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. . to Lurnber Distributors Thelt'll Botb bth lou Sell Lumber MOqC PNOFITABLY
E[ERE are two practical guides I I to better business-two services that will help retailers create new markets sell lumber competitiv_ely and profitably . in lirger volume.
" Lumber Facts," accurate, up-tothe-minute, concise statements for use in selling lumber for specific purposes . . . plans not available from other a unique meet your merchandising ready reference the " Lumber Facts" come to you in a cover which fits snugly in your coat pocket. These quiet, forceful salesmen are ever ready to help you. service to needs. For
"Modern Methods ol Selling Lumber," by Dr. Paul W. Ivey, is a resumd of the lecture Dr. Ivey has presented before many regional lumber associations. Full of pep andenthusiasm, this unusual address contains sound merchandising ideas that local dealers can use to advantage in their territory.
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association will .send these two valuable aidsfree, on request, to lumber distributors. Just fill in and mail the coupon today.
THIS TREE SYMBOL guarartees tbat tbe lumber is c.Ameficaa Starderd Lamber fro* America's Best Mills."