2 minute read
State Retailers Hold Annual Convention at Pasadena
Harry A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co., Garden Grove, was re-elected president; E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, was re-elected vice-president of the Northern District; Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, rvas elected vice-president of the .Southern District, and Ross Blanchard, Blanchard Lumber Co., North , Hollywood, rvas elected treasurer, at the annual convention / of. the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, held at t the Huntington Hotel, Pasadena, on November 6,7 and 8.
Ten new directors were elected to serve on the board for the three-year period. The full board is made up of 27 directors. The new directors elected were: Ross Blanchard, Glendale District; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co.; Southern California District; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles District; O.
H. A. Lake, president of the Association, in his report stated that the Association was becoming more important in the merchandising of lumber than ever before, and that the outstanding work of the Association for the coming year should be the organizing of local groups. He reported that the Association now has 4ffi members, 5l members having joined during the past year, also that the Association was in better shape financially than a year ago. Mr. Lake spoke on the activities of the various local groups in the state, and stated that the Association planned to devote considerable effort to group organization rvork during the next year.
H. C. Debo, Credit Department, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, opened the discussion on "How Can Exchange of Credit Information Be of Value?" Mr. Debo
W. Hamilton, Lumbermen's Service Bureau, San Diego District; Francis E. Boyd, Boyd Lumber & Mill Co.. Santa Barbara District; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Central District; M. A. Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco District; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., San Joaquin ValleyDistrict; J. H. Shepard. Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento District, and S. E. Dalton, Melrose I-umber & Supply Co., Oakland Bay District.
A breakfast -..,,#ii",l%T""rl**o,r.ctors was held at 8:00 a.m. when the various committee reports and the secretary's report were made. The busniess session included a discussion of Association activities. The secretaries of the various local groups also met during the morning for a business meeting.
Thursday Noon
A barbecue luncheon was served Thursdav noon in the Japanese Gardens on the hotel grouncls adjoining the srvimming pool. During the luncheon hour there rvere srvimming ind diving e*hibitions bygirls from the Pasadena Athletic Club. '
Thursday Afternoon said that the exchange of credit information was important from the standpoint of cooperation in that it taught the dealers to work together, created confidence among each other, and gave the dealers protection. Regarding the matter of credit information, he suggested this motto for the lumber trade, "Let Credit Infornation and Experience Be Compiled Under Judicial Supervision for Betier Protectiori."
Paul Hallingby called the convention to order at I :30 p.m.
J. B,. McKeon, East Bay Lumbermen's Club, Oakland; Frank M. Harrison, Building Material Dealers Credit Club, Santa Barbara; Jerry Sullivan, Western Lumber Co., San Diego; Orrie W. Hamilton, Lumbermen's Service Bureau, San Diego; M. D. Bishop, Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, Watsonville, and Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, togk part in the discussion on this subject-
"The Drift of Retail Credit" was the title of an excellent address made by J. H. Van de Water. Generai Manager Retail Merchants Credit Association of Los Angeles, which rvas of great interest to the dealers.
"Is It Possible to Reduce the Cost of Doing Business" rvas discussed by Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills. Mr. Burnaby's paper on this subject appears elservhere in this issue.
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, spoke
(Continued on Page 12)
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