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orange county Lumbermen's Club Holds Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting.and Ladies' Ni-qht .g,f the.orange 9o.,!?3 Francisco, score 79; third prize_-L. B. Eyre, of 9ou-nty Lumbermen's elub was held at MacFarland's Caie, the California Dooi Co., score g9. - 'Fullerton, on Thursday evening, October 30. The meet- Low net--firrt-piir., T. S. Lee of the Hammond Lumber itlg_lit.]irg,ely attended. Thi following directors wer€ 9^":^.J9J sj-is--65; second prize, E. n. vi."ron-;;;;; elected for the ensuing year: J. Jahraus, Laguna Beach 92-18-24. Lumber Co., Inc., Laguni P.Th;-R. Nelson, Euena Park Match play against par-first prize, E. Stefiensen, I lumb-er Co., Buena Park; D. E. Liggett, Liggett Lumber down ; r..btrd prle, W.'B. Wood oi the E. K. W;e-i;*- Co., Santa Ana; Henry Adams,,Aiims-Bowlrs Lumber ber Co., Los Ahgeles,5 down; W"it..Spicer of S""i" Att", Co.. Anaheim; Guy Tyler, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; 5 down. Glenn-Merrill, Patten & Davies Lumber Co., Anahei-, anci ./L"ygross,:-econdJight-firstprize, Frank Connolly,g5; Grey Skidmore, Skidmore & Bowers Lumber Co., Downey. ,rAecondlrize, R. A. Em'ison,96.'E -' -Fo_llowing the dinner, President C. W. Pinkerton, Whit-t Low_net-first prize, Harry T. Smith, 11G30-8O; second tier Lumber Co., Whittier, presided over the business ses- pri'e, Per'cy Merithew, 111-30-81. sion. - Jack _Dionne, Publisher of The California Lumber ---Match'play against par-first prize, Ralph Zinn of the Yerc.hant; Henry A. Lake, President of the California Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, even; seiond prize, Ed. Retail Lumbermen's Association, and C. W. Pinkerton Clark of the Gibbs Lumber Co., Fullerton, 2 down. addressed the meeting. Morris Philips, C. H. Chapman -_Con_19!1tion prize-first, Tom Haverfield, 139; second, T umber Co., Santa Ana, sang several-excellent selections Vern Whitson of the Whitson Lumber Co., Santa Ana, l3O. during the evening. Secr^ela_rl.': -perpetual trophy was won by Walter Spicer, 4 S"ti tournament in which about forty lumbermen par- score 94-18-76ticipa-ted was held at the Hacienda Country Club in^the Prizes were contributed bI the__Charles R. McCormick afternoon...Walter Spicer and D. n.-f-igg.tt *"i. in.hu;t; Lumber Co', Maule-Heber Co., Hammond T,umber Co., or the golf tournament arransements- f;ll'.t",',:': nN October rst this Company resumed the manufrcture of Port Orford \-/ cedar ltrmber, and its Bay Point yard will always have available for immgdiaie shipment a complete stock of that specialty product.
The winners in the golf tournament were as followst gioorii. ct" j"rins-idanville Co., E. J. Stanton co., DeatsLow grgs-s, first flight, firstprize-Norman McBeth of Saitr & Door eo., E. K. Wood Lumbe'r Co., Western Hard_ the Riverside Cement_ 9ompany-, with_a _gross score of 76; wood Co., W. E.' Cooper Lumber Co. and C. W. Bohnhoff second prize-H. F. Vincent of the E. K. Wood Lumber Lumber Co.
Our large Oregon timber holdings contain a sufficient amount of Port Orford cedar to assure our customers a continuous supply for a gteat many years to come.
Port Orford celar is logged by us in long lengths, enabling the production of unuzual special cutting orders for which prompt delivery can be made from this yard, via our six day steamer service hom Coos Bay.
Send for our booklet of grading rules and firm prices.