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These announcements were made for the company by JWalter Kelly,District Sales Manager who conclu_d_ed_ by saying: "Wilh the change in set-up the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. feel they are going to be able to offer the trade even better service than they have been able to render heretofore."
Mrs. F. fI. Morrison
Mrs. Frances Hannah Morrison, mother of four sons who hold important positiohs in the lumber br'""iness in Oreg-on and California, bne son who was formerly in the lumber manufacturing business, and one daughter, p-assed away at her home in Portland, Saturday, October 25, at the age of 73 years.
Mrs. Morrison's sons are L. A., of San Francisco, California representative of Eastern & Western Lumber Co.; William H., of Los Angeles, Southern California and Arizona representative of Weyerhaeuser Sales Comp-any; Lee B., of Portland, with C.D. Johnson Lumber- Company; Earl R., of Portland, with Eastern & Western Lumber Co. and Harry f., of Portland. The daughter is Mrs. R- C. Keeney, of Mobile, Alabama.
The- funeral was held in Portland on Monday, October 27. The remains were forwarded to Eau Claire, Wis., for inferment, and were accompanied by Mr. L. A. Morrison.
West Bay Lumber Co', recently completed a mill building at their yard in Redwood CitY.
William H. Talbot
Word of the sudden passing ofWilliamH. Talbot November 5, at his Hillsborough, Califo.rnia, home was a distinct shock to his hundreds of friends in the lumbei industry. Mr. Talbot, who was born in San Francisco May 24, 1858, and so was in his 73rd year, had been prominently identified with the business development of the Pacific Coast for a full half century.
He was one of the five children of Captain William C. Talbot, the pioneer lumberman who is credited with bringing one of the first, if not the first cargoes of lumber from New Fngland in the busy days of '49. Captain Talbot, with A. J. Pope founded the firm of Pope & Talbot, to the executive management of which William H. Talbot succeeded on the death of his father in the early eighties. Associated withWilliam H. Talbot in the business for many years was his brother, the late Frederick T. Talbot. Since the latter's passing, William H. was the sole directing head of the vast Pope & Talbot interests, which included mills and timber holdings in the Northwest and a varied group of activities in California. Tust a few davs before his death Mr. Talbot concluded neg6tiations dispbsing of the Pope & Talbotretail lumber yards. in San Francisco. to the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co.
Mr. Talbot was a director of several banks, including the Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Company of San Francisco. He was also a prime mover in the formation of the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Export Corporation, and was its first president. This post, which he first took in 1916, he held for many years.
In the days before the San Francisco fire Mr. Talbot was one of the most colorful figures of the California Street financial and commer,cial district. He was an ardent, public spirited citizen of his native city and his influence extended into high places. Mr. Talbot was twice married. His surviving widow, the former Susan Darneal, whom he married in 1917, is left to mourn, as are three children by the first marriage, Miss Vera Talbot of Hillsborough, Frederick C. Talbot of Seattle and William C. Talbot of [,os Angeles.
S. F. Hoo Hoo Meets Nov. 20
Another large gathering is expected at the regular monthly luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club to be held at the Commercial Club, Thursday, Nov. 20. There will be a speaker on the subject of football, and a pair of choice seats for the big game between Stanford and California will be given away as an attendance prize. Tommy Tomlinson and Dr. George Eveleth will provide collegiate music.
Frank O'Connor has consented to be chairman of the finance committee for this year's Xmas party. Announcement is made that the club will take care of poor children from different parts of the city this year, instead of concentrating on the entertainment of children from the various orphanages.
Redwood Association Annual Postponed
The annual meeting of the California Redwood Association which was to have been held in San Francisco November 18, has been postponed until December, it is announced by R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the association. The date of the meeting will be announced later.