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California Building Permits for October i:i,tif:ii: : : : : : : . : : : : : HnEisM SetttngTiaps;
Fire is crafty. He playr hir game to win. To accomplish his ends, he ie always setting traps and his bait ir alwaye CARELLSSN'ESScarele$ncs$ in regard to matcheo and smoLing; carelessn$3 in regard to electric wires, defective fues, ctc.; carelessness in regard to accumulation of waste, rubbish, etc. Fully 75/o of all fires are caused by carelcssncss. Keep carelessness out and Fire has litde chance to get your plant llrite any of our' companies for, sfecbl in-formatio* in iesard ti thb lrotection offered btt our policies and our ir7 Preztention- serztice, and the sazting represented by our diaidends.
In our service to policy-holders, we give special attention to the elirnin*ion of fire hazards, to keeping their plants clean from traps or throwing thern out as fast as they are set' If our fire prevention cfiorts fail, our resource3 and reputation guarantee prompt settlement of losses. We olfer thc highest quality of protection a lumberman can buy, with a divi' dend which actually repreenb a saving of about 4O/o k coct.