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Huge Bridge Project Aids
Bids calling for- building of the biggest bridge of the cur_ rent biennium will be opened in thJ6ffice of ihe California (State) D,ivision of Highways at Sacramento, November 26, accordinigto announiement made October 29, from iii Sacramento office of the Highway Commission. ^ This structure, rvhich _spans Richardson's Bay in Marin County, will form one -of ihe most important oi tfr. -;;t projects,- olj.gt of rvhich is to straigirten and widen tht Redwood H.ighway so that it adequitely may serve local and tourist interests of the Redwood Empire,-according to R. F. Hammatt, Manager, California Redwood Associat'ion.
"The State Division.of Highways is to be congratulated,', 1\{r. Hammatt adds, "upon-its iction in adve'rtisine this Iarge project at this time-for not only will its con"struc_ tion provide work for hundreds of men on the b.iai; ii_ s.elf, .at a. time of .year when work normally i, .tu"tl-lii rt w-lll also provrde employment for more hundreds of Lalrtornlans at the Redwood mills.
"Known as the Manzanita Bridge, this structure, ZSCI feet i1 length, and wide enough to- provide for four' lanes of traffic, will.require more tha-n Z.I7S,ffiO feet of Structural Kedwood. l'hrs material alone will weigh more than 4,350 tons and w.ill .require approximately 150 freight ."rr' frts _transportation from the mills in Mendocinol Humboldt, and Del Norte Counties to the site of the job in Marin County."
Fire of unknown origin swept the storage yards of Tar- ter, Webster $l^9h-nso1, fnc., at Klamath "Falis, No.re-b". 5. destroying 5'000,@0 feet of box lumber with an estimatecl value ot more than $100,000.
Redwood Rustic Campaign
A Redwood Rustic selling campaign having as its object the increase of siding sales Eas been Taunchecl"bv the -"rrrr_ tacturers, who have made the lowest prices that have ob_ tained ln years on all-patterns of the upper grades of Red_ wood Rustic, to enable the retailers 'tb mike attractive pn.ces to consumers.
_--D-r"1l"rr jn yan1r sections of the State have agreed to pass on the reduction to the consumer in the shapi of a lower markup-, and with this c.ooperation it is confidelntly ";p""t; that volume of sales will 6e materially increased.
R.J. Bryson to Sell Redwood in San Joaquin Valley Territory
R. J. "Bob" Bryson, whose picture is shown here in woods attire, is now a member of the sales organization of The Little River Redwood Company, with headquarters in Fresno, from where he will cover the San Joaquin Valley territory frgm Tracy to Bakersfield. Bob has been in the employ of The Little River Redwood Company for the past eight years, all of which tirne he has devoted to learning everything he 'could about the prod- uct he eventually intended to sell. His experience started in the woods, and continued in the sawmill. the vard and in the wharf opera- tions of the company, so that he has followed Redwood from the tree to the completed shipment to the customer. Just before leaving Crannell to take up his new duties he was in charge of the manufacture of lumber in the sawmill. With this fine background it is quite natural that he brings to his new job a splendid enthusiasm for Redwood, and tfre conviction that more of it should be used foi all ,the purposes for which it is particularl_v suited.
Coos Bay Lumber Co. to Make 25 132" Flooring
Announcement is made by the Coos Bay Lumber Comp,any that effective November 15 they wili change over to the manufacture of 25/32" Flooring. "nd ftom thal date will make no more 13/16". With this change all sizes in this company's upper grades will conform with West Coast Lumbermen's Association's No. 9 list.