no money", "Spiders all my beans have chewed," "'Wrecked my car and got a new one," "Paid up every one but you."
There are some, we know a thousand, Hear them at the yard each day. Still the most of them are honest And the boss helps find a way.
Friends we make across our counter Friends that stuck through thick and thin. Tell their friends our lumber's better, Say we peddle with a grin.
Dish out doors and load up scahtlin's, Sell or lose, it's justthe same. These are things that make the clock fly In the good old lumber game.
R. L. Ustick, Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto, Calif.
The "board of education" used to be a ehingle, back in the days when you and I went to school.
But today it's different. A hid's geat of learning doesn't get the old amount of attention but theY try to educate his handg.
So a new "board of education" has been elected-Hon. Pa-Co Plywood, if you pleaac.
Out in the manual training dept. Johnny is kept busy with hamrner and saw making misEion furniture and radio cabinete.
"Got any boards made of of those wide three sheets mean Pa-Co suggested the of wood glued together) " asked the Farmer.
All of which makes more trade for the lumber dealer, for a boy can cut up a lot of plywood in one seseion with trhe teacher, but the only time a new shingle was needed in the old days wae when the teacher hit hard enough to split one.
"You must Fir Plywood," lumber dealer.
"That's the name. My boy, Ji*, was telling me about it. He's been using it in manual training work in the high school and said it would be just the thing for us to use in finishing some extra rooms in the attic."
Lots of folks would do more home carpentering if they knew about this handy material. The dealer who etocks Pa-Co Fir Plywood and pushes it can not only build u-p a good trade in it but it will help sell other material to go with it.
Pacific Coast Plywood Mfrs., Inc.