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Hoo Hoo News
San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club Invites Convention Visitors To Luncheon
It was Albion Lumber Company Day at the regular meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club held at the Palace Hotel, November 8.
Bert Johnson presided, and Oscar H. Johnson of the Albion Lumber Co. was chairman of the day.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association invited members of the club to attend the convention of the association on November 15 to 17 at the Hotel St. Francis.
It was decided to hold a special Hoo IIoo luncheon on Friday, November 16th in the Italian Room of the Hotel St. Francis, at I2:@ p. m., to give San Francisco Hoo Hoo and convention visitors a chance to get better acquainted.
Frank II. Benson, chief of the narcotic division, State of California, gave an interesting talk on the narcotic evil as it exists in this state, and the means being used to combat the traffic.
J. P. Clark, Fruit Growers Supply Co., has been elected President of the Susvanville, Cal., Hoo Hoo Club. He succqeds Tom Jackson. T. W. Phenntgar, Lassen Lumber Q B_ox Co., is the new vice president, and Harold Goodale, Fnrit Growers Supply Co., has been elected secretary-treasurer.
Road irnprovements were discussed at the recent meeting of the Tom A. McCann Hoo Hoo Club. Chairman Martin of the road committee reported to the club the results of a conference with the Siskiyou County Highway Committee. Presideht C. B. Daveney presided.
San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club
"Visualization in Business" was the title of a talk given by Felix Renick of the National Institute of New yoik. at the regular meeting ofthe San Francisco Hoo Hoo Ciub held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, October 25.
L. J. Wooason was chairman of the day, and Larue is to be commended for the fine program prbvided.
The speaker- started offby calting everybody present by name, having been introduced to each at- the iobr. Later h_e requested that all change seats, and his assistant, T. T. Hanlon, who is in charge of the local office of the insii[ut-e, demonstrated further the value of memory training by naming-in quick succession everyone present, with his"company affiliation.
l-ohn A. Stroud, E. J. Dodge & Co., vice-president of the club, presided, and after the conclusion of the main part of the program called on several members for a two-minute S.-tqty of their lives. Those called on were R. S. Grant, California Door Co., Henry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lum!_e-r Co. W, B. Jacoby, Yites-American Machine Co., and W. T. Blaek, The California Lumber Merchant.
Mr. Fitzgerald ofthe Southern Pacific Co. entertained with music on the piano.