1 minute read
EAD what these lumber dealers say about the NE\U(/ Creo' Dipts:
"They are the best stained shingles we have ever seen and our architects and builders who have used them are wildly enthusiastic."
-WILSON &"GREENE LUMBER CO., Inc., Syracuse, N. Y.
"'We have had nothing but favorable comments-both from the trade and our own organization.
"With business conditions as they are today, the better article is the one which commands the business. Not only do the new packaged shingles handle, store, and reach the job in better condition but the shingles themselves stand out as a morc de' sitable product."
-HAWKINS COMPANIES, Inc., Boston' Ma$achuseto.
READ THESE FACTS: tlrriform colors e?ert in lightest shades of gray.
No color variation shode otf tinfter connot shozu through.
Doubled life of colors . cafinot fad.e or blot ch.
PacLed in dustproof cartons protected in transit, in stoch, and on the job.
No waste loui contrdctor con use erEry shingle.
No increase in price although the Nezu Creo-Dipts cost ,nore than the old to rnohc, zuc hazv not increased our l>riccs.
Other Creo-Dipt Products
Creo-Dipt Brushroat Stain
Creo-Dipt Weatherproofed Bui.lding Pafer
Creo-Dipt Stained Sltingles
Creo-Dipt Diric White
Hondi-Ironing Cobinct
"shipping in cartons is a step forward It will be no handicap to the conttactor who has a few bundles left, as they can bc put back in as good condition as when they left the factory.t'
What do you think of the New Creo'Dipts? Write the nearelt representative listed below. He'll be glad to show you a carton if you haven't seen them already.
Creo-Dipt Company of rVest Coast lllS Leary Way, Ballard Station Seattle, Washington
P. A. Dame, '!(/es ern Sales Manager
Mayflower Hotel, San Francisco, California
San Francisco Distributot:
Santa Fe Lumber Co., 16 California Street
San Francisco, California
San Diego Distributor:
'West-King-Peterson Lumber Company rVest Atlantic Street, San Diego, California