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Age not guaranteed-Some I have told fot 2O years-Some lesg
What He Thought
The country bank had been robbed. It was discovered that the safe was blown about ten o'clock at night' It further developed that the Swede janitor was supPosed to be in the bank at the time. Quickly he was called and questioned. He replied that he was in the bank the night before.at ten o'clock. Asked what he was doing he replied: "Ay vas scrubbing de foor." Questioned further, he said that about ten o'clock when he was scrubbing the floor, a window was cut out and two men with masks on their faces crawled into the bank.
"And what did you do?" inguired the of;Ecer.
"Ay yust scrub de foor."
Oregon Mill Burns
Incendiarism is suspected in the fire rvhich destroved the olanins mill of the Pondosa Pine Lttmber Co" Elgin. Oregon, O"ctober 26, rvith a loss estimated at $1m'000'
Under further questioning hc admittcd that hc s.w thc two men soap up the door of thc safc and light a fusc'
"And what did you do ttenl'
"Ay yust scrub de foor."
He said that the explosion same, ttre door flcw ofr, thc men grabbed the money and shoved it in a s*k, and went out through the window.
"And then what did you do?"
"Ay yust scrub de floor."
"Good Lord, man," exclaimed the questioner. "What did you think about these things you saw happen?"
"Ay tank," replied the Swede, "das ban a Hell of a way to run a bank."
New Manager At Arcata Yard
Don NlacCormack has been promoted from the mill staff of The Little River Redrvood Company at Crannell to the managership of the corupany's retail yard at Arcata.