3 minute read
State Convention
(Continued from Page 12) more exploitation work wilt have to be done, he stated. As an illustration, he cited the experiences of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., of Eugene, Oregon, rvho have representatives making personal calls on the farmers in their territory and the excellent results obtained in creating new business.
Earl E. Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Los Angeles, discussed Terrnites and recommendations for their elimination. He urged the dealers to read Circular 318, Termites and Termite Damage. published by the University of California, College of Agriculture, Berkeley, California. Mr. Bowe stated that the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and the Lumber Sub-Committee of the Termite Investigation Committde, San Francisco, tee. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the members of the'California Retail Lumber Dealers Association in convention assembled believe that home ownership is the trtle foundation of good American citizenship and enduring prosperity, and
WHEREAS, we believe the fostering of the home ownership idea is one of the primary means of restoring economic order and of preventing future periods of depression, and
WHEREAS, the members of the California Retail Lumber Dealers Association knorv thatthe President of the United States has constantly advocated home ownership
THEREFORE be it resoh'ed that the President of the United States be requested to utilize to the fullest extent all would be glad to assist anyone in their termite problems upon request.
A. W. Holt, Automatic Building Costs Co., Long Beach, next discussed Automatic Building Costs. With the use of his Model Home, he showed the various roof surfaces for houses.
Dr. J. F. Carroll, Director of Market Analysis. Meredith Publishing Co.. Des Moines, Iowa. talked on Merchandising. To bring the building material market back, we must figure on three steps. Dr. Carroll stated: Get the consumer thinking in terms of home; Advertising same as other industries, and Through Dealer Cooperation. Dr. Carroll also spoke on'Modernization and Remodeling bringing dut many merchandising points.
A motion was unanimously passed allowing the directors $15.00 each for the joint directors meetings that are held twice each year.
Fred Holmes, Ifolmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, spoke on the activities of the cooperative committee of the California Redwood Association and the California Retail Lumbermen's Association for the past year.
C. W. Pinkerton reported on the proceidings of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association Convention at Chicago, Ill., which he recently attended. After reading the Distribution Policy as laid down by the National, Mr. Pinkerton made a motion that it be referred to the Board of Directors for action as regards its adoption by the Association. He also discussed business conditions in the industry as he found them in the various districts visited on his eastern trip.
Chas. G. Bird read the report of the resolutions commit-
ITho Attendod C.onvention
governmental publicity agencies to convey p-egpte the immediate present advantage ship both from the invCstment standpoint citizen and for the permanent stability of whole.
to the American of home ownerof the individual the Nation as a
_J,I/IIEREAS, there has just recently been approved a $20,000,000 bond issue for the VeteransWelfare toard, and whereas in the past the business practices of the Veterans Welfare Board have not been satisfactory from the material dealers' standpoint, now, therefore, be it resolved by the California Retail Lumber Dealers Association in Convention assembled, that the Board of Directors be instructed to take this matter up with the proper officials and see if there cannot be adopted business piactices for the financing of veterans homes that wilt confbrm more to the general business practices in eftct among other building operators.
RESoLVED, th"l\y?ty:r::t1inute or snence in honor to the memory of our departed friend, PARSON PETER SIMPKIN, the Chaplain of Hoo Hoo, and that our Secretary be instructed to convey to the family of Parson Simpkin our sincere recognition of his work for the betterment of the Lumber Industry. and that bv this moment of silence we honor the memory of a divoted life which developed a better friendship .tiotrg those engaged in the Industry.
RESOLVED, that the untiring efforts of President Harry A. Lake in his work for the past year in promoting the interest of the Retail Lumber Industrv of the State of California be recognized and acknowledged by this Con(Continued on Page 16)
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