The California Lumber Merchant - November 1931

Page 1

Devoted to the welfare ol alt branches ol the Lumber Industry-Mlll, Iard and Individual. NO. r0 We also publish which at Houston, covers the Irrrlex to Arlvertiseurents, Pagc 3 Texas, The Ciulf Coast I-unrbernran, Anrcrica's forenrost entire Southwest and Middlewest like the sunshine covers NOVEMBER retail lunrbcr journal, California. 15,1931


A record-breaking train of CALIFORNIA PINE lumber products leaves The Red River Lumber Company's Plant at Westwood on November l0th. Routed via Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha. Train splits at Omaha for Minneapolis and the Northwest and Chicago and East. California shipments diverted at Keddie, Cal.

Inaugurating traffic on the new Western Pacific-Great Northern Transcontinental Link, as part of the "Golden Spike" ceremonies. (Listen in on the National Broadcast at 1:45 P.M. Pacific time.)

Dealers and manufacturers to whom thes€ cars are consigned are taking the advice they ofier to the public "BUY NOW". They are confident ttre bottom has been reached and the rebound in prices is due.

Far sighted lumbermen need no public demonstration to point the wisdom of buying at bottom prices.

ffih+?::,:l#Y locar "BUILD Now" and "EMPLoY-


ln Los Angeles-Factory and Truck Scrvicc

-(\ ,v/. (Vrh' \t [/ fe PnosPER
THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT November 15. 1931 Redwood reboad ln Sheetq 4feet by6{eet %u* inch Thick and other le nglhs Redwood Trees arelfie Oldest Living Things [Iamrnond Lumber Cmpang OUR ADVERTISERS *Advertisement appears in alternate issues. Associated Lumber Mutuals L7 Baxter & Co., J. H.. * Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co. 15 Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. * Brown, Geo. C., Co. Built-in Fixture Co. 29 California Moulding Co. * California Panel & Veneer Co. 5 California Redwood Association '6 Celotex Company, The .. * Chamberlin & Co., W. R. 23 Cooper Lumber Co., W. E. ............ 33 Creo-Dipt Company, Inc. . 9 Dallas Machine & Locomotive Works.. 28 Dolbeer&CarsonLumberCo, ... * El Rey Products Company * Flintkote Company, The . {< Fordyce-Crossett Sales Co. .. t< Hammond'Lumber Co. 3 Hanify Co., J. R.... ..........31 Higgins, J. E. Lumber Co. 29 Hill& Morton, Inc. .. .........12 Hipolito Co. * Hogan, T. P. Co. * Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. * Hoover, A. L. .........26 Humboldt Redwood Co. 15 Koehl & Son, Inc., Jno. W. {' Koll, Harvey W. 13 Laughlin, C. J. . ......... 30 Lawrence-Phillips Lumber Co. . * Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation I.B,C. Lumbermen's Service Association McCloud River Lumber Co. . * McCormick, Chas. R., Lumber Co. .... * McKay & Co. . ...-...... 32 Moore Dry Kiln Co, National Lumber Manufacturers Ass'n.. * Nicolai Door Sales Co. . :rc Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. 23 Pacific Lumber Co.. The 11 Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. {' Perfection Oak Flooring Co., Inc. . * Pioneer Paper Company ...18-19 Porter, A. L. . * Red Cedar Shingle Bureau * Red River Lumber Co. ...I.F.C. Reynier Lumber Co. . 2a Reitz, E. L., Co. 30 Safepack Mills .. 2L Sampson Company * SantaFeLumberCo.... ........ 7 Schumacher Wall Board Corp. ....O.F.C. Seattle Boiler Works ...... t2 Shaw Bertram Lumber Co, ..........31 Simonds Saw & Steel Co. . 27 SisalkraftCo.,The ...... 13 Slade, S. E., Lumber Co. ... t' Southern Oak Flooring Industries 2l Stanton & Son, E. J. * Strable Hardwood Co. ... ......22 Sudden & Christenson 25 Tacoma Lumber Sales Agency Thackaberry, M, N, 34 Union Lumber Co. . 27 Weaver-Henry Corporation .........O.B.C. Wendling-Nathan Co. .......... 17 \nlestern Hardwood Lumber Co. * Western Sash & Door Co. :* Weyerhaeuser Sales Company White Bros. :t Wood Lumber Co., E. K.. 16



Incotaoretcd unds thc lavr of Callfmla

J. C. Dlmlc, Prcc. ud Tnae.; J. E. Martln, Vlcc-Prcg., A- C. Mcrrym, Jr. Sccy. Publbhad thc lrt ud lSth of cacb E6th rt tr&rt-2o Cmtnl Butldlry, lot WBt Slxth Stnrt, Lc Arrclcr, Cel. Tcl4hmc, VArdlkc lsas EntGrGd u Seod-clag ntt r Sl,lptmbGr E, fiA, at thr Porto,lflca rt Lor Angilcr, Callfomle, un&r Act of Meh t, ltlt.

Subrcription Pricc, $2.lXl pcr YGlr Singlc Copicrr 2S ccntt cech. LOS ANGEI ES, CAL., NOVEMBER I5, I93I Advcrtirinj Rrtcr on APPlicrtion

How Lumber Looks

Douglas Fir-The new busines taken by 224 identical millr reporting to the \ffest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended October 31 showed an increage of 21 per c6lt, or 158001000 board feet, over the total for the prwiour weelg making the largest percentage increase from one week to another during recent months and reversing suddenly the general weekly movement downward in orders. Each market classificetion-the rail trade, domestic cargo and in the gain. Production at these mills decreased 5r10Or(X)O feet during the week from the previous period.

Production, orders and shipments of these 224 mills for thc same week were rqrorted as follows: Production 78r286r7t5 feet; Shipments 8912771372 feetT Orders 9Or523,O@ Leet.

Vhile the major gain in the weekts orders was in the Atlantic Coast market, increases were registeted in rail delivery sales by many of the mills serving the interior of the United States. Dealerst lumber stocls throughout the Central Vest are known to be extremely low and generally bedly broken and some buying fot filling in purposes has been anticipated by the industry. ft is, however, improbable that the increase in orders last weeL means the beginning of a delayed fall buying movement by "ity and country lumber yards. Mill prices have been fairly firm the past sixty days and increased slightly in Sep.tember for thc firct time in 19 months. Production is decreasing steadily and stoc&g are gradudly being loweted. Statistically, the situation of the manufacturer is rteadily improving.

A total of.344 millc reporting to the Vest Coast Lumbemcn" Association for the wcek ended October 31, operated at3O.2 pa ccnt of capacity, as comparcd to 31.91 lrer cent of capacity for the prccoding wee&, and 44.8 pet ccnt for the same week last

The lumbcr market in ell pats of California har rhown no

material changec during the past fiftecn days. The volume of business and prices temain about the aame. Lfngold rtocks on the public docks at San Pedro totaled ,'861'000 feet on Novem' ber 11, the lowest figure recorded in yearo. Catgo arrivals at thir pott for the week ended November 7 amounted to 9'692'q)0 feet;including 11 cargoes of Fir carrying 8'967'000 fect and one cargo of Redwood with 7251000 f,eet. 62 lumbet vegrelr in thc California service wete laid up on Novembet 5, with one vecsel, the Missoula, opetating off shore. 6O vesrelr werc laid up the previous week.

Vith lumber mill production continuing on a low level, new business received during the week ended October 31 exceeded the cut by 16 per cent, it is indicated in rqtorts to t{re National Lumber Manufacturerg Association from 806 hatdwood and soft wood mills. Shipments of these mills werc2l per cent above production, which amounted to.1569r2rffiO feet. A wee& eadier 825 millc reported new business 2 pet cent above and ehipmentr 6 per cent above a cut off68l19r000*feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended October 31 rqrorted production from 111 mills aa 24r552r0[{J feeg rhipmcnta 3511541000 feeg and new businesa 3Or47lrO0O feec Orden wete 24 per cent above production and 13 per ceot below rhipments.

Thc \festern Pine Arsociation for the wec& repoftod production in the Inland Empire and California from 119 millr aa 342E4,0N feet, shipmentr ,7J,87rlfiJl0 fcct, and ordccr 351 174,@O fcet.

Reportr fuollrt 264 hardwood millrfor thc remc wcclc givc new burincsr ar 17r15E,fiD fcct. Shipmcnt! 19,496,(nO fcct, end production 1416051000 fecL Ncw bucinc$ was 17 per csrt a,bovc, and rhipmcntr 33 per ccnt above production.

Texas Line Yard Concern Buys Six Hundred Cars of Lumber

The South Texas Lumber Company, of Houston, Texas, a big line yard lumber concern of which J. M. West, of Houston, is President, has just made the biggest purchase of yard and shed stock credited to any retail lumber concern in the past several years.

They bought from the Lutcher & Moore Lumber Company, of Orange, Texas, approximately 12,000,000 feet, of about 600 cars of yard and shed stock. The Lutcher & Moore Lumber Company isa lumber manufacturing and

wholesaling concern. The purchase consists of about 11,m0'@ feet of Yellow Pine cut attheir mills, and about 1,000,000 feet of Douglas Fir which they carry for wholesale purposes.

The lumber will be sold through the big string of lumber yards of The South Texas Lumber Company. News of the purchase has spread much sunshine in the Texas lumber industry, where it is looked upon as a definite sign of the times, since J. M. West is credited with being a wizard, at business prognostications.

J. E" MARTIN Managlng Edltor
Y""'. {. !r *
,, *
Sen Francirco Officc tlt Slrtr Mrina Bldg. ll2 Markct Strut Tclcnhoc EXbrcok 2tt5 Southcra OEcc bd Netloul Brnk Bldt. Hando' Tcxer

Per.rn Srocr-aVTNEER in OAK fr#M,Y'




White ?do, RED GUM

Quartcd fiuttd

QnsekctedORE G ON PINE


We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywoodwest of Chicago. Our well assorted stoclcs, ourwellknown dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling andmodernizing they arereal economy.

Ako a ConplcuLine of Pressed WooilMouldings


955-967 souTn ALAMEDA STREET

TclaphoncT&inhl cr.57

MailingAddrcts.'P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Station


Interior Decorative Panels

V.gabond Editorials

Today, for the first time in twenty-fo,ur months, men are saying to one "n61hs1-"fhings look fsffsl"-..lusiness is really picking up." They are saying thatonthe street corners, in the clubs, and in their places of business all the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, and from Detroit to New Orleans.

They are saying it confidently, hopefully, believingly. It is the first real sign of the dawn. Many times in many months leading financiers have announced that the bottom has been reached. But the man in the street paid them no mind. But when HE, this guy that makes up Mr. American Public, decides that things are on the up and up, they ARE, because all it need*s t"* t*tt opinion.

Over the sales desks of the lumber industry this feeling has not yet manifested itself. It wouldn't. Not immediately. The first thinga man can drop when times get hard, is a building project. And it isn't a thing he will take up again the first day the business sun shines. It will take a little time after business is definitely climbing the hill, before lumber gets the genuine feel. But when it DOES come, it will come a-runnin'.

I told a man that the other day, and he wanted to know where the business is to come from, even after the turn. He couldn't see where the prospects lie. So I told him a story from Scott's "Lady of the Lake." The King of Scotland, traveling in the rnountains of Scotland incognito, becomes lost, and is being guided out of the mountain fastnesses by a huge mountaineer whom he has chanced upon. The mountaineer is none other than the King's chief enemy, Roderic Dhu, leader of an insurgent mountain army. Roderic Dhu is also incognito. The King has no idea of the identity of his guide.

As they walk along they talk politics, and the King bitterly condemns the outlaw Roderic Dhu, and finally expresses the wish that he rnight meet face to face "this rebel chieftain and his band." Roderic flamed with wrath. ,.Have then thy wish," he cried, and blew his whistle. Instantly the lonely mountainside was covered with an army of mountaineers, fully equipped for war. Every tree, every bush, every rock, every tuft of grass gave forth a soldier. One minute there was not a man. The next there was an arm''

And so it has always been, and so it will be this time, with business. It comes frorn everywhere when the tide turns. You lumbermen will all remember the many times this has happened. No man can say whence it will come.

Like Roderic's arrny, the whole earth will produce and develop it. When she starts, look out for sky rockets.

Advertisers in the lumber press these days ought to be enjoying an unusual degree of publicity-they have so little competition.


Recent business conditions have played holy havoc with the lumber trade press. Three have folded up and quit, or been absorbed. Three semi-monthlies have gone once-amonth. One weekly has*gone semi-monthly.

And what has happened to the remainder reminds me of the finish of the old, old story of the man who ordered a headstone for the grave of his departed wife, with the inscription-"God, she was thine." And the stone engraver got his lettering so over-sized that the width of the stone wouldn't quite permit the.finishing of the epitaph, so that when he finished it read-"God, she was thin."

"Anyone can write an ad," says the cynic, "bgt it takes a smart man to wash a window." ,t**

One of my friends was talking to me the other day about merchandising. He recalled the famous adage that if you build a rnouse trap better than anyone else, the world will make a beaten path to your door. To buy traps from you, is the assumption. But this friend hazarded the opinion that the fellow in the wilderness who builds a better mousetrap than the other fellow WILL have a path beaten to his door, but it won't be by would-be buyers of mouse traps-it will be by cheese salesmen wanting to sell him a supply of bait. * :r *

Wonder how long it will be befo,re we are wrapping packages of lumber or lumber products in oellophane? They're wrapping nearly everything else in it already, and the craze has just Botten*well started.

C. C. Sheppard, President of the Southern Pine Association, in 3 recent address to a lumber group, made the declaration that if the lumber industry had started a research campaign just five years ago, the chances are that right now we would have discovered and would be using fire-proof wood. We've been saying sornething very much like that in this column every month for a long, long time. We think the lumber industry has GOT to get busy with such a research campaign. We are convinced that its future depends absolutely and utterly on such action. What are we waiting on?

(Continued on Page 8)

* * *
* *
:F t<




Incorporated Feb. 14' 1908

A. J. ttGustt Russellts Outfit

Exclusive Rail Reprerentatives in California and Arizona for Central Coal & Coke Co.

Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.

Exclusive Rail Representatives in Northern California for Creo-Dipt Company, Inc.

North Tonawanda, N' Y'

So. Calif. Offrce



F. S. PALMER, Msr.

Cdifornia Ponderosa Pine California Sugar Pine



8O9 Pacific Electric Bldg. Bruce L. Burlingeme Phone

St. Clair Btdg.

16 California St.




TUcker 2El9

Vagabond Editoriafs

(Continued from Page 6)

I've been thinking a lot lately about that editorial question of the Chicago Tribune: "Is it not altogether likety that the prosperous future of the lumber industry, as of all others, will lie in the discovery of new applications for wood,.rather than in seeking frantically to retain old or obsolescent uses?" The anBwer is most emphaticallyYES.


One problem that the soft wood producers of the South have got to solve-andthe termination of the business depression isNOT going to permanently solve it by any means-is new markets for FINISH lumber. The demand for finish had fallen far below the supply long years before the depression came. And it will continue that way until the millsfind new routes for theirclears. Because the USE of finish lumber has been gradually and steadily passing, and THOSE SAME USES are NOT going to return, no matter how prosperous conditions may become. A hundred ordinary uses of finish lumber of fifteen years ago, no longer exist. Finish, or the stock that goes into same, must find new routes, new uses, new markets. ,G {. rf

And finish, being inanimate and not capable of doing its own research work, will have to have human hetp to solve its problem. Human minds and human hands are going to have to be consecrated to the seeking of these

The Starving Cow And The Stack of H.y

Sometimes I get plum' sick an' disgusted with the human race's lack of sense that I jest want to sit down an' cry.

You take the way things is right here at home. One committee is askin' help for the mill folks an' another one is askin' help for the farmers.

The mill has made so much cloth it can't find no sale for it an' has to close down, an' the farmers is goin'round with their shirt tails stickin' through their britches for wanto:the cloth that's stacked up in the mill.

fmagine a starvin' cow on one side of a fence an' a stack o'hay on the other, an'in all this broad land not a single two-legged creature in pants with sense enough to bust the fence down or throw the hay over.

new paths for these Ottn*tt;rd.*and valuable materials.

One of the popular forms of Plywood now being made in the West is big panels forwallboard. Thousands of lumber dealers in the United States today carry stocks of these panels, three, four, five, and six feet wide, eight, nine, and ten feet long. You can build a clear, beautiful wall out of them, quickly----easily. This type has one side good, which cuts down their cost. The otlher side goes to the wall. Their price is economical, and thcy help lumber get back lots of markets that ordinary boards have been driven outof'

The California Redwood is the champion water holder of all cornmercial trees. The sap of a Redwood contains water that weighs 200 per ctnt more than the dry weight of the wood. An average Redwood tree of commercial size contains about se\renteen tons of water. Is this huge amount of water, ranging from butt to top of the tree, the preservative that makes Redwood the longest lived tling on earth? Trees five thousand yearsof.age are live and sound. And trees that have fallen and lain on the ground more than two thousand years produce as sound lumber as the standing tree. They grow where frequent fogs furnish them plentiful saturation.

Margaret Matches, an eastern writer, in a travel article expounds a philosophy that deeply appeals to me. She writes withpity of people so deep in a rut that they can't get-or see-out, and sympathizes with those who ..tet the years pass without one gesture toward the extraordinary." Yes, the man who always does the usual thing in the usual way, lives the usual life and dies the usual death, and across his headstone could well be inscribed this epitaph: "NOTHING UNU:ufLj'

"Old fogey methods and ideas keep us broke," is the crude way of putting it. But R. E. Saberson, the Weyerhaeuser merchandising shark, says the same thing in mag-. nificent fashion. Says he: "Traditions exact an appalling to'll from our distressed cash*registers." Keen, we calls it.

Unlike many distinguished business men Mr. \V. L. Clayton, the cotton king, has magnificent powers of expression. In this issue you will findan article by Mr. Clayton on what's the matter with cotton, and with wheat. Incidentally, he tells us what's the matter with things generally. If you miss it, you've missed a banquet table heaped high with food for interesting thought. Mr. Clayton is one of the most brilliant business men on earth today. Anything he says can be listened to with profit.

* * 1.


with the texture and color of wood shingles

OW, for the first time in historY, proof shingles (made of cement ture and color of wood shingles-tt present day ideas of economY.

Creo-Dipt Firebroof Shingles-American Methoil. Nine colors-soft, grained terture-yolr can't tell them frorn zaood shingles.

Creo-Dipt Firelroof ShinglesDutch Laf Method. Inerpensiae-easy to lay -and a gooil loohing roof. Same colors as American method.

you can buY genuine freand asbestos) with the texa price well in line with

Hitherto, asbestos shingles have had nearly every quality a roof should have-except onel They were permanent. They were fireproof. They were inexpensive. But only with these nevr CreoDipt Fireproof Shingles has the last obstaclebeen overcome. Creo-Dipt Fireproof Shingles are beautiful-with the soft texture' color and shadow effects that have made Creo-Dipt Stained shingles (wood) so popular with discriminating home owners and architects.

Don't just take our word for it. Ask our representative to show you full-sized samples (or write us direct). And we'll leave it to you if they aren't the best-looking asbestos shingles you ever saw!

Also-don't forget to wfite for full details of thenew Creo-Dipt Dealer Profit-Sharing Plan. It means a longer Profit on every Creo-Dipt product you stockl


TIw most complcte linc of roof and, sidcuall manrialls in tlw building indnstry



CREO.DIPT MOIIAWK SIIINGLES ( Fircproof- mafu of ccmer* and ar,bettr,l

CREO.DIPT FIREPNOOF SHINGLES (Mudc of cement a;nd rltbestot)

CREO-DIPT WHITE (Doublc Strength)




lllS Lerry l[ay, Bdlad Strdon' Seattle' V'arh. aaa

So;n Franci.*o Dittribuar SANTA FE LUMBER COMPANY

16 California Streetr San Francircot Calif. aaa


Weat Atlantlc Srreett San Diego' Calif.

Lor Angelat Di.*ributot rISK & MASON

85S Ef C.entro St, South Paaadenar Cdli aaa Factoriarz

NorthTorrawandao N. Y.' (levelandr Ohio., Minneapoliq Minn., Kanssg City' Mo.' Seatder Wash., Vancouver, B. G Vanelauget or Slr,lc,s Afrcet in all pri;ncipo,l



Cafifornia Building Permits for October

City Los Angeles ... San Jose San Diego Oct., 1931 $3,459,905 November 15, l93l Pomona Glendale Stockton Palo Alto Sacramento San Mateo 2A6,950 157,794 t43,6X) 120,475 105,5r0 97,947 79,737 73,727 72,259 71,ffi8 69,499 68,7+7 6+,n6 62,5@ 6r,267 60,284 59,565 56,696 56,038 50,600 aa a)o 49,265 45,|ffi 43,328 42,750 41,755 41,250 40,595 36,090 36.375 35,620 33.640 32.740 31,O30 30,r85 29,850 n,ots 28,466 27,629 26.650 %,6m 22,ffio 22.530 2r,340 n,402 19,773 19,737 Oct., 1930 $5,309,191 2,D2,2IO 495,317 l,9@,630 177,244 1,134,515 60,330 436,145 596,300 129,546 217,86 t86.776 t22,230 70,195 59,655 115,480 52,975 104,192 104,081 47,670 143,762 215,625 61,190 128.475 124,505 381,641 )< ??L 140.264 9,597 51,180 67,065 63.379 74,593 96,ffi3 50,900 88,710 158.326 10.895 69,840 13.065 99,610 157.005 1l,580 109,812 13,779 40.050 253.831 22.385 73,562 A? 2<< 16.235 3r.615 9.745 36.009 44,ffi2 78,595 68,660 Oct., 1931 19,619 19,318 19,090 tg,gg4 18,725 19,474 19,465 18,344 77,025 16,475 16,450 16,000 15,427 15,255 75,200 12,723 11,639 11,318 lo,g75 10,675 10,600 70,577 10,2r9 9,480 9,100 8,7rO 7,940 y,550 7,5A0 7,llo 6,435 6,311 6))q 5,600 q 2(( 5,O75 4,981 4,950 4,59O 4 A)q 3,275 3.250 2.350 1,900 1,715 1.490 1 )n7 950 672 600 525 Oct., 1930 n,672 31,680 16,525 8,200 17,9ffi 30,520 24,W 94,759 15,400 24,975 20,655 150,000 23,430 7,625 71,550 36,0g9 17,M5 52,756 6,989 8,300 17,450 n,i)i 73,7rO 20,100 25,795 2t7,8tO 4,026 55,550 5,71O 5,725 86,950 10,240 38,725 15,805 66,ffir 25,157 16,850 9. )4q 550 r4,gn 23,0n 30,915 3,100 10,765 2,675 29,330 7,5n 6,475 19,650 3,7N 36,345 1,2@ 500 San Francisco 7,357,340 Oakland 9i0,586 386,245 297,@6 2g3,7gg 282,3W 276,620 26t,7gO Long Beach Pasadena *Hollywood Beverly Hills City Eureka Newport Beach Watsonville Claremont San Rafael Tulare Arcadia Santa Rosa Redondo Beach Compton Manhattan Beach Visalia Santa Cruz Carmel Hermosa Beach Culver City South Pasadena Santa Paula .... Hayward Orange Monterey Park Hanford Maywood Redlands Palos Verdes Petaluma Ontario Azusa Lynwood Lindsay Porterville Fullerton Hawthorne Brarvley Corona Whittier National Torrance Oxnard Seal Beach Upland Calexico El Segundo Colton San Fernando Chula Vista Monrovia Glendora Harbor City Covina Emeryville Huntington Beach Laverne 467 387 Exeter 21? 6\5 San Marino Albany *North Hollywood Berkeley Redwood City Fresno Santa Monica .. Inglewood Alhambra Riverside Santa Barbara Bell Santa Ana Sierra Madre Burbank *Eagle Rock *Venice Salinas *San Pedro Willow Glen El Centro *Wilmington Coronado Monterey El Monte Huntington Park South Gate Montebello San Bernardino Laguna Beach San Gabriel .. Ventura Vernon Santa Maria Alameda Pacific Grove Burlingame Oceanside *Van Nuys Anaheim Piedmont Bakersfield *Included in Los Angeles Totals.

A Creed -

TI I BELIEVE in the United States of America.

f believe in the American abiliry to beat any beatable set of circumstances and come up smiling.

f believe in the ability of the American citizen to swim upstream, hit fast ball pitching, break out of a half-nelson and have a pretty good time in the bargain.

I believe that in the long run fair weather overbalances the bad, that all "breaks" are subject to the law of averages, that the expression "Good old days" is relative and that everything comes out all right in the wash.

I believe a little optimism never hurt anybody and can be taken straight.

I believe in the capacity of the American indusrial leader and in the common sense of the American workingman.

I believe that (Jncle Sam is still at the old stand with a brave heart and a clear head, and I do not believe he isin any danger of losing his pants, coat, vest or shirt.

I believe in the total inability of Russia to changc the course of the stars, to rearrange the general appearance of the heavens, to eliminate the constellations, to discontinue the daily rising of the sun, to subject the rainbow to a five-year plan or to make the American of normal backbone jump into a hole and pull it in after him.

I believe American railtoads are worth considerably more than a dime a dozen.

I believe the United States Steel Corporation, the American Telephone & Telegraph Company, the General Electric Corporation and other big industrial institutions will stay in business and that none of them is in any danger of having to take on a side line of lead pencils or apples.

f do not believe any danger of seeing John Pierpont Morgan, Owen D. Young, General Atterbury, Charlie Schwab or James A. Farrell, throwing their jobs overboard and deciding to make a living as ferryboat musicians.

I believe that what the country needs more than anything else is a restoration of the ducking stool for professional pessimists, squawkers, calamity howlers and confirmed grouches.

I believe in the ability, instinct, capacity and power of the average Ametican to fight his way out of any difficulty, to scale any reasonable heights, to make the final payments on the automobile, to put something in the bank and to look adversity in the face and tell it to go to hell.

I believe the American people will continue to own and operate automobiles and that there is not a Chinaman's chance that conditions will arise which will make them decide it is a good idea to go back to the bicycle and the bugry.

f befieve the American housewife will continue to have an electric ice-box and will never again be satisfed to spend a half-day mopping up the

#ter the visit of the old-fashioned ice-

I believe the old-fashioned wash-tub has gone for good and that anybody who thinks the American wife is going back to the old days of drudgery and inconveniences is two-thirds cuckoo and onethird army mule.

I believe three square meals a day will always be the American standard, but that even if we miss one or two it won't hurt us.

I believe in common sense and natural vision as opposed to the "fidgets" and the use of smoked glasses when anything goes wrong.

I believe in the silver lining, the rainbow after the storm, the plunge through center, the infallibility of the slogan, "Never lead with your chin,', and the potency of the cries "Block that kick!" and "Hold 'em Yale!"

I believe that much of the world depression is ttdone by mirrors."

I believe the worst is over and that it nevet was as bad as it was advertised.

Refrinted from "Tlt.c Suu Dial" by H. I. Phillifs, in "The Nezv Yorlt Sun." THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMP-A,NY REDWOOD Bark and Lumber PRODUCTS Shell Building, San Francisco.

Calilornia Retail

Program Annual Convention


Association, Hotel Oakland, Oakland, Calilorniar .November 1 9-20-21

Thursday Morning, November 19th

8:00 A.M. to 12:0G-Registration.

(No Business Session Thursday Morning.)

8:00 A.M.-Breakfast meeting of Board of Directors. Committee Reports. Secretary's Report. Business.

10:30 A.M.-Meeting with Secretaries.

(Secretaries will have 8:00 Breakfast Meeting.)

1l :30 A.M.-Adjournment.

11:45 A.M.-Joint Meeting of Association Directors with Directors of the Millwork Institute of California.

Thursday Afternoon

1 :30 P.M.-Opening of Convention; Announcements; Committee Appointments.

1:45 P.M.-Reportof President H. A. Lake.

2:15 P.P,-Douglas Fir Manufacturers' Problems. Pr_ogress of Grade Marking, Dry Lumber, etc., by Col. W. B. Greeley and our Lumber committee.

3:0O P.M.-Mill Work and Retail Lumbermen by Mr. A. W. Bernhauer.

3:30 P.M.-Adjournment 5 minutes.

3:35 P.M.-Sales Promotion of Wooden Shingles.

(a) Application of Wooden Shingles over old Shingle Roofs.

(b) Stainlng, Nails, New Pack, etc., by Mr. Arthur Bevan of the Shingle Bureau.

4:1O P.M.-Relative Importance of Lumber and Side Lines by Mr. C. H. Griffin.

4:30 P.M.-Discussion: Local Trade Promotion. To be led by Mr. C. W. Pinkerton.

5 :00 P.M.-Adjournment.

Friday Morning, November 20th Election of New Directors Ballot Box Open from 8:00 to 12:00

7 :00 A.M.-secretaries Breakfast Meeting.

9:0O A.M.-Announcements and Reports.

9:15 A.M.-Discussion: Outlook for Roofing Business, led byMr.Arthur Hayward.


Let us handle your rush orders. If you have to have a car ln a hurry, we will specify "spot loading," and your car wlll reach you with least poseible delay.

Our Motto: "Promise Less-Do More"

Dennicon Street Vharf - Oakland ANdover lo77-l07E

9:45 A.M.-Trucking. By Mr. Sherman K. Burke of the Southern Pacific Co.

10:15 A.M.-The New Contractors' License Law. By Mr. Glenn D. Slate, Assistant Director and Registrar of Contractors, and Mr. Orman Lutz, Chief Examiner.

10:55 A.M.-Adjournment 5 minutes.

1l:@ A.M.-Association Activities: F. D. Prescott. S. E. Dalton, Geo. Lay, and O. H. Barr.

12 :10 P.M.-Adjournment.

12:15 P.M.-Hoo Hoo Luncheon under auspices of Oakland Hoo Hoo Club No. 39.

Friday Afternoon

1:30 P.M.-Announcements and Reports.

1:45 P.M.-Credits and Collections. Bv Mr. Arthur Henning, Manager-Director, Retaileis Credit Association of Sacramento and President of the California Association of Retail Credit Bureaus.

2:15 P.M.-Legislation. By Mr. Dudley Chandler.

2:45 P.M.-Redwood.By Mr. Fred V. Holmes and Mr. Ralph Duncan.

3:15 P.M.-Adjournment 5 minutes.

3:20 P.M.-Retailing of Lumber. Mr. O. R. Hartwig, West Coast Lumbermen's Association.

3:45 P.M.-Advertising and Selling. Mr. B. J. Boorman.

4:15 P.M.-Announcements and Committee Reports; Report on Election of New Directors.

4 :30 P.M.-Adjournment.

Friday Evening

7 :00 P.M.-Annual Banquet-Ladies.

Joint Banquet California Retail Lumbermen's Association and Millwork Institute of California.

Saturday Morning, November 21st

8:00 A.M.-Breakfast Meeting of Old and New Board of Directors.

Convention Reports. Election of Officers.

I 1 :00 A.M.-Adjournment.


Why the largcrt millr are inrtalling our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.

WE ARE ABLE to care for your requiremcntr for air cooled and brick lined refi[cburnerr_ new and ured boilen of all rizcr and typel


Scettlc, lVuh.

Vholecalers and Jobbets
Wrltr for Crtrtolust

S.nd Pap*

Wood scr.w!

Sarh Pullcyr

D. F. Panclg

Glrcular Sawr

8aw Rcpelrlng

Sash Balanc6

Purc Hldc Gluc

Herdwood Penolr

Band Saw Bladcs

Gluc Emublficn

Ceblnct Hardwerc

Pleln Wood Dowcb

Elcctrlo Gluc Potr

H.8. Stccl Knlvcr

All Klndr ol Vcncorr

Strlnlcrr Ceacln Gluc

Splnl Groovcd Dowcb

Wrt rproof Gercln Gluc

Storc Flxturr Herdwtrc

Rod Gcdrr Glorct Llnlng

Slaalkrrft W.t.rprcot Pap.r

Hanvey \M. Ko[[

722 Sourn GnrprrN AveNue LosANeeles. CALTFoRNTA

Wholesale Only

Telepnone CAprrol 8689

The Arrous Indicote Sisalkraft Applicatiotts in these three random viewe. Ijrrper left isa temporarvehack fo'rbrotectine matelrial oh a iob. Neit is a fflli-ng etation wit[ its concrete driveway beine cured and prorecred bv Siedkraft. Below ls one of tfie thoueands of houees on which Siealkraft ie b.iog ueed back of_stucco. Are you get{ng your ehare of thie DuslnesEt .; t4#"1,:

From shacks to fine residences th,ereis a demandfo, THE SISALITRA]'T CO. 2O5 W. Wacker Drive (Canal Station) Chicago,Ill. 55 New Montgonery Street, San Francisco, Calif. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. QQrr.ore thun a buildtng papePee

V/. L. Claytohr Cotton King, Discusses Cotton, Governmental lnterf erence and Blund erst the Depression, and \(/orld Conditions

(Editor's Note-W. L. Clayton is frequently referred to by men of large affairs who know him and his activities as THE outstandingly brilliant business man of the United States today. Certainly he holds a more dominating place in the cotton industrv than anv other man in anv other great industry. He thinks marvelously, and expresses himself as few men can. Therefore this discussion by Mr. Clayton of the cotton situation will appeal to every business man, because what he says about cotton, and about our Government's interferences in business, and concerning the basic causes of the present depression, applies largely to.all other business. Read his remarks, and you will have plentiful food for thought for some time to come).

Remedies wide in range and limitless in number are being offered for therelief of cotton. Destroy part of the surplus; restrict acreage by legislation; let the government buy the surplus on condition that the farmer refrain from planting, etc., etc.

Prosperity to be restored through a sort of injunction against the fructifying processes of nature !

A world, sick unto death from an overdose of artificiality, is asked to swallow more of the same as the only means of relief.

How long will we go on with a patch here and one there trying to cure that which only a major operation can reach ?

To say that our troubles are due to overproduction is too easy.

One suffering from arthritis is not benefited by the mere knowledge of the technical name of his malady. He wants to know how to get rid of it, but first he must know what causes it.

In spite of a surplus of all commodities, producers are no longer able to effect exchanges among themselves on a fair basis. Stocks pile up and everybody cries: "Overprodusfi6n"-"cut down production to fit consumption, etc."

Before condemning the farmer for producing too much and seeking means of forcing him to curtail, let us carefully examine the highways of international trade to see if the trouble may not be due to obstacles there in the way of a free exchange of goods.

Instead of serving an injunction on nature to "cease and desist" from bringing forth her bounties, is it not wiser to seek the reason for inability to keep commodities moving in the customary processes of exchange ? Why should there be great unmarketable surpluses of wheat and cotton, etc., when many millions of the world's population are cold and hungry?

What are the facts surrounding the so-called overproduction of cotton ?

Cotton is now selling on the farm at one-half the average price obtained by the farmer for ten years prior to the war. Other farm products show approximately the same price comparison. Practically every product of the farm is selling far below the cost of production.

For every five bales of American cotton sold to mills in this country, six to seven bales must be sold abroad; hence

the price of cotton depends more upon foreign than upon domestic buying power.

One of the consequences of the war was a quick reversal of the international financial position of the United States from that of a debtor nation to a creditor nation.

During the first decade following the war, citizens of the United States made enormous investments in foreign coun- tries. The proceeds of these investments were, for the most part, spent in the United States for raw materials, manufactured goods, machinery, etc., to repair and renew the wastage of war.

By the end of 1928 the United States was the world's greatest creditor nation and had reached a position of apparent prosperity unequaled in the history of the world.

We now see that our house was built on a foundation of sand.

We were lending our customers the money with which to buy our goods and then lending them more money with which to pay the interest on the loans.

Obviously a halt had to come to this process.

When it came in 19'28-29, the highly artificial foundation on which our expoqts had been built, crumbled with the stock market.

It took England centuries to win the position of chief banker to the rvorld,

Along with the laborious process incident thereto, she also gained an understanding of the significance of her position and the ability to carry its vast responsibilities.

The displacement of England by the United States as the world's chief banker came almost overnight through a quick turn of the wheel of fortune. But those cultural processes represented by experience, understanding and the ability to accept heavy responsibilities do not lie on any wheel of fortune.




We should have recognized that our new responsibilities placed us in the position of requiring payment from the rest of the world, not only for the goods which we were still expecting them to buy from us-cotton, wheat, automobiles, radios, etc., etc., but in addition that we should have to receive heavy annual payments as interest and amortization on the vast sums of money which we had loaned abroad. We should have known that these payments could only be made in goods; that any requirement of payment in gold if persisted in would undoubtedly crack the economic foundations of the world.

Heedless of the insistent warnings of international bankers and economists, we proceeded to raise our tariff barriers to a higher level than ever before.We practically put the rest of the world on notice; that they need not expect to sell to us any commodity which we could manufacture or grow in the United States; that they must pay


their debts to us in gold and pay for our cotton, wheat, etc., in gold.

The debts due us by foreign countries had their origin not in the loan of gold but in the loan of goods, the value of which was expressed in gold when gold's purchasing power was very low. Now we decline to accept payment in goods even though due to a great increase in the value of gold, we can get three or four times the weight of goods that we loaned.

Thus, the war debts and the protective tariff have operated to siphon into the United States over one-half of all the monetary gold in the world; 4O per cent of the remaining supply is held by France; hence these two countries, with about 12 per cent of the population of the world, now hold approximately 7O per cent of the world's stock of monetary gold.

As one economist has aptly put it, the United States and France are running a gigantic corner on gold.

While the corner is in process, the price of gold rises and rises which is another way of saying the price of everything else, expressed in gold, goes down and down. This is one reason why cotton sells on the farm at 5c a pound and wheat at 25c a bushel.

Two years ago, when the cornering process just commenced to tighten the screws on its victims, five pounds of cotton or three-fourths of a bushel of wheat on the farm would buy a dollar in gold. Today on the farm it takes twenty pounds of cotton or four bushels of wheat to buy a dollar in gold.

The larger our pile of gold g'rows, the scarcer it becomes in other countries of the world and the greater the difficulty experienced by our foreign customers to pay the interest on their debts, and to buy our products like wheat and cotton and copper. Like King Midas, everything we touch turns to gold.

Fortunately, there is a safety valve, otherwise the top of

the world would be blown off under the pressure. The first operation of the safety valve came with England's announcement that she could no longer pay in gold. Other distressed countries will almost certainly follow suit.

One of the "shorts" has thus announced to the world its inability to make further deliveries of the cornered article. With pressure released, the price of gold ceases to rise and the price of commodities remains steady or advances.

England is to be commended for taking this courageous step. It is a constructive development, not only for England but for the whole world.

History will also convict us of another stupid thing. Not content with arranging matters so thatour debtors and our customers would have to pay in gold, we thought of another cunning device by which (as we believed) the amount of gold which they would have to send us in exchange for our commodities would be greatly increased. It was so easy ! So we drank deep of the poisonous nostrum of governmental stabilization of commodity prices.

Not content with cornering gold, we would also corner wheat and cotton ! Why not ? Were we not the richest nation in the world? If $500,000,000 were not enough to do it, wouldn't Congress give the all-powerful Farm Board another $500,000,000 and another and another? Of course they would ! We had their (F.8.) word for it.

So our Uncle Sam started in just before planting time in 1930 when the farmer had sold 95 per cent of his previous crop and proceeded to corner May and July cotton. There rvas no reason for doing so, because the farmer had practically no cotton left for sale; on the contrary there were weighty reasons against it, as, for instance, the serious effect which such artificial action would have on the consumption of our cotton as well as the importance of avoiding any move which would give the farmer false

(Continued on Page 16)

BOOKSTAVER.BURNS LUMBER COMPANY 550 t*ti";l'"1:Ti,i:" Brdg WEctmore 6931 Exclusive Southern Calilornia Representatives Through Them we Invite Your Inquiries for BED t17OOID Clear and Commons Green or Dry Rough or Worked CARGO AND RAIL SHIPPERS HUMBOLDT RED\(/OOD COMPANY Main OfficeEUREKA, CALIF.

'!(/. L. Clayton Discusses World Conditions

(Continued from Page 15)

hopes as to prices for the next crop, thus preventing a natural reduction in acreage so much to be desired. But what has reason to do with $500,000,000 appropriated by Congress to "stabilize" the prices of commodities and to "minirnize speculation !"

So away we went. And how Uncle Sam did make the shorts dance ! They were wicked fellows who had the audacity to buy the iarmers' cotton at a time when no mill wanted it and to hedge it by the sale of futures so that they would be in position to borrow from banks without jeopardizing the money entrusted to the banks by their depositors ! Uncle Sam actually made some of them bring their cotton back from foreign lands where it had been shipped in the hope of finding a buyer. We would show thern what the United States government could do with the price of cotton !

What was the result? The story is too long to tell here in its entirety: in good time it will all come out, but this is open to anyone to see: Cotton acreage in 1930 was reduced only 4 per cent whereas if the market had been left to itself, we would have had a much heavier reduction.

Consumption of American cotton in season 1929-30 declined z,m,W bales, whereas consumption of foreigngrown cotton increased 1,100,000 bales. In the following season, 193G'31, consumption of American cotton declined another 2,000,000 bales, whereas consumption of foreigngrown cotton remained stationary. During the past season, for the first time since the invention of the cotton gin (except for the civil war period), the consumption of foreign-grown cotton has exceeded that of American cotton and by the substantial total of 565,00O bales (11,134,000 American vs. 11,700,000 foreign) 4nd in spite of the depression, the consumption of foreign cotton (11,700,000 bales) was the highest figure ever known. In 1926-27 consumption of American exceeded that of foreign-grown cotton by 6,000,000 bales; 1927-28 by 5,700,000 bales; 1928-D by 4, 600,000 bales.

There is now held by or under the control of the Federal Farm Board a market interest in excess of 3,000,000 bales of cotton. Every cotton mill, every cotton speculator, every large distributor of cotton goods, every cotton merchant in the whole world knows of this huge stock of cotton held under government control and they are asking themselves the questiori: "When will it be sold?" Someone has said "when the government goes into business, the wise man goes out." Our government invaded the cotton

business only to find that the enemy-the wicked cotton speculator-had evacuated, leaving the government to hold the position in undisputed ruin. One of the stated objects of the Federal Agricultural Marketing Act was to "minimize speculation." In this it has succeeded far beyond the dreams of its authors. It has destroyed speculation.

This is anoJher reason why cotton sells at 5c per pound on the farm.

The Federal Agricultural Marketing Act conceived in deceit and administered in ignorance (destroy every third row; corner May, July, etc., etc.), livesas a towering monument to our economic follv.

The losses to farmers, to mirchants, to mills and to taxpayers in this grandiose scheme to set aside natural law will never be fully known, but it is a staggering total.


Most thoughtful men will agree that labor should and will in future receive a larger share of each dollar of production than in the past, but quite apart from the question of equity, it is impossible for the agricultural population, with its income cut 75 per cent in the past three years, to go on supporting the urban population at the old rates of pay just as if nothing had happened.

How long will we go on depending on artificiality? How long will it take us to recognize the wisdom of Macauley, the great historian of a hundred years ago, who is so widely quoted today:

"It is not by the intermeddling of the omniscient and omnipotent state, but by the prudence and energy of the people, that England has hitherto been carried forward in civilization; and it is to the same prudence and the same energy that we now look with comfort and good hope.

"Our rulers will best promote the improvement of the people by strictly confining themselves to their own legiti-

<"& Now Comes Another Masonite Product 4701 Santa Fe Avcoug Loc Angeler Tempered Presdwood A Masonite Product For Every LIse Call Us For Additional fnformation About Thig Remarkable Product E. tr(. WOOD LIIMBDB OO. (GOODS OF TFIB VOODS' Kiag and Frcdcric& Streetr, Oellaad

mate duties, by leaving capital to find its most lucrative course, commodities their fair price, industry and intelligence their natural reward, idleness and folly their natural punishment-by maintaining peace, by fending property, by diminishing the price of law, and by observing strict economy in every department of the state.

"Let the government do this-the people will assuredly do the rest."

How long will it take our government to rise to its responsibilities and call an international conference to substantially reduce war debts and tariffs, and thereby cut the Gordian knot which now binds the nations of the earth in economic helplessness ?

What are we waiting for?

Will we act in time?

Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. / lncorporate

Incorporation papers of the Patten-Blinn Lumber Company with headquarters in Los Angeles were filed at Saciamento on October 27. Announcement of the merger of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Patten & Davies Lumber Company, Los Angeles and the Russ Lumber Company, San Diego, creating a $7,000,000 concern, was made on July 1. Involved in the transaction are yards in more than thirty Southern California communities; planing mills and sash and door factories in I os Ang.eles and San Diego; wharves and modern distributing facilities at Wilmington and offices at Phoenix, Ariz.

The L.W. Blinn Lumber Company is the oldest of the three merging companies having been established in Tombstone, Ari2., in 1880. The Russ Lumber and Mill Company was established in 1885 in San Diego and shortly thereafter established yards in the San Bernardino Valley. The Patten & Davies Lumber Company was established in Pasadena in 1894, and later opened a yard at Los Angeles and became one of the largest distributors of lumber ind building materials in Southern California, opelating more than ihirty yards within a radius of thirty miles of Los Angeles.

Officers of the Patten-Blinn Lumber Company are: Henry S. Patten, president; C, G. Lynch and Waltel Q. Patten, vice-presidents; F. 'W. Patten, secretary, and E. C' Parker, treasurer.

Strable Invites Retailers v'

Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, in their advertisement in this issue invites members and visitors attending the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and the Millwork Institute of California to use their office during their stay in Oakland. Telephone, stenoEraphic, automobile and desk service lre at the disposal of Ihe visitors. Strable Hardwood Company's telephone number is LAkeside 5584.


R. H. Pray, who was recently appointed sales mana_ger of the Red River Lumber Co., with headquarters in San Francisco, following the resignation of Langford W. Smith, is on an Eastern business trip, and expects to be back in San Francisco about December 1.

Mr. Pray is well known to the lumber trade all over the country, having been associated withthe Red River Lumber C6. for 33 years in the operating and sales departments, both in Minnesota and California.




Wholesalerg of DOUGL.{S FIR SUGAR PINE

Tty " Car of

We Can sell you Mixed Cars with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir.

Main Office: San Francisco l l0 Market St.

A. L. Hoover, Agt. Los Angeles Standard Oil Bldg.

Salety with Saving

That's what Lumber Mutual policies provide. V'e help you to prevent fires and avoid disaster. Vhen losses come, we pay our claims fairly and.promptly. The saving from reduction of losses and economical manegement comes back to you in dividends to re' duce insurance cost.

Ask any of our Cornpanies what that mutual interest means for you in safety and sadng.

Ccrtnlfmfrcirmfrhrt ltc hrDerror lrtrd bnruoGcrprry cf luruo Colmly ol YuYcrLOLlo tudd4 Olb hdhulnnbonofrtnl l{ortlrr*crrhhrlFlir lulnlc Cooprry ct Andrdol of ldiup[+h|. Sorttlo.WuL flr hlber f*rrl Fh Pouvhulr hrborrcr lurucCorpmrof lrurltirclunroGoo( Bcd.r. Ir& PSlerldrlh, ?r



Setabs are the most revolutionary improvement in the manufacture of asphalt shingles.

They are the only shingle on the market with the asphalt saturant permanently sealed in, thoroughly protected against the absorption of moisture and the evaporation of the saturant.

Because of this important feature, Setabs offer your customers a greater measure of roofing economy than ever before, yet they cost no more!


(Pronunced See-Tab) The Old-exposed Edges
P. O. Box,
The New-Sealed Edges
120 Arcade Annex, Los Angeles, California LAf.ayette 2lll
t5r9 Shelt Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Sutter 7571
Pittoc& Block PORTLAND, OREGON Bmdvry ll02

When you talk Setabs to your customer, you may offer him these unequalled advantages:

I Setabs have no cut or exposed edges.

4 Setabs are surfaced in plain colors and

2 Their sealed edges permanently prethe famous Forestry Blends. Soft tones of red, green and blue intermingle over the entire surface of the roof. serve the original asphalt saturant (the very life of the shingle), against drying out and moisture absorption.

give a deep shadow-line effect.

t Setabs have an extra heavy coating of asphalt embedded with crushed rock over Will outlive any all exposed edges. more than ordinary

5 Setabs have unusually thick butts that home . . yet cost no asphalt shingles.

Setabs offer the lumber dealer an exclusive product, backed up with sales advantages destined to make it the most profitable item in your entire roofing line! Your cus-

tomers will instantly respond to the outstanding value offered in Setabs . . . display them and feature them . . they will bring easy sales and generous profits!

124 Symm Blclc SPOKANE, WASHINGTON MAIN 5435 lllT Continental BaDk BldS. SALT I.AKE CITY, UTAH Wutch 79ll
azl Ncthem Life Torer IATTLE, WASHINGTON MAIN 5r,r2

Amos'n'Andy Bry a Sawmill

And lncidentolly Discuss the Present Triols and Tribulations of the Lumber Industry

, Arriving at the office of the taxicab company, Amos is amazed. to learn that Andy has sold the fresh air taxicqb_ cgrp{ation, he wants to know how much cash they got for the business, and demands his share. Andy replies with disdain:

(tDere you is again, Amos. You dontt know nothin' tbout bizness. Notfiint selle fot money no mot. Ve sells evetything fot tstallments on sawmill lumber faetry."

t'Savrmill lumber factry? Whut we doin' wid a lumber sawmill? Ve don't know nuthin' 'bout runnin' no lumber sawmill, does we?"

Co'se we don't, Amos. De man I traded wid done'splained dat. He said we don't have to do nuthin' 'bout ur sawmill to get de bizness. He done tol' me dat if all de folks in de sawmill bizness know anything 'tall tbout nothint, dey wouldntt be in de bizness. He said we aintt taxicab drivers 16 111et-14'g is industry

ttVe is, huh? Now aintt dat sumpint? Well, if we is magnets, whutts de next thing we is gonna do?tt

*Vell, now we gonna meet wid all de buyets. De mot buyenr we meet, de mot goods we sells btlow cost. De man done 'splained dat de fu'ther you sell under cost, de betteh de sa$mdll man whut you is."

(tB'low cost, Andy? Whut you mean? 'Splain dat cost to me. Vhut is it?"

ttDontt nobody know whut &t cost bizness is, Amos. Datts whut de man done said. Coot is sumpint de sawmill man guesses at ant sells under. De man whut guesses de lowest an' sells de mos' under gete de pfize.t'

rtVhutts de prize, Andy?tt

tVell, as f unterstants it, de sawmill man whut sells de lowest fot de longest time, gits de chance to lickerdate. Datto whut de man said.t'

ttDat lickerdatint stuff sho sounds good, but Andy, you aintt tole me yet whirt we is goint to do wid dat saw. mill lumber fadty."

"Well, Amos, as f see de sichayashun, hits' like dis. Dey is two things you can do wid a cavrmill. Fust, you can run it. Secunt, you cnn curail wid

'(Curtail? Andy, whut you mean by dat?"

ttDads easyl Amos. Fust, you rune de savrmill ant makes all de stufi you crn Den when de buyere ir done bought all dey can pey fot, as fur under cost as dey can guess to, dey resigns away fum de marlet Den we begins to cuttail. Ffit don't mean nothin' cept we knocks olf fum work. We stope de factory, does a little f,shin', sorter procrastinatint round like, ant maybe goes on a

"fJh, Ffugh. Now'bout dis curtailin'bizness Aody. I likes de soun' of dat. FIow long do it laat, an' how long does we res'like dat?"

*V'ell, Amos, we curtails till de buyers gits ha'd up fo' mo' lumbet. De cawmill man has to watch de buyers mighty close and just 'fo it looks like de buyers is goin'to have to pey mo'den dat cost, de sawmill man ruohes to make all de lumber dey can, ant ketches up wid de buyers agin. Den, befot any of tenr is ready to'ctart in agrn dry is right back whete dey wrrz when dey started. If you wuz a bizneslr man you would un'eretant dat can't nobody beat a system like dat. De man whut sole us de sawmill said dat system wuz de big thing in de cawmill bizness. You cantt hep but see hets right tbout

t(But, listen Andy, sposen de sawmill man gits kinder cateless ant does gits to sellin'above de cost. !7hat happen den?"

(Nobody knows whut would happen den. Hits whut did happen. But ain't nuthin' fo' us to worry

ttl guess you is right, Andy."

ttCheck ant double check.t'

dis curtailin' too long, ant de lumber

it wuz like dat, eve'body done fotgot been so long sense tbout,

(Author uaknown).



Vaterproof Airtight - Veatherprcof


(Inder siding, Etuccor shingles, etc. Under Floors to Prevent warping; around window frames, and many other uses.


Small investrnent-No deterioration---Clean-Easy to handle-Established reale pdces-Prompt aervice from seven pointr on the Pacifc Coast'

Ask your nearest Distributor fot Samples and Detailed Information


J. E. Higgiru Lumber Company Strable Hardwood Company

Sen Fralciro, California Oatland, Crlifornia

McCralco-Ripley Company

W. E. Coopcr Lrunber- Co-mpany

Lor Angdel Cdifornie

LocLwood Lumb-er Company portleJd, 6*9oo Sen Diego, Cdifornie Satde' Vrrhington

Miller-McDcrmott Hardwood Co.

Harrir-Pcndergrasc Co. Frerno, Celifornia



SOFI'S New Soles Builders


HOW lO LAY AND FtNlSH OAK FIOORS-A pockct'rizc work book thol lcllr yourcustomcr cverything hc should know. Mort uplodot€ ond complctc of itr kind. Will uncoyar mony new prorpcclr for you.

NEw GRADINC RU!C3-A 6-pogo foldcrfcoturing SOFI's newond voslly improvcd Ook Flooring Groding Rulcr Just whot you ond your trodc hovc bcen woiting for.

rHE IOVEIIEST OAK FIOORS OF AIt -,,GUES$ FON DINNER, mARY"-SrnllE-AWAY HOUR3-Thrcc oitroctivo ond oppcoling foldcrr for widc'rpreod conlumer dishibution. Hundrcdt of dcolen hovc provcd thcm to be cxcellcnt soler rlimulotorr.

SOFI FTOORS FOR HOrnE BEAUTY will bc moiled bv ur lo nomcr furnirhed by you.

fhcrc,ond othcr SOFI Solor Bulldcs, hovc b,ccn -prcporcd erpcciolly to halp to{ incrootc your ook f,oo-rine rolcr. Thov'rc vour for thc olking, in quontilic!. ordar your ' rupply todoy, ond put thrm to work for you.

Sourn:nr Oer Floontno Inousrntes




Pinc Blufi, Ark. Konror CitY, Mo'




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Norhvillc' Tcnn'


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FoRDycE t utirgiR coMPANY sourHERN PINE IUMBER co' Fordycc,&i. Trxortono,fcrc


SOFI Ook Flooring lr lobclcd with lhir rcAistcrcd wotranty mork for yout protection





Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 20 years.-Some less The Bddge Turned

They brought the twoof them into the hospital about midnight, both badly broken up, both smelling strongly of licker.

One of them was unconscious, but the other was wide awake and on the job, so the doctor, as they got ready to work on his wounds, asked him how in the world it happened.

"Well" said the drunken and broken philosopher, .,I

don't rightly know myself. Me and Bill started drinHn' early in the evenin', and after a while we began to get sort of drunkish. So we decided we'd better get in Bill's car and go for a ride, get some fresh air, and get sobered up some. So we started out an' Bill was drivin'. We was makin' about seventy-five when I says to Bill 'Look out; there's a bridge comin'-better turn out an' let her pass'. An'he did, an'here we are".

Reversible Cross Circulation Dty / See How Modern Kitchens Kiln Installed in Canada ,/ are Made

-.Th" Moorg Dry Kiln Company recently shipped a dry kiln of their Reversible Cross Circulation design lrom their North Portland, Oregon, factory to the Interior Sawmills, Ltd.. Snowshoe. B. C.

An interesting feature of this installation is that exhaust steam will be employed in the drying operation. Engelmann spruce, both common as well as clear grades, rvill be seasoned with the new kiln.

This installation was sold through the Cawston Dry Kiln Coqp_any, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C., who are sales agents for the Moore Dry Kiln Company in British Columbia.


H. G. Larrick, The Lumber & Builders Supply Co., Solano Reach, Calif., was a Los Angeles visitorthe early part of the month on company business.

On another page is printed the advertisement of the Built-In Fixture Co., inviting retailers attending the annual convention of the California Retail' Lumbermen's Association tovisit their display rooms and factory at 2608 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, io iee how "Peerless" Built-In Furniture is made. Visitors are asked to telephone THornwall 0620 for an automobile.


HooHoo International headquarters, for many years located in the downtown district of St. Louis, Mb., -have been moved to new quarters at 4215 Lindell Boulevard. Secretary-Treasurer H. R. Isherwood announces that the new quarters has notonly increased the facilities of the various departments but also secures a long sought indi- viduality due to the fact that the Order occupies the entire building.

Members and Visitors
Annual Conventions of CALT]'OBITIA RETAIL LUIIBERDIDN'S ASSOCTATION and MTLLWORK TNSITTUTB Of' CALIFOBNTA You Are Inaited to (Jse Our Office rerephone'""i;f,f!r;::::,;'r:Y:,:1i,,i.;:,ffi :?:irourcornrnand' STBARLB HABDWOOID COnIPANY OAKII\ND TEmplbar 5584 CALIFORNIA

Associated Lumber Mutuals ' Exhibit Awarded First Prize

The California Lumber Merchant and all lumbermen will be interested in the announcement that the first award for efiective advertising and publicity in the cause of fire prevention in the advertising exhibit at the convention of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies in Chicago last month, u,as given to the display of the Associated Lumber Mutuals. The rvinning exhibit consisted of four large panels containing both one and two-color advertisements, mailing pieces and enclosure blotters, editorial articles on fire prevention which have appeared in different lumber publications, and copies of "The Burning Question," the house organ of the Associated Lumber Mutuals. The Field Advertising Service of Indianapolis created all the matter contained in the exhibit except "The Burning Question," which is edited by H. J. Pelstring of the Associated Lumber Mutual organization. Some of the material sholvn has appeared in the pages of the California Lumber Merchant..

The prize awarded to the Associated Lumber Mutuals was a handsome electric clock donated by the Abington Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Abington, Mass.

Lumber Industry Advised Curtail lnventories and Restrict Production

Washington, Oct. 27.-Commenting on the recommendation of the. Lumber Survey Committee to the U. S. Timber Conservation Board that lumber stocks should be reduced 4.6 billion feet within one year, the following lvas authorized by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association today:

"The committee points out the lumber industry is sufferir,g some depletion of its assets because of the low prices and restricted demand for lumber and that the correction of that condition is dependent upon the establishment of a reasonable balance betrveen lumber supply and demand. Lumber stocks have been curtailed 1.5 billions feet since the beginning of the year, but the committee finds that a further reduction of 4.6 billions feet is necessary in order to establish equilibrium. Hence it says :

"'That deliberate restraint of oroduction should be continued until the stocks of the industry shall have been reduced to a level reasonably commensurate r,vith economy and stability in the marketing and distribution of lumber.'

"Compliance rvith this recommendation, although painful, seemes to be the only .cure for the present situation of the industry. The demand for lumber will steadily rise in seasonal ebb and florv from now on. We have passed the low point in the economic cycle but the revival of the lumber industry is dependent upon restraint of production for some months to come."

John H. Mallett

John Holland Mallett, 75, president of the Kern County Lumber Co., with yards at Bakersfield and Taft, died at his home in Berkeley from pneumonia, November 2. Mr. Mallett, who also had extenJive oil interests is survived by his widow, a brother, a daughter and two sons.

r/a-tnch Unifom Thickriere3 Ply, Saaded 2 Sldcr

SIZES: Widthc, 32 and 4E lnchea-Lengthr, 5,

California Sales Agents

Anderson * lft'j$.+.Lumber Co. Prouty


Get behind LOCK-TITE Wall Board for your customcra' satisfaction and your profit. Unequalled quality.
6, ? and 8 lcet
'"1;r?[1'3"*ii"?"1"n"1"J,n";?"*h;; Gcncral Offlceel54g Doch SL, TACOMA, WASiIL LOS ANGELES BRANCH OFFICE: 14/. W. WILKIN.SON, Ddst. Mgr. 318 Wcrt Ninth Strect Lor Angclcr, Calif. TJvl. Reg. U. S. PaL Oif.
for Polson Lumber & Shingle Co. Hoquiam, Wach.
Lumber & Box Company
R. Chamberlin, Jr. - td:ili:j . Phyllir - Barbatr C.
ANGELES HEAD OFFICE OAKLAND s06 chubcrof.Cmcrrcc nh lc,-Fife.Buildng t"#l.ii lrli: WEgborc c295 Su Fmciro SEATTLE PORTLAND, OREC. Dougla! 5170 Alben Dck No. I Pier No. 5
Stecmers V.

D. S. Qainter

One of the most popular and best known men in the lumber industry in California is David Staples Painter, manager of the Lumber Division of the Fruit Grower's Supply Co., San Francisco. "Dave",as he is known to his intimates, was born in San Francisco in 1878. His father was a manufacturing chemist and his mother was the daughter of D. J. Staples, president for more than 30 years of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., who adopted him on the death of his father in 1888.

He attended the Clement Grammar School in San Francisco, which was on part of the present site of the Clift Hotel, on Geary Street. In 1892 he went to White's Preparatory School at Oak Grove, now known as Burlingame. Graduating from White's in 1895 he entered Stanford University in the class of '99. After two years at Stanford the desire to enter business caused him to leave, and he started to learn the insurance business with the Fireman's Fund Insurance Co.

When this young man went to McCloud, Calif., on his vacation in May, 1900, he had no intention of leaving the insurance business, but he was offered and accepted a job at, swamping for the Scott & Van Ardsdale Lumber Co., and when his vacation was over he felt sure he knew what he wanted to do, and went to San Francisco to resign his job in the insurance 'business, and returned to McCloud to become a lumberman.

He worked in the woods fora while and early in 1901 was given a job in the Ash Creek sawmill, 15 miles from McCloud, also owned and operated by Scott & Van Arsdale Lumber Co. In this mill he worked on the carriage and later on edging, and in the fall took a job in the McCloud mill as timekeeper.

When the Shevlin-Hixon interests bought out Scott & Van Arsdale in 1903 and incorporated the McCloud River Lumber Co. he was made requisition clerk, and several years later was promoted to purchasing agent. In 1916 he was made assistant general manager of the McCloud River Lumber Co., and after filling that position capably for four years left in 1920 with a record of 20 years' service at McCloud to become manager of the land tax and insurance department of the Fruit Growers Supply Co., in San Francrsco.

In l928.he was appointed assistant to the manager, F. B. Hutchens, of the Lumber Division, and on the retirement of Mr. Hutchens in January, 1931, was made manager.

This concern, a subsidiary of the California Fruit Growers Exchange, a gigantic organization consisting of L2,5n growers of citrus fruits, operates sawmills at Susanville and Hilt, Calif. The Susanville mill has an annual capacity of 200 million feet and the Hilt operation has a capacity of 60 million feet. The cut is California Pondefosa, Sugar Pine and White Fir, and these mills furnish 65 per ceni of the shook requirements of the California Fruit Growers Exchange for packing their "Sunkist" oranges, lemons and grapefruit. The Fruit Growers Supply Co. is the purchasing agent -igt tltg p-arent concern, whose purchases last year exceeded $13,000,000.

Mr. Painter is married and his home is .in San Mateo Park. He has a son, David S., Jr., who is also married and made him a grandfather in May of this year. He has one daughter, Barbara Frances, aged, 12. He is a director of the Western Pine Association, an old timer in the Hoo Hoo

order, a member of the Transportation Club, the Crystal Springs Country Club, and the Monterey Peninsula Country Club. He is Past Master of McCloud Masonic Lodge No.430, F. & A. M.

He is an aviation enthusiast, and probably has flown more miles in 'commercial planes than any lumberman on the. Pacific Coast. For some years past he has made it a rule to fly on every oocasion where he can save time by doing so, and has now spent nearly 100 hours in the air on his various trips. rNot long ago he got a great out of flying from San Francisco to Susanville in a plane owned bya friend, Floyd Hart, of the Timber Products Co., Medford, Ore. This is a regular 15-hour trip by train, and they made it in the 6-passenger Lockheed-Vega in two hours, eight minutes. On this trip Mr. Painter tested his knowledge of the Northern California country by acting as navigator. Just recently he tried out the new Varney Air Lanes service from San to Los Angeles, leaving his office at 9:30 a.m., making the air trip in I hour and 58 minutes each way, spending a full three hours in the company's Los Angeles office and arriving at the airport in Alameda at 6 p.m.


Tentative Program Annual Convention

Millwork lnstitute of Cahfornia, Hotel Oakland

Oakfand California, November 19-20

Thursday, November 19th

11:45 A.M.-Joint Meeting ofM. I. C. Directors with Directors of ealifornia Retail Lumbermen's Ass'n.. Hotel Oakland. P.M.-Annual Meeting Board of Directors, M. I. C.

Friday Morning, November 20th

10:00A.M.-Opening of Cbnvention, President A. W. Bernhauer.

10 :20 A.M.-Treasurer's Report.

1O:30 A.M.-Secretary's Report.

11 :0OA.M.-Appointment of Nominating Committee.

l1:10A.M.-Report of Meeting of Board of Directors.

11:20 A.M.-Election of Officers.

11:3OA.M.-Address: E. L. Norberg, Architect, Chairman of Standards Committee, State Association of California Architects.

12:0ONoon-Luncheon Meeting of newly elected Directors.

Friday Afternoon

2:0O P.M.-Report of meeting of Board of Directors.


Arthur Bevan, secretary-manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, recently visited San Francisco on busiiess for the Bureau on his rvay back from a six weeks' trip to the East and Southwest'

i4r. Bevan reported that stocks of shingles at the mills in the Northwelt are the lowest in history, and that in fact stocks are less than one-third of what they were a year ago. He also said that both prices and the volume of buslness have been increasing since the new program went into effect on SePtember 1.

Eighty-seven per cent of the shingle production in Washineton, Oregon and British Columbia is now signed up to pr6duce "Certified Shingles", and the movement is gaining ground every day, he said.

2:15 P.M.-Report on exhibit of M. I. C. at Convention of State Association of California Architects, Riverside: Wesley Shrimp, Vice President, M. I. C.

2:3OP.M.-Discussion of Schedule Pricing and Certified Architectural Woodwork.

3:00 P.M.-Architect's program for SmallHome Construction: W. I. Garren, Architect.

3:30 P.M.-Contractors License Law: Carlos W. Huntington, Director of the Department of Professional and Vocational Standards. State of California.

4:00 P.M.-Cooperation in the Building Industry: Henry H. Gutterson, Architect.

4:30 P.M.-Address : Geo. M. Cornwall, Editor Timberman.

Friday Evening, November 20th

Joint Banquet, Hotel Oakland: Millwork Institute of California and California Retail Lumber Dealers Association: Entertainment and speakers to be announced later.


Walter Scrim, Los Angeles, United States representative for the Findlay-Millar Timber Co., has returned from a month's business trip in the east. He went east by way of Vancouver, Winnepeg and Toronto, Canada, to New York and on his return trip visited Chicago, St, Louis and other lumber centers in the Middle West.


The Penberthy Lumber Company, Los Angeles, hardwood distributors, announce that effective November 7 they will be located at 2055 East 51st Street. Their new telephone number is Klmball 223O.


7th Floor, Alaska-Commercial Building

310 Sansome Street ' San Francisco


Ancrlo Mill Co- Aberdeen, Wash.

Hoquhm Lmbcr il Shrnab Co, Hoquiam' Wasb.

Witlapa Harbc Lunbcr Milll, Raymond, Wash.

Hulbert Mlll Co., Aberdeen, Wash.

J. A. Lcwis Sbingtc Co. South Bend, Wash'



Humboldt Redwood Co.

Arctic Ctub Bldg. Pettoleum Securities Bldg. SEATTLE LOS ANGELES


Edn Juc Chrbtcnu

Trlnt&d Anni: Chrlatcm

Sudu Edrdn Christcnu

Barbara Catc Catf,qlnc G. Suddm

Dqothv Cahill Elcanor Chrbteuo

Edne ehrLtenron ChuLc ChrLtcm



"And now, my friends", said the egotist, ,,I will address you on the subject, 'Who is the smartest man in this town, and why am I?"'


It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out-it's the grain of sand in your shoe. Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big worth while things.


"The man who gives in when he is wrong", said the great political orator, "is a wise man; but he who gives in when he is right is-"

"Married", intervened a meek voice from the crowd.


My father's favorite saying was: "A successful business man is one who watches the crowd and then goes the other way."-1"6y Rhondda.


When you grow weary of t ts of men that has stood Long patient years

Beneath its branches a silent wood. A thing long lost.


A new system of memory training was being taught in a village school, and the teacher was becoming enthusiastic.

"For instance," he said, "supposing youwant to remember the name of a poet-BobbyBurns? Fix in your mind's eye the picture of a policeman in flames. See? Bobby Burns?"

"Yes, I see", said the bright pupil. "But how is one to know that it does not represent Robert Browning?"


There is no victory without a fight and those that are afraid of that fight are not worthy of the victory.-Statler Salesmanship.


Girl writer who has been introduced to Hollywood motion picture producer, and wants to make an impression: "I just adore Keats".

Hollywood motion picture producer who is doing the best he can under the circumstances:

"Dot's fine. I'm glad to meet a lady vot lofs children".


You go South from Detroit to reach the nearest part of Canada.

As God created t

will find again are content to be No bough that turns Its golden thou ts to autumn ever yearns

Beyond a hi immortality.

Go to a tree silence. You will find In theeloquence of bud and leaf Serenity the voice of grief. And faith bove the reach of human kind.

Man While his noisy days in search of gain find God in sunlight, soil, and rain.


You are one hundred miles farther West when you are in Reno, Nevada, than when you are in Los Angeles, California.

You are farther West when you are in Jacksonville, Florida, than when you are in Cleveland, Ohio.


There are sorne men who at thirty have thirty winters in their hearts; and others at sixty with sixty sumrners in their souls.


Bill Chantland Wins John Olson Cup

tsill Chantland was the winner of the John Olson Cup at the monthly golf tournament of the McCormick Los Angeles office force held at the Westwood Country Club, Los Angeles, on November 7. As he has won the cup twice in succession, he gains the permanent possession of this beautiful trophy which was donated by John Olson, manager of the company's Southern California and Arizona operatiops. Four foursomes took part in the tournament.

Death of Mrs. Thos. S. Foster

Mrs. Thos. S. Foster died at her home in Pasadena, California, Saturday, November 7th, and was buried November 9th in that city. She is survived by one son, Walter B. Fraser, of Dallas, Te*a., and one daugirter,l4tr. E. Campbell, of Beverly Hills, California. She was about 70 years of age.

Mrs. Foster was the widow of the late Thos. S. Foster, of Houston, Texas, for many years one of the leading lumber manufacturers of Texas. Mr. Foster died in 1913, and Mrs. Foster has been making her home in California for the past fiveyears. Her lumber interests were The Walker County Lumber Company and the Foster Lumber Company, sawmill concerns of East Texas, and theTrinity River Lumber Company, a veteran wholesale concern, of Houston. Mrs. Foster was for many years one of the outstanding society women of the Housion district.

Pacific Logging Congress

Paul E. Freydig, logging manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Seattle, was elected president of the Pacific Logging Congress at the twenty-second annual meeting of the Congress, held at the Davenport Hotel, Spokane, October 2l to 23.

E. G. McGregor, Boise-Payette Lumber Co., Boise, Idaho, was elected vice president and Archibald Whisnant, of Portland, was re-elected secretary.

T. E. Jackson, Fruit Growers Supply Co., Susanville, and Gordon Manary, The Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia, were elected to serve on the exectitive committee, representing California, for the coming year, and I. B. Koch, Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., Flagstaff, Ariz., was elected on this committee to represent Arizona.

British Columbia Lumber Exports

British Columbia lumber exports this year are reported to represent about 3O per cent of the saw-mill cut compared with about 8 per cent of the cut during 1930, states a telegram from Trade Commissioner E. G. Babbitt at Vancouver to the Lumber Division of the Department oi Commerce.

Total waterborne lumber exports from British Columbia, including Vancouver Island, during the first eight month period of this year, decreased 20 per cent under the same period of 1930. British Columbia lumber mills are reported to be operating at 40 per cent of normal.

Chromium Pl ated

HIGH SPEED STEEL KNIVES Give 30 Per Cent More Service

SIMONDS Chromium Plated "Red Strcak" High Spoed Stcel Knivee hold a keen-cutting edge ro much longer that ehope onee tryilg them find thera ro economical that they cannot afrord to ute atry otherr. Order a ret now. Give complete rpeciGcetiolr.


Thir ir a Sirnondr Lnife which her proved mort ratirfactory in plantr requiring a thick knifc. It givce much longcr rervicc than the ordinary carbon eteel knife. ArL about it.

"Red" Wood ?t Jays;

ttTherets a fence and a gate badly in need of repair right in your block. Fix it-improve the property with REDWOOD".

SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO. 4lXl Eart Third Strcet, Lor Angelee 228 Firtt Street, San Fr:aacirco
INI(IN LUMBER C(l. OFFICES SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES Crocker Building Lane Momgage Bldg. Phone SUtter 6170 Phone TRjnlty 2262 ,"* u'I'r:?.rro',,i" M ember Calif ornia Reduood Association CATIF(lRilIT REDT(IOD UNION

Shevlin Mills Ship Solid Train of 1sl Cars from Bend and McCloud

Section of the l5l-car pine lumber special photographed at Bieber, Calif., Nov. 10.-The driving of a golden spike here today marked the completion of the California connection of the Western Pacific and Great Northern Railvrays, accomplished by the extension of the Western Pacific from its main line at Keddie, Calif., a distance of. ll2 miles and the extension of the Great Northern from Klamath Falls, Ore., a distance of 91 miles.

The spike-driving celebration was attended by a large aggregation of persons including prominent railroad executives from several states, who had traveled from distant points to witness an event which marks the completion of a new and competitive all rail route between California and its sister states of the Rockies.

Immediately after the ceremony a solid train of 151 cars loaded with Shevlin pine lumber from the forests of northern California and southern Oregon rolled over the rails of the new line, being the first movement of freight over the new route from the north.

The train comprised 76 carc loaded by the McCloud River Lumber Company at McCloud and hauled over the line of the McCloud River Railroad to Lookout, a junction point on the new rail extension, and 75 cars from the mills of the Shevlin-Hixon Company at Bend, Ore.

IDo Tou Know That

Redwood Piling ir now rpecificd on m.ny State, Countyr and other jobs?

BECAUSE it ir lower in pricc than other piling, larting qualitiee conridercd. It ic a California product. 'We rcll it to lumber yatds at pricec which enablc them to meet competition.



112 Market Street San Francisco

Portland Oftce, American Ban& Bldg.

At Keddie the train will divide into two sections, a portion being diverted for distribution throughout California, and the majority of the shipment proceeding east over the Western Pacific to Salt Lake City, and thence by the Denver and Rio Grande Western and its eastern Colorado connections to nearly every state in the Union north of the Ohio River.

Construction of this line opens up a new outlet for California lumber, it was stated by D. M. Swobe, president of the McCloud River Railroad.

Arnong the railroad officials participating in the celebration were: Arthur Curtiss James, chairman of the board of directors, Western Pacific; Thomas M. Schumacher, chairman of the executive committee and Harry M. Adams, president, Western Pacific; Ralph Budd, president, Great Northern; J. S. Pyeatt, president, Denver and Rio Grande Western; F. E. Williamson, president, Burlington Railroad; J. Cannon, vice-president, Missouri Pacific; Fred B. Houghton, vice-president, Santa Fe System and others.

The golden spike used in the ceremony was presented by the citizens of Oroville, Calif., the precious metal coming from former historic and present-day mines, located along the trails of.'49 in the vicinity of Oroville. 6 *neeb soue you

McClouil, California, iust before departure lor Lookout.

What an Uncle I I

(Editorial from Chicago Daily Tribune, Octobeb 23, l93l>

Citizens find in their mail post cards on which they read: Department of Commerce, Office of the Secretary, Washington.

National Committee on Wood Utilization: Furniture. Its Selection and Use, isa new government booklet which should help you to solve your home furnishing problems.

It's crammed full of interesting facts about styles, design, and coqstruction, and shows you how to get the best values for your money-as well as how to make your home attractive.

It's beautifully illustrated.

Price 20 Cents a copy.

P. S.-Sold by Superintendent of Documents, Washington, or by district offices of Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in principal cities.

Citizens also find in their mail a handbill with a picture of Uncle Sam holding out a chair and advising "Let lJncle Sam help you when you select your furniture."

What a man. What an uncle. He cherishes his people. He is with them when they get up. He is around the house at night. He is in the kitchen and the basement. He is getting a nose like an anteater's and it is everywhere. He is water boy and medicine man. He sells coffee and he buys wheat. He digs up barberry bushes. He cuts weeds and takes mortgages on crops. Ife chases fruit flies and slops around in the cow barn. He feels the pulse, teaches kindergarten, censors books, and runs the custom houses to prevent card games.

If you want a kitchen table, a set of false teeth, some nasturtium seeds, a teething ring, a bit of cash, or another baby, ask your Uncle Sam. He is going loco-and broke.

Requests for Special Credit Reports Show Increase

Chicago, November 1.-Indicating continued caution, requests received by the Blue Book service for special credit reports during October exceeded by about 20 per cent those handled for the month in 1930, the special statement from the National Lumber Credit Corporation for the November issue of The Lumber Market says. Claims placed for collection exceeded by 50 per cent those received during the month last year, though the average claim amounted to 10 per cent less. Collections are about the same as a year ago.

lusiness troubles reported show bankruptcies 21 as agfinst 16 last year; reieiverships 15 against-14; 4 creditors' committees appointed against 6 a year ago; 2 composition settlements against 3; extensions 3 against 4, and 6 assignments against 1 in October 1930.

\Telcome Mr. When at the Convention Visit the Display Rooms and Factory of the BUILT.IN FIXTURE COMPANY 2608 San Pablo Ave. BERKELEY SEE HOW CBRTIFIED PRODUCTS Reta ile r GUARANTEED QUALITY IS MADE QUA] Phone THornwall 0620 for an Automobile We Carry a complete stock of both kiln dried and air dried PORT ORFOruD GEIDAN I*t us take care of your orders with our ttSpeedy Servicett J. f. lll60lNs tuMBtR 00. SAN FRANCISCO

Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf

Al Muller Wins Low GrossPrize. Lee Noack Low Net Winner.

Al Muller, San Gabriel Lumber Co., San Gabriel, with a score of 79, was the winner of the low gross prize, The Frank Burnaby Cup, at the Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the San Gabriel Country Club, San Gabriel, Calif., on Friday, October 30. Lee Noack, The California Cabinet Co., Culver City, was the r,vinner of the low net prize, "The California Lumber Merchant" Cup.

The winners of the flight events were as follows: First Flight-first prize, A. Ingvoldstad; second prize, Gus Hoover. Second Flight-first prize, Walter Best; second prize, Henry Pries. Third Flight-first prize, Curtis Merryman; second prize, A. B. MacAlpine. Fourth Flight -first prize, Bill Morrison; second prize, E. E. Schmidt.

Following the dinner whichwas served at the Club House at 6:30 p.m. the prizes were awarded to the winners

of the various events. The committee that arranged for the tournament included Harry V. Hanson, chairman; Don Philips, Kenneth Smith and Ed. Martin. The tournament was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club. The following played in the tournament: H. J. Hayward, A. Ingvoldstad, F. P. Baugh, Howell Baker, Al Holivet, E. McDougal, Al Muller, C. F. Reeder, Max Landram, Gene DeArmond, Henry Pries, L. Muller, James Prentice, Walter lfarris,"Pick" Maule, Bill Chantland, C. M. Freeland, "C"ppy" Slade, Don Doud, Art Penberthy, T. B. Lawrence, Walter Best, G. C. Hoyt, Bill Morrison, G. M. Keller, Tom Dant, C. B. Lyons, D. E. Liggett, N. E. Lentz, E. Steffenson, E. E. Schmidt, Lee Noack, Harvey Bowles, John Olson, Ed Culnan, Roy Stanton, Paul Hill, Earl Heber, Gus Hoover, Curtis Merryman, Ed. Seward, Earl Jameson, A. B. MacAlpine, Bill Vanderwood, Don Philips, Paul Orban, Cliff Bergstrom, Frank Hilliard, H. Stiebel, Ted Wright and Ed. Martin.

Long-Bell Pays Bonds Belore MaturitySells Railroad

Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27.-The Long-Bell Lumber Co.'s gold note issue of three and one-fourth million dollars, maturing December 1, which was paid off recently, several weeks before maturity, came about through the sale of the Longview railroad to a syndicate of Northwest railroads at a price of four and one-fourth million dollars. This purchase by the Union Pacific, Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Milwaukee rounds out a period in the development of Longview, Wash.

It is nearly two years since the sale of the railroad lvas agreed upon but the approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission had to be obtained, which was preceded by long formal hearings, in Longview and Washington. Permission was finally granted by the Commission and only a few details now remain before formal transfer is made to the purchasers.

The railroad was built in 1924 by the promoters of Long- view. A city depot was supplied, together with rail terminals and a complete 3o-mile railroad. When the city was developed the railroads were unwilling to risk any money laying out track in what was then apple orchards and open fields, nor to build a logging line connecting the Longview mills, then only projected with the actual logging center of the Long-Bell company at Ryderwood, 30 miles up the Cowlitz river.

When the success of Longview became assured and it was destined to become an important freight originating point, with the Long-Bell operations augmented by mills erected by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. and other independent companies, then the railroads were anxious and ready to take over the transportation work.

Consequent negotiations resulted in the recent sale and the maturing of gold note issue.

SHAW BENTRADT LUMBEN CO. Maaufaclwqt of Soft Texture - Old Gnowth KLAMATH SOFT PINE Dry Kilnr Pbuiag Mill Bor Shoolr ' eud Mouldiag Frctorict Ddly crprcity 35qll00 Ft. CLEARS, SELECTS and FACTORY GRADES OURSPECIALTY Klamat[ Falb Orcgeo J. R. HA]IIFY G|l. M dnuf aclurers - W holesslers DOUGLAS FIR - REDWOOD . SPRI.rcE Rail and Cargo 24 Market Street - San Francirco Lor Angclcr Oficc Portlrnd OEcc 522 Ccatrrl Bldg. Ancrican BrnL Bldg.

Sales Building Literature Gains Wide Distribution

A wide-spread dealer demand for sales building literature prepared by Southern Oak Flooring Industries and distribu,ted free and in quantities, is reported by Ralph E. Hill, secretary-manager of the SOFI group, composed of Arkansas Oak Flooring Company, E. L. Bruce Company, Crossett Lumber Company, Dierks Lumber & Coal Company, Fordyce Lumber Company, Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation, Mem,phis Hardwood Flooring Company, Nashville Hardwood Flooring Company, Perfection Oak Flooring Company, and Southern Pine Lumber Company.

Mr. Hill attributes this demand to an awakening of

home-building and particularly home-im nome-Durlcllng partrcularly home-tmprovement lnterest, to a determined effort on the part of lumber dealers to further stimulate this interest, and to the nature of the SOFI literature.

"SOFI sales buildings consist of six pieces of timely, interesting and informative literature", he explained, "and dealing with all practical uses of oak flooring, enable a dealer to reach every class of oak flooring prospects in his communitv."

Mr. Hiti said that the ptan most dealers are following is to use the SOFI literature in connection with direct-to-thepoint sales letters emphasizing the fact that modern, enduring hardwood floors of oak can be had now at prices lower than at any time since theWorld War; and, by actual figures, showing that an oak floor can be laid right over an old floor, and waxed and polished, for less than the cost of a good domestic rug. These letters .are followed up systematically by personal contact.

"There are many home owners in almost every commu- nity," Mr. Hill said, "who will spend so-e*on6y for oak floors when the facts have been properly presented. SOFI li'terature brings out the advantages and economy of oak floors in an interesting and ,convincing manner, making it easier for the dealer to establish personal ,contact and get the order.

"By this plan, dealers not only are uncovering profitable flooring business in old homes, but also, it frequently follows that once a home owner has become interested to the extent of 'doing over' a room or two with oak floors, it is a comparatively easy matter forthe dealer to sell him a complete remodeling job.

"Furthermore, entirely new outlets for oak flooring are being developed, because SOFI literature and the dealers are Jhowing the people that oak floors not only are practical for homes, but also for industrial plants and factories, warehouses, hospitals, office and institutional buildings, stores, over concrete floors and other places where oak flooring has not been used heretofore.



FLOORS is a new 40-page, pocket-size work manual of last-minute instructions ind ipecifications and. so far as we know, is the only one of its klnd that has been published It tells, in an interesting and understandable way, everything a dealer's customer should know about oak flooring from the construction of the sub-floors to the laying, finishing and maintaining of the oak floors. Dealers should place a" copy of this manual before every architect, ,contractor, realtor build' er, floor layer, home owner, building manager, plant superintendent and interior decorator on his mailing list.

"NEW SOFI GRADING RULES are published in a 6page folder,'carefully explaining this SOFI feature which has brought about one of the greatest improvements in oak flooring in the history of the industry. The folder alSo contains other valuable information about bundling, lineal measurements, standard sizes, how to compute the flooring needed for a given floor area, and the rules governing procedure in re-inspection.

"Every dealer should have a good supply of each of the three following folders for enclosing with sales letters, monthly statements, quotations, and for general distribution: "Smile-Away Hours", "Guests for Dinner, Mary", and "The Loveliest Oak Floors of All". The titles and illustrations are quick to interest all home lovers, and the text matter is equally appealing.

"The sixth piece in the SOFI series of sales building literature is a beautiful, silver and brown book, "SOFI Floors for Home Beauty". It is profusely illustrated with views setting forth the beauty of hardwood floors of oak in all kinds of rooms and buildings. The text clearly brings out the ease and economy with which oak floors can be installed and maintained in every home, old ornew. It also devotes several ,pages to the value of oak floors in office and institutional buildings. This book will be mailed free by Southern Oak Flooring Industries to a list of prospects furnished by the lumber dealer.

"Dealers desiring SOFI oak flooring literature to help stimulate fall and winter business should send their requests to Southern Oak Flooring Industries, Boyle Building, Little Rock, Arkansas."


Henry T. Alzina, of the Mission Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, has purchased the.interest of his partner, Wayne B. Gettys, in the company.


John C. Light, Norman-Light Lumber Co., Miami, Ariz., and President of the Arizona Lumbermen's Club, was a recent Santa Barbara visitor where he spent a few weeks. Following his stay at Santa Barbara, he spent a few days in Los Angeles and before returning to Arizona planned to spend a few weeks at El Centro and San Diego.

CARGO AND RAIL SHIPPERS PROMPT SHIPMENT McKa:r & Co. Saler Oftce Mill 311 Califomia SL Eureke, California San Francirco Hurrboldt Courty Phone KEarny O388

Orange County Lumbermen's Club Hold Annual Meeting

Ernest Ganahl, lC""abldrimm Lumber Co., Anaheim, was elected presiddgg/f the Orange County Lumbermen's Club at its annual rieeting held at the Santa Ana Country Club, Santa Ana, Calif., on Tuesday evening, November 1O. L. M. Pearson, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Santa Ana, was reelected treasurer. The following directors were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Richard Nelson, Buena Park Lumber Co., Buena Park; Joe Jahraus, Laguna Beach Lumber Co., Inc., Laguna Beach; Charles Chapman, C. H. Chapman Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Guy Tyler, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Grey Skidmore, Skidmor'e-Bowers Lumber Co., Downey I Ernest Ganahl, Ganahl-Grim Lumber Co., Anaheim, and John Strickland, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Fullerton.

Following the dinner, President H. M. Adams, AdamsBowers Lumber Co., presided over the business session. H. A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co., Garden Grove, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association; Frank Curran, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Hal Baly, Consolidated Lumber Co., Los Angeles; J. C. Jenkins, San Pedro Lumber Co., Los Angeles; N. McBeth, Riverside Portland Cement Co., and Ed. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant," Los Angeles, made short talks. J.Holtby Myer, secretary-manager ofthe Mutual Building & Loan Association, Los Angeles, was the speaker of the evening and gave an informative talk on building and loan activities and building conditions. President Adams appointed C. G.Ward, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana, and Maurice Phillips, C. H. Chapman Lumber Co., Santa Ana, to serve as the auditing committee. The financial report which was read by President Adams showed the Club to be in good financial condition. Nearly one hundred attended the meeting.

One of the features of the meeting was the golf tournament held at the Santa Ana Country Club during the afternoon in which forty participated. At the evening meeting Verne Whitson announced the winners of the various events which follows: Orange County Lumbermen's Club Cup, D. E. Liggett, Liggett Lumber Co., Santa Ana;Low Gross, $5.00 money order donated by the Hipolito Company, N. McBeth, Los Angeles; First Low Net, half dozen golf balls donated by the Club, Chas. Lyons, Hammond Lumber Co.,

Los Angeles; Second Low Net, pair of golf stocking: donated by the Southwestern Portland Cement Co.,- Harry Westovir, Santa Ana;First Flight, cigar lighter donated by Johns-Manville, D. E. Liggett; Second Fligh_t,_half dirzdn golf balls donated by the California Door Co., Walter Spicer, Bay Districvt Lumber Co., Newpo$; -Third-Flight, fiist prize,-three golf balls donated by the Club, R. 9. Jott"stoni Hammond-Lumber Co., Los Angeles;,s-econd priTe-, threi golf balls donated by the Club, W. H. Wright, Smith Lumbir Co., Anaheim; booby prize, box of cigars donated by the Consolidated Lumber Cq., H. F. Moore, -Brown.& Dauser Co., Brea. Verne Whitson acted as the official starter of the tournament.

The arrangements committee for the meeling- included: O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; D. E. Ligget-t, R. E. Emison. Santa Ana Lumber Co., Santa Ana; H. G. Merrill, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Anaheim, and C. H. Chapman, Santa Ana.

West Coast Asg'n tVill Develop

Domestic Market for Sitka Spruce

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association has appointed a committee to work out and submit plans for developing a domestic market for Sitka Spruce, one of the most valuable of American special softwoods. The committee is composed of W. B. Greeley, Chester J. Hogue, and J. P. Keating.


John P. Hemphill, general manager of the Madera Sugar Pine Co., Madela, recently flew from Fresno to Portland and back in order to save time on his trip to Spokane to attend the Pacific Logging Congress, held in that city October 2L to 23.

Mr. Hemphill has done considerable traveling by air, and is one of the few lumbermen who has made a round trip by air from the Pacific Coast to New York.

CEDAR SPRUCE PANELS vooEs coAclr w.,^t ^lggPER t UM 8J1,9,0. FIO"O"flTM BOATG

This column of .,wants,, #t'

iiilits,, is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buv

The F'ellow Who Wantri to SelI

The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: 82.50 per eolurnn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired FOR SALE

Planing MiLl Machinery fo,r sale. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.


Experienced manager of retail yard, age 32, wants position. Last three years managing for chain yard concern. Also interested in wholesale selling. Address Box C-414, care California Lumber Merchant.


Wanted: Experienced Burroughs Machine Bookkeeper for a retail lumber yard in Northern California, town of 300O people. Steady employment. Answer to this magazine if you qualify. Box C-415, California Lumber Merchant.


Several years' experience Los Angeles lumber industry. Credit, Collections, Books, Properties. Have auto. Honest, reliable and hard worker. Good references; will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-416, California Lumber Merchant.


Wanted-A good lumber yard in exchange forfirst class Long Beach real estate. P.O. Box 36, Sierra Madre, California.


"Only the Piston movestt

Yz to 2-tnch Drilling Capacity

W"ights 10 to 20 lbs.

Priced at tlOO andup.

Electr{c Drlle, Alt Stzee

Portable Grlnderc and Bench Tlper

Goncrete Surfaccm

Strand Fledble thatts and Equtpncrrt

Efcccrfc Hand Sawr

Sandere Pollehere . Bullerc

If a job can be done with an eleccic i66l-1ys have it.



The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly recei"it g applications, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concer;. - Most of these have had previous lumber e:rperience.

W!tg" you qre in ne-ed of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get t{re habit of calling us lrst and giving us an opportunity to be of servile to you as well as to those needing employment? There is no charge with this service, to employer or employee.

3O8 East 3rd Sc Mutud 7508
Angeler TOOLS


I HERE is a sentiment about oak flooring surpassing any other floor material. It is a sentiment that has developed through generations to make oak floors the standard by which all floors are judged. No wonder, then, that oak flooring is one home building material a family naturally chooses-for its intrinsic value, to be sure; but most important, for the charm it adds to the home.



Efeaioe dealer selling eids in oa? se?rttcc inclsde literatare in cohr, slides and dcaler csts. Ve utoald likc for yr to see for yoarself boat ueful tbcX uould bc to 1ot-jast urite for tben. LONG-BELL LUMBER SALES CORPORATION A. LONG BLDG. CITY, MO. Lambermen since t875 Lonr.Bcll oak dooring bears, in addition to itr own name, the emblem--€OFl-the bmnd of Southern Oak Flooring Industrieo, an aseociation to promote fine dooring through advertising, reeearch and co-operation with retail lumber deal, er!, aschitect., contractore andindividul builderr

1o"". T10tte




o As a rnatter of fact these Thatch-Lock shingles fit perfectly into the low price rnarket. They open sales possibilities in arr €rrtirely new field for Weaver-Henry dealers. And since we have introduced thern they have been sensational sellers.

. . ftts pretty hard to sell these roofers, contractors, and builders on irnitations of Weaver-Henry shingles. They recognize the cornplirnent and stick to the Weaver - Henry brand, How do we know ? Sales, old fellow, sales!

'lVlth "ll its attractiveness th" Th.tclatock
o{its sturdiness J ) so inherentinatl

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