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Using stoc{ sizes and economical tengths and grdes of Colif ornio Rcdwood lumbcr
prepared by Max E. Coo[, Farmstead Engincct, Agicultval Dcpattnent, CaliforrrioF.cilutooil Associ,ctiol' Copyright I930-
n-t HIS Bulletin illustrates a tyPe of house originally I recommended by the University of California for use in town or suburbs as a "Back-Yard" poultry house. It will accommodate l8 Leghorns, on a basis of 3l square feet of floor space to the bird-
It is also admirably suited to any of the following alternate uses:
I Brooder House, accommodating 125 chicks on a basis ol % sq. ft. to the chick
2 Colony House for rearing young stock on range
3 Breeding House for special matings and prize birds
4 Smatl Hospital Unit
In the form illustrated, this house is readily set up or knocked down, or it may be made portable on skids to be moved by team or tractor.
If in a fixed location, it should be underpinned or blocked up above the ground, with space under well ven- tilated. This space may be utilized as additional sbaded mn if made readily accessible lor cleaning-
The Redwood floor in this house insures a dry floor and one that is easily kePt clean.
To make the house cooler in suruner' the roof panel may be temporarily blocked up a few indres at rear wall, or by increasing the height of the front wdl six indres. roof may be laid with Redwood shingles-a nonconductor of heat and cold---thus securing a perrnanent' wind and weather-proof roof.
As a "Back-Yard" poultry house, the total ar€a required for this house and run (with sPaoe reserrrations for alternate run locations), is 20f x 32'.
As colony houses for brooding and rearing, they should be placed from 80 to 100 feet apart. The portable runs are useful in confining the flocks until they learn their respective quarters.
Ask for Suggested Luwber and. Cutting List and "Directions for Construetingf'-
The aboae is the seaenth of the series ol agricultural bulletins and supltlementary trade hel|s, uhich by reason of thcir cdrcational ztalue to our readers we are pubtishing by arrangetnent Toith the California Rcdzuood Association,24 Californb S,rcct, Satr F rancisco.