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Herers a NE\f story to tell
LINTKOTE dealers who are "bearing down hardt'on the distinctive beauty of Forestry Blend Colors are finding ready Iisteners and active buyers.
They are featuring this exclusive product because it is easy to sell. And it is easy to sell because it has far more beauty, far more individuality than any other type of shingle coloring on the market. Soft, natural tones of red, green and blue, drift in sweeping blends of color across the surface of the entire roof . . . a totally new effect that may be used successfully on any type of home finished in any combination of colors.
Forescy Blend Colors are yous to talk about . yours to sell. Vhen you feature them, you are putting your efforts behind an exclusive product. You are creating business that is removed from comPetitive conditions in your territory. The rainy season is just ahead. Plan an intensive drive to bring in Forestry Blend business, NOW!