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Announces Changes in Sales Organizatron
With the acquisition of the Pope & Talbot yard in San Francisco on November l. Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. announce the following changes in their sales organization:
Most of the personnel of the Pope & Talbot yard will continue under the new ownership. F. L. Dettman will be manager of the yard, with Ed Allen as assistant manager. All jobbing and retail business will be conducted from the yard.
Jas. E. (Jimm-v) Atkinson will continue to handle sales for all-rail shipment into California for Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. of Oregon, and will also looh after job' bing sales from the yard.
Floyd W.Elliotwill continue to handle wholesale cargo sales for delivery into San Francisco, Oakland and other Bay points.
Geo. R. Kendrick will call on the trade on the Coast route from San Francisco to San Luis Obispo, also covering Nlarin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties and part of Alameda County.
E. G. (Dave) Davis u'ill call on the trade in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys from Chico to and including Bakersfield.
Both Mr. Kendrick and Mr. Davis will be glad to quote dealers on cargo shipment to San Francisco, thence by truck or riil to destination; also on all-rail shipments from the North, and for jobbing shipments out of San Francisco stock.
The company also wishes to announce that for thqptesent they will maintain stocks at both the old Bope & Talbot yard ai Third and Berry Streets, and at McCormick Lumber Terminal at Islais Creek: and that in the course of a few months all operations rvill be transferred to McCormick Lumber Terminal.