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Lumberman With Management And Executive Ability Open For Position
California lumberman rvith executive ability arrd with lifteen years practical experience in the loggir:g, mill, wholesale and retail ends of the business is open for a position with a progressive lumber company where responsibility and initiative is essential. Position must have good future prospects. At present employed and for the past ten years has been manager and sales manager of large metropolitan wholesale and retail yard in California. Extensive acquaintanceship with lumber executives, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers on the Pacific Coast. Will consider going to Orient, Central or South Ainerrcan countries. Ad-diess Box C-458, Care California tumber Merchant.
Wants To Purchase
Want to make bonnection rvith Portable Saw Nlill in Southern California for the purchase of complete output of lumber, from 10,000 to 15,000 feet of lumber per day. Address California Lumber Merchant, I3ox c-459.
Experienced Office Man Wants Position
Young man with several years' experience in Los Angeles lumber office rvants position. Expert stenographer and typist and familiar with all branches of oftice work. 27 1'ears of age. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-460, The California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
As branch yard manager of assistant manager, by married man 39 years of age, 3 years as bookkeeper in bank;9 -vears branch yard manager in middlewest, 6 years local experience, farniliar with all office details. Can take materibl lists fronr blue prints; good at selling and collecting; alrvays able to get a profit. Local references given. Want to connect with progressive concern. Write Box C-461, California Lumber Merchant.
Millwork Superintendent And Draftsman
Nlight invest in good plant; estintator; 20 years' experience; 10 years superintendent. Can contact architects and contractors ; age 37. Address lfox C-462, California Lumber Merchant.
Retailers' Annual Convention
(Continued f
A. A. Maas, The Lumber & Builders Supplv Co. . Encinitas
Val B. Nygaarcl, lJlue Dianron<l Co., Ltd. Los Angeles
A. J. Nolan, The Pacific Lbr. Co. . San Francisco
Frank J. O'Connor, Calif. Wholesale l,umber Assn.. ...SanFrancisco
Paul E. Overend ....Sacramento
S. L. Pan'ser., Celotex ComPany-,'fhe . Los Angeles
J. H. Peterson, \!'est-King-Peterson Lutnlter Co, .San Diego
H. P. Plummer, Union Lumber Companl'. San Francisco
C. A. Pontius, Haurmond Lun.rl>er Co.. Riverside
Mrs. C. A. Pontius Riverside
A. Price, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.........Los Angelcs li. Dean Prescott, Vallel'Lunrber Co.... ....Irresno
Mrs. F. Dean Prescott... .....Iiresncr
I.-. K. Peil, San Joaquin Lumberrnen's Club ..Fresno
NIrs. Ii. K. Peil Fresno
J. E. Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin ct Co.. San Francisco
Sarn J. I'iercr', Johns-I'Ianville, Inc. .San Francisco
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lurnber Co.. San F-rancisco
Ii. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co.... .Auburn
W. F. Ilugg. Shattuck-Ilugg Lurnber Co.. ..Upland
Mrs. \\r. F. Rugg Upland
S. P. Ross. Ccntral Lun-rber Co. Handforcl
E. P. Ruth, Reedlc,r' Lunrber Cr-,. .. ..Reedler' l3ill Sampson, Sampson Co. Pasadena
Roy L. Sandefur, Dill Luml>el Co. . .....Arlington
\,'Irs. H. Spaulding Hernet
L. C. Sruull. Rilerside Ccurcut Co. .I-os Angele-. Fred Schaer, Pioncer Pape r Courpan,r' San Diego
>m Page 29)
H. H. Spaulding, H. H. Spaulding ....Hemet
I-. A. Sterett, Millwork Institute of California......Fresno
I)an Strite, Hammond Lumber Co. . Los Angeles
Mrs. Dan Strite Los Angeles
Walter S. Spicer, Newport lleach Lbr. Co...Nervport Iliach
E. Steffensen, Orange County l.rrmbermen's Club Santa Ana
Il. If. Servarcl, Doll>eer-Carson Lnmber Co.. Los Angeles
Virgil G. Schoeneman, Citizens' Lbr. Co. .. ..Selma
X{rs. Marguerite Schoeneman ...Selma
A. T. Show Los Angeles
KennethSmith LosAngeles
A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle Lurnber Co.. West Los Angeles
Mrs. A. J. Stoner ...West Los Angeles
Jerry Sullivan, Sr., Western Lurnber Co.........San Diego
Jerry Sullivan, Jr.,'Western Lumber Co........ .San Diego
Jas. A. Stapleton, Weyerhaeuser Salcs Co...San Francisco
H. II. Shattuck. Shattuck I-unrl>cr Co.... ..Ontario
NIrs. H. M. Shattuck .....Ontario
Frederick L. Sayre, Sterling Lnmber Co.........Oakland
Mrs. F. L. Sayre Oakland
I-. S. Turnbull, Shevlin Pine Sales Co.... .....Los Angeles
H. F. Vincent, E. K. Wood Lumber Co. San Francisco
J. tr. Wright, Brel'-Wright Lumber Co.. .Porterville
N. \\:hitacre, N. \Vhitacre & Son E. Los Angeles trfrs. Whitacre .. ..Los Angeles
Stnart Work, T. A. Work Lumber Co. Nlonterey
I:red A. \\ritmer, Ilonterey Lurnbermen's Club . ....Pacific Grove
A. D. White, Inlanrl Iimpire Institute Ontario
H. I.l. Whittcrnorc, IJcnson T,umbcr Co. San Diego
W, T. Wallacr:, ll:rrnrrrourl ],unrlrt.r ('r,.. .. .Sarr Iirancisco
C. G. Ward, ljarr Lnmber Co. .. ..Santa Ana
'We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the lcind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
Also a Complete Line of Pressed W ood Mouldings SEND