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Paul E. Overend Appointed
Hoo Hoo State Counselor
Paul E. Ouerend
_ Paul E. Overend, Sacramento, Manager of the Insurance Department of the California Fruit Exchange, and Northern California Field Representative of the Cilifornia Retail Lumbermen's Association, has been appointed Hoo Hoo State Counselor for California by H. S. Mbrton, Jabberwock gn lhe Supreme Nine. He is- a former .e...iary of the Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club and also a former Vicegerent Snark of the Monterey District. He is a member 6t tne Oakland Hoo Hoo Club.
Mr. Overend is a native Californian and was born in Oakland. He has been connected with the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association since 1923 and after spending five years at the company's Los Angeles office, he was traisferred to the Northern CaliforniJ District at which time he was also appointed Field Representative for the State Asso_ ciation. Prior to that he was connected with the Great Western Electric Co. at _Vancouver, B. C., for five years, and later with the General Electric Co. at portland, Oiegon. He lvas with General Pershing's Expedition into Mex"ico, and also saw servi,ce overseas during the World War.
L. H. Mills Again Heads pacific Coast Loggers
Lewis-H. Mills, Tidewater Timber Co., portlancl, Ore., was re-elected president, Walter M. Leuthold, Deeri park I umber Co., Deer Park, Wash., was re:elected vice-presi- dent and A. Whisnant, Portland, Ore., was re-elected i..r.tary of the Pacific Coast Logging Congress, at their 2lst annual meeting held at Victoria, E. C., October 22 to 24.
^ California is represented on the executive committee by Gordon Manary, The Pacifi,c Lumber Co., Scotia; T. E. Jackson, Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, ancl C. L. Mullen, San Francisco. W. W. Peed, Eureka, is an ex- officio executive member.
_ Arizona.is. represented on the executive committee by I. B. Koch, Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., Flagstaff.