1 minute read
Appointed Representative for
Southern California
w. W. Wilkinson, Los Angeles, has been appointed
Southern California representative of the Oregon-Washington Plywood Co., which includes the Portland Manufacturing Co., Portland; Tacoma Veneer Co., Tacoma; Elliot Bay Mill Co., Seattle, and theWalton Veneer Co., Everett. These four large Douglas fir plywood manufacturers merged their interests recently when the Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. was formed at Portland. Harry T. Nicolai is president and general nlanager of the company, and the other officers are : Thomas Autzen, vice-president; Craig L. Spencer, vice-president, and E. Q. Walton, secretary-treasurer.
The combined capacity of the above plants exceeds 150,000,000 feet of plywood per annum. Headquarters of the Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. are in Portland, Oregon, with Fred Kienzle in charge of sales. Mr. Wilkinson has been closely associated rvith the plyrvood industry for a long period, and is well knorvn to the Southern California lumber trade.
R.'\ry'. Smith Addresses Rotary Club
R. W. Smith, San Francisco, Technical Engineer for the California Redwood Association, addressed the West Los Angeles Rotary Club at Westwood Village, Thursday noon. November 6. Mr. Smith's subiect rvas "The Redwood Industry."
Franh Burnaby