2 minute read

Asphalt Emulsion Adapted for Many Uses

fact that it has been necessary to employ either heat or solvents to facilitate its application- Both these methods of liquefying the material have their disadvantages. Heating tends to destroy the durability and permanence of asphalt, besides requiring extensive equipment for the process. Added to this, is the extreme fire hazard present in the operation, and the danger of injuryto workmen involved. Too, asphalt that has been subjected to heat often cracks if applied in too h*oy a coat. In the other process, ttat of re-dissolving with the use of solvents, other objections have hindered its general use. Ifere, the risk of fire is also present, and there is the additional danger arising from the poisonous fumes developed by the chemical action of the solvent upon the asphalt.In the case of both operations, the asphalt possesses poor bonding qualities when applied to moist surfaces.

Realizing these disadvantages of ordinary asphalt, The Flintkote Company entered upon an extensive research and experimental program, under the direction of a staff of noted engineers and asphalt chemists, in the Flintkote Laboratories. After several years, a process was Gnally evolved rvhich eliminates all the objectionable features of the substance, yet retains its full measure of waterproofng and protective value. The new product is called Flintkote Asphalt Emulsion. Its process of manufacture is, briefly, as follows: Asphalt is broken up into microscopic particles by mechanical means, after which a small quantity of mineral colloid is added, in the presence of water. Production is checked constantly by laborptory tests performed by skilled chemists.

An irnportant development that rvill be of widespread interest to lumber dealers is revealed in the fact. that for the first time, one of the world's oldest waterproofing and protective substances, asphalt, has recently been made available in a r,vholly new and more practical form, namell' Flintkote Asp.halt Emulsion.

Since the earliest days of history, asphalt has played an important role in the protection and preservation of materials. Temples of ancient dieties. early examples of sculpture and other treasured rvorks of art, all bear testimonl- to the use of asphalt to aid in their protection against the ravages of time and rveather. In fact, much that remains as evidence of the culture of these ancient civilizations orves its existence to the use of this age-old substance b1' earlv 'craftsmen.

However, until the present time, the wide use of asphalt to meet modern needs, has been handicapped because of the

With the advent of Flintkote Asphalt Emulsion, the use of asphalt has been materially widened. Its application has been made both practical and simple, because it may be used cold, eliminating the problems common to the old processes of heating and re-dissolving. Moreover, its life and protective value have been made more dependable by the new product; since it will neither crack or check at tow temperatures, nor flow at high temperatures. It may be applied to either wet or dry surfaces with uniform success. Among its variety of uses are the following: Protection of metallic and other surfaces against rust and disintegration; dampproofing walls, floors and other parts of buildings against the effect of moisture, water and weather; for use as a plasterbond; for renewing the surfaces of composition roofs; for painting roofs and walls made of galvanized or black corrugated iron; construction of mastic roofs; used in the laying of tile, rroodblocks and other types of flooring;for the construction of mastic foors by mixing with sand and cement; for insulating boilers and pipes against heat loss; for coating work used in refrigeration construction; coating water and gas pipes for underground installation: horticultural use in the treatment of diseased trees; construction of roads, tennis courts, parking areas and miniature golf courses, etc.

The lumber dealers of the west are rapidly taking advantage of the sales opportunities firr the product, and in many instances, have reported that it offers a profitable item with rvhich to widen their activities in the industrial. as rvell as the building field.

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