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How Lumber Looks
A total of 3O3 rawmilb reporting to the Wc* Coart Lumberrnen'r Arrociation for tbe week ended Novenbcr 1, operated at 45.fl) per ccnt of capecig, ar conpared to 45.52 per cent for tte preyiour week and 65 pcr ccnt durng the eady part of 193O. In the 23-week period rince thc week ended November 1, tte indurtry har operated on an average of 47.8 per cent of capacity, which has rerulted in more than one billion feet being cut from production" At the prer:nt rate of cutti.gr thir decreare reprercntr nore lhan seven weeks production for tte entire indurtry in the Douglas fir region.
Mill inventories have been rcduced 8.45 per ceot during the part23 weekr. Production ie expected to dccrearc further during Novernber and December which will coitinuc the inventory liquidation rtarted during July, the Arocitttion state!.
In the Califomia market, the dcalcn bougbt mone frccly during the part ten dayr. Retail dockr at ttc yrrdt in general are at very low levelr, and rhould anytbing occnr to increare lumber prices, it would bring on r martcd incrcarc in buying tihat would rend pricer up very fart.
In the San Francirco Bay Dittrict, the nine boDd Lrlro totaling $7Or742rOOO voted on at the recent cleCion her caused some optimirtic talk about the gcneral effcct therc fundr will have on buriner. All therc bond ireucr wcrc voted on with good mrjoritier and the carrying oril of thsc projectr are expected to be a great *imul,ant to gcocrd burines&
Unrold stockr at San Pedro on Novcmbcr 12 totalled 1113861000 feet, a dight decreare ovcr two we& egp. 53 lumber vesreb in the Califonria rewice are leid up.
For tte week ended November l, the Californie Wbitc
Philippine Mahogany Hearing Held at Los Angeles
Hearing before the Federal Trade Commission in the Philippine Mahogany case began at Los Angeles on November 10. Before coming to Los Angeles, the Commission held hearings at Seattle, Wash., and San Francisco. The Philippine mahogany interests are presenting many u'itnesses at the hearing and feel that they are making out a very good case. Philippine Mahogany exhibits showing the versatility of the wood and the excellent finishes that can be obtained are also being presented. Wallace H. Martin, of New York City, and Daniel Forbes, of Washington, D. C., are representing the Philippine Mahogany interests at the hearing. A series of hearings were held on the Pacific Coast last spring, at which time the other side presented their case, end Sugrr Pinc Menduuarr lndr$o! rrporba pnoduction fron A#Dler f TrOOSrfiXtlc+ ffpO l7r906rm0 fcct end orrdcr l3rl23,qn Thc CetrclL Rcdnod Ar rociation fc thc ucc|r codcd -I{ovcobcr f npctcd produc{ion fuom 12 nilb er S,JSg'OO Cc+ rhhmtr- l,837,(Xn fect and ordcer 4,211,fl)O fect [n the Celifomir mar&et, thcre her been an improvemcnt in ralcr i! bo6 Rcdwood end Pinc rincc the 6rlt of the nonth rDd Sc dc.len hevc bccn fiffiiry mc buybg ecrivity. Phc rDd Redwood pdoc. erc hotding dcrdy Ed eclr d tf,G nitb arc well bdDccd.
"Believe It or Not"
San Francisco, Calif., November 10, 1930
California Redwood Association, 24 Celifornia St., San Francisco.
Attention Mr. R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-I\lanager.
I wish to draw your attention to a sketch of the 25(X)' year-old Redwood tree that grew over the &yearold fallen Redwood, in Ripley's "Believe-It-Or-Not" feature in today's San Francisco "Examiner."
This sketch was made from a reproduction of e photograph of this tree from a publicity article in tte February l, lgn, issue of The California Lumber Merchant. I sent this article to Mr. Ripley more then a year ago, and he acknowledged it at the time, saying he would use it in due coursc. You will recall that I requested at that time that your office write to Mr. Ripley confirming the facts in our publicity articlc, which you did.
The appearance of this skctch in Riptey's wetl known feature constitutes invaluable publicity for Redwood, as this feature appears in hundreds of newspapers all over the United States, including all of the Hearst chain, many papers in Canada and abroad, thus reaching many millions of readers with the kind of advertising that can't be bought with money.
The broadcasting of the positive statemen! 'California Redwood-The World's Most Durable Lumber," was pcrhaps more than might have been expected. However it is interesting to note that Mr. Ripley was born in Santa Rosa, California, and probably in a Redwood house.
Yours very truly,
W. T. BLACK, The California Lumber
PexsI. Srocr-a\&NEER in OAK
Mtr#,Y, WalnutBIRCH
White ?ib, RED GUM Maadfuwt pwchctedORE G ON PINE
We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywoodwest of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, ourwellknown dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progressive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
AIso a Complcte Line of Pressed Wood.Moul.dings
9|'-967sourn ALAMEDA STREET
TchpboncTRinitX cr,57
IvlzilingAddrut: P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Station