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East Bay Hoo Hoo Play Golf
, A. C. Horner Vins Low Gross. Lanre Woodson Low Net Vinner
_, Ar C. Horner, manager of the Western division of the chestra which played during dinner, ancl "Bobby" RobertNational Lumber Manufacturers' Association, San Fran- son, Scotch co*"di"n, who" amused the gathering for 20 ' cisco, was the winner of the low gross prize with a score of rninutes with his funny stories. 89, and Larue Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Co., San Fran- Those who played golf in addition to the prize winners cisco, won the first low rtet _prize_ at theH9o Hoo golf already mentionei inc-iuded the following: Piess Bancroft, tourn_ament held by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 at Oak Jerry Bonnington, Geo. H. Brown, H. Douglas Cook, S. E. Knoll Co-untry Club, Oakland, October 29. Dalfon, Roy E. Hills, R. W. Driesbach, HJnry Hink, Tom -Second low net.priz_e was won by H. S. Thomson, San Hogan, J. -Walter Kelly, A. S. McCurdy, F. L. Parker, Francisco, and third_ low net was captured by Clyde I. Friiz Deitman, J. H. Rithardson, B. F. Siott, Pat Sublett, Sp_eer, zenith Mill & Lumber co., oakland. Tom McGuire, G. B. Troth.
B.Cox, pr-esident of the.club, presided at the dinner, The following did not play golf but attended the dinner: which was served at6:30p. m. in the club house, and which Phil B. Hart, H] S. Morton,-Bd..qaams, Chas. Conkey. Rod was- attended by a number of members and others who Hendrickson, Carl R. Moore, Gordon Pierce, Milf 'Hencould not be present at the tournament. clrickson, Tohn Anderson. and Rav B. Cox.
Rod Hendrickson, chairman of the club's entertainment Larue ftoodson. chairman of tlre club's athletic commitcommittee, was chairman of the 9ve-ni1S1 tee, was in charge of all the arrangements for the tourna- The entertainment program included a four-piece or- ment.
Frank J. O'Connor. of the Donovan Lumber Company, San Francisco, has been appointed chairman of the m-arine committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Cornmerce. succeding John C. Rohlfs, who has been the chairman since the committee r,vas organized, several years ago.