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This Particular Banker Was All Right
The colored brothers were talking about banks and bankers, and expressing their opinions very freely about what hard people and institutions they are to get money out of. One of them didn't seem to agree with the severe criticisms that were being lavishdd on the moqey merchants, and finirlly he got the floor.
"Mos' bankers may be tough and ha'd", he said convincingly, "but not all of.'em. You take Mistah James Scott,
George Weir, general sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumbei Co., moved his headquarters from Baypoint to the company's San Francisco office November 12. Mr.Weir returned from a busir.ress trip to Los Angeles justpriorto this move.
fo instance, President of de Fust National Bank. Mistah Scott ain't tough. FIe's good, Mistah Scott is. When he lends you money, he doan nevah bothe'you fo' hit. Ah'm tellin yo'. Mistah Scott he loaned me five dollahs fo'yeahs ago, an' he ain't nevah said a word to me about havin'to pay hit. All I gots to do is go in de bank eve'y Sataday an' han' hirn fo'bit fo' de intrust, an' he says he doan care how long Ah keeps de five dollahs".
Union Mill & Lumber Co., Santa Barbara, sponsored the showing of the motion picture film depicting the Redwood operations of The Pacific Lumber Company, to the members of the Exchange Club inthatcity at their luncheon November 1. The film was also shown to another luncheon .club in Santa Barbara October D. WE CAN