1 minute read
Hanrey VY. Koll
Novenber 15th, 1930
Dear Friends:
The other day a friend of nine said, "You donrt want to bother with snall orders do you?" You shoul.d have heard how quickly I replied, 'rWhere in the world did you get suchan idea as that? SnaII ordebs are ny bread and butter. tr
I hope I haven't given you tho idea Irn "high hatrr and please donrt think for a single ninute that your business isn't appreoiated whether itrs an order for one pound of glue or for 500 panels. I'1I try to give you the best possible, personal servioe.
Look over the list of nerohandise that f handle and if there is anything listed that you need, I will be pleased to serve you and I assure you that your orders wlll be just as nuch appreciated whether it's an order anounting to one dollar or to one thousand dollars.
Yours very truly,